11 Signs Your Awakening Has Reached Crisis Point! (and how to fix it)


11 Signs Your Awakening Has Reached Crisis Point! (and how to fix it)

Recently I began looking back through some old journals of mine from when my awakening was at its toughest. I sat in awe reading of the tangled, overwhelmed mess I’d gotten myself into at the time. It had all seemed so incredibly wild, overpowering and downright messy. I literally couldn’t see the wood for the trees and I felt so deeply broken by the experience that I wasn’t sure I could actually be put back together again. To me, awakening was an undulating mass of emotions, feelings, insights and symptoms that I couldn’t put together. They didn’t make sense to me and I couldn’t put them into any semblance of order at all. It was so chaotic and even frightening at times that I seriously questioned if I’d ever manage to make my way out.

Sitting there, cross legged on the floor with my journal in my lap, I had a moment of realisation at just how far I had come, not only in my awakening and how stable, balanced and aligned I feel now, but in my ability to clearly see exactly how structured and methodical the process of awakening actually is, and how I just couldnt see that at the time, where now looking back, it seemed so obvious.


Awakening Has A Structured Step By Step Plan For You

So I say this to you – awakening has a plan for you. Even though it might seem chaotic or unpredictable, even though you might feel like you’re drowning under the weight and intensity of it all, it still has a plan. It has a structure and a sequence to it that once you understand it can become the map to the pathway out. Once you can see the order clearly you’ll know that it truly is divine, and that you’ll be. just. fine. No matter how broken or unfixable you might feel right now.


Has Your Awakening Become A Crisis/ Emergency?

We’ll talk about that pathway out in a minute, but first, lets get really clear about where we’re at now. No bull, no sucking it up, no pretending we’re coping when we’re not, and lets not assume that anyone awakens without it being a mess at first either. That’s totally natural (but there is something we can do to make it better). Lets get really honest about where we’re at in our awakening journey by clearly identifying if we’ve reached crisis point. Are you experiencing a spiritual emergency or not?


Signs Your Awakening Has Become A Crisis/ Emergency:

  • Emotional breakdown
  • Feeling emotionally fragile
  • Questioning your sanity
  • Physical breakdown – aches, pains, fatigue, system disruptions
  • Wanting to leave – go home back to spirit
  • Losing your grip on reality
  • Unable to cope with daily life
  • Experiencing persistent or intense depression, anxiety or other dark emotions
  • Unable to eat, sleep or work
  • Fear of spiritual experiences or dark forces
  • Feeling disconnected from spirit or abandoned by God/ Higher force

Awakening isn’t meant to be a crisis, a breakdown, a dark night of the soul or a white knuckle ride. Most people don’t realize that it absolutely DOES NOT have to be that way. However, there’s a specific pathway to that, and if you want to get to the other side (which is where the Universe wants you to get to too) then you need to follow a step by step plan to get there. You need to take action, and it needs to be the right action. Let’s take a look at how you can do that.


The Pathway To A Balanced & Healthy Awakening Experience (without crisis, breakdown or emergencies!)


Ok, so the pathway to the more positive and healthy side of your awakening experience goes a little something like this:

Grounding –> Healing –> Clear intuition –> Aligned with life purpose

Lets break down each step for a better understanding…



Forever and ever as long as I do this work (which I hope will be a really long time) I will ALWAYS advocate grounding first. Grounding is the key to reducing your symptoms (emotional, physical AND energetic). It’s the first step because it cleans up the mess. Grounding will pretty quickly bring stability and relief to your awakening. It will reduce a lot of the symptoms you’re struggling with like anxiety, overwhelm or out of control empathy – but it’ll do more than that.

Grounding helps us reduce our symptoms so that we can take a breather and get a handle on this experience, but it also very quickly (if done properly) propels us onto step 2 naturally, because it has the incredible ability to highlight to us exactly what needs to be healed.

Most of our spiritual awakening symptoms are actually caused by simply being ungrounded, so when grounding takes care of most of those symptoms, suddenly we find ourselves in a much more balanced and relieved state. Then we start to notice one or two symptoms that still remain. Grounding shows us what’s left over, and when it does that we have the literal keys to our ascension because our soul is showing us exactly what needs to be healed. We can actually hear it because we have turned down the noise and confusion. Now we can take notice of the soul’s message for us.


Healing: Leftover Symptoms Alert You To Something That Needs To Be Healed

Awakening is essentially a purging process designed to cleanse you to the depths of your core. It’s about cleaning off all of the pain and trauma you are carrying in your soul as a result of learning through each of your past lifetimes. If you can fully ground yourself your soul will actually do a lot of the work for you. It will show you what needs to be healed within you. You’ll likely find that when you read the list below you will recognize some of the hints your soul has been trying to give you.


Your Soul Will Alert You To What Needs To Be Healed In 3 Key Ways:

  • Through your emotions
  • Through your physical body
  • Through your energy body

Can you hear it? Your soul is turning up the messages as loud as it can. It’s urging you to heal now. It knows that if it makes the emotions strong enough, the pain uncomfortable enough and the energy powerful enough that you’ll just HAVE to do something about it. And the good news is that when you take real action by firstly grounding your energies and then beginning a consistent healing practice throughout your awakening, you will automatically reach the next stages on the awakening pathway without any effort at all. They’ll just happen because you’re ready. As you continue to heal those symptoms your intuition becomes clearer and clearer, and you’ll feel pulled towards a life purpose that becomes known to you – and it’ll be your greatest joy too! Amazing!


How Can I Fix This And Start Healing Now?

If you’ve got one or even all of the signs on this list then your soul is calling you. Its asking you to step up, to report for duty. Its starting to show you through your emotions and feelings exactly what you need to heal in order to move forward. If you want to feel better and have an easier awakening then you need to start healing now, but don’t worry, its much easier than you think, and I’ll show you how below. (Note: Most healing methods or spiritual practices are NOT compatible with our sensitivity during awakening, and many techniques can make your symptoms worse or trigger spiritual emergency, which is why I recommend the particular healing method that I do. I know its safe and effective because I’ve used it in my own awakening and with my clients in session too.)

You can do it yourself – its quick, its easy and its safe – even for people who have literally no healing knowledge at all. And, as an added bonus it only takes around 10 minutes to learn! Its the exact same energy healing technique that I used to move me through my awakening more easily, and believe me when I say, it was an absolute lifesaver. I honestly don’t know how people make it through without it. I’ve made it super quick and easy to learn in our FREE 5-day course, with lots of extra guidance to help you calm your emotions and stabilize your awakening. If you haven’t already, get it below now and lets get started!

If you enjoyed this article – save this PIN for later on your spiritual awakening board!

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