Want To Be More Psychic? Avoid THIS…


People ask me all the time, ‘How can I be more psychic?’ They think that there is some special training or practice that they need to do in order to BECOME more psychic, and are usually shocked when I reply with the truth…

YOU Already ARE Psychic!

There is NO question about it. We all naturally possess psychic and intuitive ability – you do too – and you don’t need years of practice in order to access it! (Don’t worry, we’ll cover everything you need to know to do that in our FREE masterclass). We have helped so many people already, and we’d love to help you too!

However, if you don’t learn how to access and use your abilities, you’ll wind up frustrated and exasperated knowing you should be more psychic. You’ll sense that you can do so much more intuitively, but be unable to unblock your gifts or release yourself from its inhibitors.

Let’s avoid all that by skipping these big mistakes…


MISTAKE #1 – Depleting your psychic power

Emotional issues, stress, and trauma are very taxing to the energy system. It requires huge amounts of energy to maintain and sustain them in our energy fields. Energy used in this way steals precious psychic energy that instead could be fuelling and powering our psychic senses. I’m speaking from experience. When I healed emotional issues and pains, I freed up so much psychic energy that my abilities increased threefold!


MISTAKE #2 – Neglecting the soul

During awakening, all of the emotional issues and negative limiting beliefs that are holding us back and causing us pain rise to the surface. This is when your SOUL speaks clearly to you. Every time you get triggered, feel moody, or get upset, anxious or depressed, your soul is showing you EXACTLY what it needs to heal in order to move into higher realms of ascension and, therefore, achieve much greater spiritual connection and intuitive ability. Your soul will continue to cry out for help in this way until you take action, heal these issues, and free your soul for good! It’s essential that you take care of your soul. It’s been through a LOT, and is likely carrying the weight of many lifetimes’ worth of damage.


MISTAKE #3 – Not resuscitating inactive/ reduced psychic senses

Many light workers have ‘intuitive’s trauma’ resulting from past lives where we embraced our psychic and intuitive abilities, but sustained damage by being judged, ridiculed, attacked or rejected because of them. It’s natural that our souls should dull, repress – or even shut down – our psychic and intuitive abilities after a trauma like that occurred. Thankfully, all is not lost. We CAN call our psychic and intuitive abilities forth once more and fully utilise them. First, they’ll require a resuscitation of sorts. All it takes is a quick download of energy to revitalise them – similar to turning the ignition of a car to bring our psychic senses back to life. After that, they can work at full capacity once more (we cover how to do this in a super simple way in our FREE masterclass here).


Please avoid these mistakes. Spiritual awakening should be a time of wonder, when you discover the secret gifts and abilities of your soul – when you learn about who you truly are as an ascended being and what you can do! Reclaim the lost parts of who you really are! Embrace all of the spiritual gifts available to you and embody your fully awakened divinity.

We can help with that! Our brand-new energy-healing meditation, ‘The Psychic Wound Healing’ will help you to heal the wounded psychic within, repair past life damage to the psychic senses & embody your full intuitive potential!

You can check it out here.



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