Ascended Master St Columba Life Purpose Energy Healing Meditation


Invoke Ascended Master St Columba To Guide Your Life Purpose Path With Strength, Power & Passion

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How My Spirit Guides Introduced Me To The Ascended Master, St Columba

I found St Columba, or, more accurately St Columba found me, after a recent synchronistic string of events that led me to his sacred place of worship, hidden in the Scottish highlands. For a while now my Spirit Guides have been urging me to take the next step in the energy healing work I do here at Spiritual Awakening Signs. I know when they are encouraging me to reach a new vibrational level because not only do I get a feeling – an intuitive sense within – but the power of their magnetism causes situations to unfold and coincidences to occur that not only still surprise and amaze me to this day, but they lead the way so clearly (this can happen for you too, when you purposely invoke the help – don’t worry, I’ll explain how in the article).

In an effort to quieten my mind and hear my Guides more clearly, I headed for a relaxing break in the beautiful Scottish highlands. Once there, I began to sense a geographical pull to a very particular place – St Columba’s cave. This is the mystical cave where the Irish missionary, St Columba lived for a time on his pilgrimage to bring divine love and light to Scotland back in the 6th Century.


A Visit To His Ancient Spiritual Cave, Hidden In The Scottish Highlands

St Columba Cave PathwayI didn’t know much about St Columba at all, but my Guides ALWAYS lead me to something positive and I trust them wholeheartedly, so I packed up my car and set off to find St Columba’s cave. Once there, in the quiet rock cavern, sheltered from the rain, I found a stone alter covered in coins, pebbles from the Loch’s shore outside, and other offerings that people had set down in gratitude. As I did that, a big orb of white light energy flashed in front of me like a spark, and I knew then that not only was there a LOT of energetic activity in the cave (and that it was of a very high vibration) but that St Columba was already waiting for us there, and I knew what the Guides wanted me to do.

I took a moment to tune in to his energy and began recording, and almost immediately, high frequency energy healing and important messages and guidance for those of us on the spiritual pathway began to flow through in a DIRECT energy healing session from St Columba himself, to help us on our spiritual life purpose. How exciting! To be granted these activations from a true ascended master was so humbling. I’ll remember this special moment always.



New Advanced Level Energy Healing Upgrades To Support Light Workers Like Us

The message given was that those of us on a spiritual pathway have incarnated at this present time in order to help uplift the Earth and its inhabitants to shift into a higher, more positive vibration (5D), but it can be really difficult for us to align with that life purpose in the density of Gaia’s vibration and the chaos and conflict here. We need help and assistance to be able to fulfill our mission (which is also our greatest joy) and to remain strong under these challenging circumstances and so, my Guides are arranging energetic transactions with potent energy points and higher level beings at sacred sites, where I can channel the ascended masters’ healing, teachings and activations to you. It begins with this first installment, working with St Columba, and allowing him to assist us in fulfilling our Life Purpose.

St Columba can assist YOU in fulfilling your life purpose

And, as proven by my own experience, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know who he is or have never heard of him. He finds a way to YOU personally, showing up when you need him, imbuing your auric field with STRENGTH, PASSION and PURPOSE; the 3 necessary components of fulfilling your soul mission. (The advanced level energy healing we recorded in the cave is now available! Details at the end of the article.)


Who Was St Columba?

St Columba was an Irish Christian missionary who fulfilled a very important life purpose when he travelled all over Scotland, bringing love, light and even education at a very dark time in 6th Century Britain. He founded many monasteries (including Iona Abbey, which STILL exists today on a small island off of the coast of Scotland) and was considered to be a striking and strong figure – historically revered as a warrior saint that was often invoked in battle for victory,

“O Columbus, hope of the Scots.”

Including, legend suggests, Robert the Bruce’s famous historic Battle of Bannockburn in the 14th century.

Columba was a powerful and influential orator, and this valuable speaking skill helped him share his message, wisdom and knowledge in a way that captivated his audience and inspired them to listen – which is often an important characteristic that we are required to learn and develop as light workers on a similar path (and why he is so beneficial to invoke).


