The Key To Your Enlightenment..


Let’s talk about ego transcendence – the spiritual key to your enlightenment


What Is Ego Transcendence?

Ego Transcendence, commonly known as ‘ego death’ is the stage of spiritual enlightenment where we lose our self-identity. We dissolve all sense of identity, beliefs, and ideologies in an attempt to ‘break free’ and ultimately become a more authentic version of who we truly are at the soul level. It means shifting from being self-centered and selfish to caring for all (including self). It means living an open-hearted, compassionate life.

For some people, though, an ego death could happen somewhat instinctively, not unlike the initial moment of a spiritual awakening, as you have that first realization that your soul is something different from your ego (no matter how prepared you are – this can be a serious shock to the system!).

Despite lot of inaccurate information out there, the truth is that we can’t ever completely eradicate the ego while we’re here on the Earth plane (and thank goodness, because the sense of separation that ego creates is the very thing that allows us to compassionately connect to and relate with others) but, it can be made conscious so that it’s no longer running our lives on autopilot or keeping us stuck in lower density fear and insecurities.


Why Ego Transcendence Is Important for Spiritual Awakening

The ego is our source of fears, desires, and constant tension. When the ego is no longer in control, there’s an internal sense of contentment – regardless of what’s happening in our lives (good or bad). When the Spirit is at the helm, we naturally relax into ourselves, providing a sense of inner freedom we once sought in the external world. Our process of spiritual awakening might be triggered by an existential crisis, a tragedy, a chronic illness, or simply the natural process of soulful maturing. When we experience a spiritual awakening, we begin to search for more depth in life. Often, we ask big questions such as “what is my purpose?” “what is the meaning of life?” and “what happens after death?”

Spiritual awakenings are triggered by the sensation that something profound is missing in life which can also mean that it can be accompanied by feelings of depression and anxiety (if you don’t know how to manage it – don’t worry, we’ll share everything you need to know in our free masterclass here).

But how do we achieve ego transcendence ? I’m sharing all the details in our FREE masterclass – it’s only available for a few more days!


Ready to get started on ego transcendence right now? Then check out our energy healing meditation, ‘The Ego Transcendence’. It will help you to catalyse a positive and empowering spiritual breakthrough, break free from ego autopilot and become a more authentic version of who you truly are at the soul level – we can get started in around 10 minutes time!

>>> You can check it out here.



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