
Contrary to popular belief, often during spiritual awakening our intuition temporarily gets worse, not better (which, let’s be honest, can make an already confusing experience a whole lot more difficult).

​In fact, after years of working with spiritually awakening clients, I’ve consistently found that the third eye chakra of those who are awakening (or energy sensitive) generally falls into one of two categories. It’s either:

  • Highly overactive (making the intuitive connection unstable) OR
  • Mostly or completely inactive (making the intuitive connection absent)

​Why? Because when spiritual awakening occurs, we are blasted with incredibly high frequency energy designed to unblock the chakras and reconnect us to Source for enlightenment.

Unfortunately, it is this same process that either entirely overstimulates the third eye chakra, resulting in intuitive guidance and insights that are sketchy, confusing, prone to change, unreliable and sometimes downright wrong – or worse, causes the third eye to completely shut down in a protective mechanism, ensuring we get no intuitive help at all.

​But, when we appropriately balance our third eye chakra our intuition is transmuted – we find that we can openly receive the spiritual guidance we long for, while also being grounded enough in this chakra to anchor the guidance, ensuring it is clear and trustworthy (its the groundedness that brings in accuracy).

This is the inner knowing that finally (thankfully) kicks in to guide us forward in our lives and awakening journey – it’s the energy that leads us to our destiny and keeps us on the pathway of alignment, ensuring that we are guided not only to where we need to be, but to the higher vibrational life we’ve been waiting for!

If you’re feeling like your intuitive guidance constantly changes on you, turns out to be incorrect (despite feeling so sure), is difficult to access or worse, completely blocked, your third eye chakra is in urgent need of attention.

​So what can we do about it? Fret not my intuitive friend – we’ve got a tried and true 4 step method to opening your third eye for clear intuition and deeper spiritual guidance – now:

Here are the 4 Steps To Opening Your Third Eye For Clear Intuition:


STEP 1: Regulate the flow of high frequency spiritual awakening energies

Notice that we recommend regulating the awakening energies, rather than solely reducing or activating the Third Eye chakra itself since the chakra is not the true cause of the imbalance and adjusting either could lead to an imbalance in the other (which is often why imbalances in this chakra become a chronic back and forth of each extreme).

When we regulate the awakening energies that are flowing up the spine and through the Third Eye, we find that reducing the intensity halts the negative reaction in either direction and allows the chakra to balance itself naturally.

STEP 2: Release the fear of psychic sight

The most common block of the Third Eye chakra is the fear of what we might ‘see’. Sometimes it’s the fear of being faced with the unknown, or the responsibility that comes with the gift, or the natural trepidation that all light workers have; that we’ll be ridiculed, judged or harmed for our gift.

These fears congest and stifle the Third Eye chakra, often causing our intuitive insights to be hazy at best and entirely absent at worst.

STEP 3: Ground the indigo chakra

Chakras are sensitive – especially in those who are going through spiritual awakening, and that means that all manner of different things can aggravate our energies and cause imbalance; other people’s energies, moods, feelings, the ‘vibe’ of a room or space, the use of essential oils, incense, crystals or even practicing energy movement techniques like yoga. And unfortunately, once these chakras are overactive, use of any of the above (which is the commonly recommended practice) will unfortunately only serve to make the chakra more hyper.

Instead we need to ground, ground, ground the indigo chakra, which most people will assume would dampen its intuitive capabilities – instead, it allows the wisdom of the mind to enter, bringing stability, calm and rationale. In doing so, we blend the intelligence of the mind with the psychic perception of the Third Eye, improving our decision making and leading us to walk firmly in both the 3D and 5D worlds concurrently.

STEP 4: Awaken the Third Eye chakra with energy healing

Generally, by the time the previous steps are completed, the Third Eye is usually active and well balanced, but I know that most of you spiritually minded folks will want to activate it to the highest level possible (while still maintaining balance) and rightly so!

You can activate it with energy healing – you don’t need essential oils, incense, crystals, long meditative practices or ceremonies (in fact, they will often imbalance the chakra once more, resulting in inaccuracies).

The benefit to activating your Third Eye with energy healing is that it can be adjusted to levels that are appropriate for you as a unique energetic individual. Activating in any other way involves a ‘universal’ approach that does not honour the sensitivities and complexities of each person’s energies. Energy healing activation ensures it is tailored to you, your unique Third Eye chakra and your awakening.

For many, I’ve found that simply balancing the awakening energies in the first step can be enough to allow the psychic center to work effectively, BUT, if you want to really grow spiritually and gain all the insight and wisdom available, it’s definitely worth clearing all other possible limits to the power of this ability, allowing it to work at its peak once more.

​Ditch the ‘see-saw’ results of constantly trying to balance this highly powerful chakra – use energy healing to complete the above steps in a way that is truly complimentary to your energy system and watch your intuitive senses soar!

​Do you resonate with this? Are YOU ready to begin right now? Check out our ‘The Third Eye Indigo Awakening’ that you can use repeatedly throughout your awakening to awaken & balance your third eye chakra, clear fear & blocks, and enhance your intuition & spiritual guidance to see the world through your spiritual eyes!


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