3 Steps to Connect to (And Trust) Your Intuitive Guidance…
Spiritual awakening can cause all sorts of havoc when it begins, but did you know this??
Spiritual awakening SERIOUSLY messes with your intuition…
Yep, the intensity of those high vibrational energies that begin to flood your system as a result of awakening can cause your intuitive guidance system to get really jumbled up. If you want to be able to connect to (and confidently trust) your own intuitive guidance then it’s necessary to RESET your energies after awakening to ensure they are coherent, easy to intuit, and most importantly of all, ACCURATE. That’s why I don’t want you to miss our awesome FREE masterclass which covers EVERYTHING you need to know to get your intuition back on track! Watch it here now.
It’s easy, just follow our special 3 step process!
STEP 1 – Restabilize your energies
STEP 2 – Ask the question (and be SPECIFIC)
STEP 3 – Watch out for the SIGNS
The shock of spiritual awakening can throw all of our energetic systems out of alignment. It also blasts our psychic centers wide open, leaving us more intuitive than ever, but without appropriate defenses. It is vital to restabilize those energies so that they are balanced, coherent and trustworthy (otherwise your psychic senses won’t be accurate) and also to restabilize the mind, which often struggles to catch up with this high frequency energy. Doing so ensures that your mind and energies can work seamlessly in tandem, which is where intuition becomes effortless.
To get an answer, you must first ASK.
• Ask your Guides, the Universal energies, your higher self (or whoever you feel drawn to) for guidance (you can do this silently or out loud).
• Ask your question so that it can be answered with a ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ as this makes the answering process clearer.
• Ask if what it is you want is for your highest good. E.g ‘Spirit guides, I’d like to learn energy healing. Is this for my highest good?’ An answer will likely show up within a few days, and it doesn’t always arrive how you’d expect.
The answers rarely pop into our minds in the moment that we ask. Instead, often the answers are revealed in the world around us. Watch out for REPETITION. Has something shown up 2 or 3 times over the last few days? There is your message! It could be lyrics you hear in a song, a particular animal, a number sequence, feathers or even a rainbow. Not sure what it means?
Search online for its spiritual meaning!
But how do we put it all together in a way that works? Simple, quick and easy. We use energy healing to restabilise your energies, then, with the appropriate energetic adjustments and clearings in place, you can ask the question and watch out for the SIGNS.
Ready to begin right now? Check out our all new, energy healing meditation, ‘The Golden Pathway Meditation’ that you can use repeatedly throughout your awakening to confidently connect to your soul’s inner compass, heal the solar plexus chakra to sense the way forward & release the confusion of feeling lost!
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