Columba’s Dark Night Of The Soul

However, it wasn’t all sunshine, and like many brave spiritual leaders before us, the path is not always easy. We are often faced with struggle and adversity in our calling, and St Columba was no exception. Contentious conflict arose when Columba copied a hallowed text. This resulted in quarrel, hostility, and where the rights of sanctuary were defied, death. Thankfully, excommunication and exile were avoided when the respected ‘Prophet of Ireland’ interceded and he was exonerated.

Despite this acquittal, he was so filled with regret and remorse for his actions and the deaths it had ultimately caused that he left Ireland and traveled to Kintyre, Scotland. Upon discovering that this was still in sight of his home of Ireland he headed to Iona instead (apparently the first place he found where he couldn’t see home.) There’s even a feature on the island called. ‘the hill with its back to Ireland,’ which gives you an idea of just how devastated he was feeling.


Man Of Miracles

We must all remember that the pathway to ascension is a very challenging one, yet no matter how dark it may have gotten, we can rise again, align with our purpose (and our true selves) to fully harness all the good that is within us. St Columba was highly regarded, and considered to be a miracle worker. One tale tells of him performing the miracle of repelling a ferocious ‘water beast’ to the depths of the River Ness when a local man and one of his disciples were attacked. By sign of the cross, he declared, “Go no further. Do not touch the man. Go back at once,” to which the creature stopped as if “pulled back with ropes” and fled.

Retroactively attributed to the infamous mythic monster ‘Nessie’ of nearby Loch Ness, this dramatic interaction is a culturally significant early recorded encounter with the shape shifting Celtic aquatic dwelling spirits of arcane folklore, known in antiquity as the ‘Water Horse’, or as eluded to by classic ‘Rob Roy’ author Sir Walter Scott, and immortalised by Scottish Bard Robert Burns, the ‘Kelpie’.


St Columba Successfully Fulfilled His Life Purpose – Now Let Him Help You Achieve Yours…

Due to the fact that St Columba so successfully completed his soul’s mission, despite the challenges, while here in his lifetime, he is a powerful spiritual ally and guide to have on your side, particularly when you feel called to step into some form of life purpose, mission or meaning. You can invoke him to help you, and he will buoy your spirits, leading you forward with signs, messages and synchronicities – so keep an eye out!

Invoke the Ascended Master St Columba For:

  • Strength
  • Determination
  • Courage
  • Miracles
  • Discovering or Enhancing Creative Talents
  • Finding Your Life Purpose
  • Guiding You Yo Your Life Purpose With Signs


Want Some Help With That?

Our BRAND NEW, ADVANCED LEVEL energy healing meditation, recorded live from within his mystical cave, can help.



The St Columba Life Purpose Meditation Will Help You To:

Sacred Sites Energy Healing Meditation Awakening St Columba> Experience this powerful & potent energy point in the stunning Scottish highlands (from the comfort of your own home)

> Connect to the ascended master St Columba & invoke his help & guidance

> Shore up the strength & bravery required to move forward no matter what (just like he did)

> See past blocks, obstacles and earthly illusions

> Express your creative skills & talents

> Follow your bliss & fulfill your purpose with JOY


What Is It?

The St Columba Life Purpose Meditation: Experience this sacred Scottish spiritual site, connect to the high vibrational power of ascended master St Columba, & fulfill your life purpose in joy!


> An ADVANCED LEVEL energy healing session channeled directly from the ascended master St Columba himself, recorded in a cave he meditated and lived in, on his soul purpose to bring light to Britain.

> Think of it as a cross between extremely high vibrational energy healing and a guided meditation.

> A pre-recorded video full of advanced level healing, clearing and energetic adjustments.

> A calm and relaxing meditation that is completed (regardless of distance or time) in under 20 minutes.


REMEMBER: This brand new, advanced level energy healing is only available until Friday 7th February!



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Invoke Ascended Master St Columba To Guide Your Life Purpose Path With Strength, Power & Passion