Why is spiritual awakening so difficult?


Why Is Spiritual Awakening So Tough? How To STOP Challenging Symptoms & Awaken More Easily

If you look up spiritual awakening signs and symptoms online (which we’ve probably all done a million times) you’ll likely feel little beads of sweat trickle down the sides of your face. Those symptoms are heavy. If we are experiencing the symptoms listed we feel a sense of relief (‘phew, maybe I’m not crazy after all’) and if not, we worry about their eventual arrival. It can be unnerving to read the symptoms listed, because we’re already having such a rough time, and the thought of adding to the growing list of challenging symptoms doesn’t bear thinking about.

Fortunately, I’m here to tell you that it DOESN’T have to be that way.

You don’t have to put up with signs or symptoms that take you to breaking point, or that make your awakening painful, so difficult and full of drama, and today I’m going to share exactly what you can do about it.


Common Signs And Symptoms Of Spiritual Awakening

First, lets take a look at some of the most difficult signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening:

Its really difficult for empathic sensitives like us. If you’re reading that list and those little beads of sweat are starting, don’t worry. Yes, this is a list of spiritual awakening symptoms (and FYI you might only have a few) but no, you don’t have to put up with it.

In fact, these are all key signs that your awakening is out of control.

That’s really important so I’ll say it again. Your spiritual awakening doesn’t need to have all of those difficult symptoms, and their presence indicates that your awakening is OUT OF CONTROL. Awakening doesn’t have to be that turbulent, and if we want to smooth the awakening process out and really reduce those challenging symptoms for good, we need one key thing…

Our 7 day energy healing course, ’Grounded Awakenings’ can help with this.


Grounding: The KEY To Awakening Without The Drama

ground your energies during awakening

Grounding absolutely is the powerful key to awakening without the drama, but unfortunately, due to being exposed to so many grounding methods that, if we’re really being honest, don’t actually make any tangible difference to how we feel, we completely dismiss it. But that’s only because grounding poses another challenge for those of us going through spiritual awakening…



Grounding doesn’t really work for us. 

In fact, you might have already noticed. For those of us who are awakening, traditional grounding techniques either tend to be completely ineffective, don’t last long or actually make our symptoms worse during spiritual awakening – and there’s a reason for that.

We’re different. Our energies are so highly charged, and our sensitivities are so intensely heightened as a result of awakening that most grounding methods just aren’t enough to do the job. And they aren’t enough because the grounding is required in two different areas during awakening – not just one.

We need to ground both physically and energetically in order to create a structured balance that can fully support us throughout the process. This is why physical grounding with traditional methods doesn’t seem to work – we need grounding on BOTH sides of our existence to really support us securely, and when we do, we can get EPIC results!


‘After following your advice I’m feeling about 80% better. I’m SO grateful to have found you!’

Livia M


‘After putting into practice some of your advice as well as watching your videos I have been feeling different – lighter and less disconnected from the people around me. A heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulder. I am so thankful.’

– Bianca Borges


Grounding both energetically and physically really WORKS! It can make our symptoms and our entire awakening process SO. MUCH. BETTER. But, it requires energetic grounding too, which is often the missing piece of the puzzle…


How Do We Ground Ourselves Energetically?

So how do we ground ourselves energetically? Well, we need to teach our energies how to do that. Often once we’ve been blasted open with such high vibrational energy as part of the awakening process, our energies literally don’t know what to do with this new upgrade. Its completely new territory and can leave our energies charged, overstimulated and confused as to how to manage or adjust to this new frequency, causing the difficult symptoms we listed earlier. Remember, this is a global shift and awakening much bigger and greater than we’ve ever experienced before – in many ways, your energies are just as confused as you are. So we need to teach them how to handle the ascension process. We do that with energetic downloads.


What Are Energetic Downloads?

Downloads are healing ‘programs’ that teach our energies what to do, much like computer programs that we use when our computers need upgraded in order to run better. You may have heard me conduct some of these energetic downloads if you’ve used any of our meditations. I work in conjunction with a collection of high vibrational guides dedicated to assisting those of us in the awakening process to ascend more quickly and easily. They guide me in what it is that we need to support us in our awakenings, and they channel these activations through me and out to you, so that you are properly energetically prepared.

Downloads are the essential energetic preparations you need for a smoother awakening process.

The downloads are essential because physical grounding trains your energies into a more grounded position, and energetic downloads not only hold them there, but teach your system how to integrate this new energy without challenging symptoms in future too. Downloads literally transformed my awakening experience, without a doubt, and once I married grounding both physically AND energetically, everything got much better – not only in reduced symptoms, but I finally felt more stability too – and I hadn’t felt that in a really long time.

So if you’re struggling with difficult signs and symptoms please remember to ground, ground, ground. And remember that it takes two sides of grounding to really make it count – both physically and energetically. 


The Importance Of Energy Clearing Before Any Spiritual, Energetic Or Healing Practice

FYI, downloads, energy healings or energy activations of any kind work best when your energy is cleansed and cleared first (which is why I’m including The Rainbow Light Energy Clearing meditation (worth $62) absolutely FREE with every purchase of Grounded Awakenings). As natural sensitives and empaths, we absorb the negative energies, emotions and vibes from the people, places and things around us like SPONGES. This causes us to often experience energy blocks, congestion and malfunction of the normal, healthy flow of our energies which can lead to physical ill health, mental imbalance and a depleted, overwhelmed and exhausted sense of energy. It also means that most efforts we make to resolve the problems we are having DON’T work, because the positive vibrations either cannot be absorbed, assimilated or even accepted by our energy systems, keeping us stuck in imbalance. Energy clearing is an absolute MUST to maintain good energetic hygiene throughout the awakening process, so be sure to do it regularly in order to keep a healthy balance.

You can try out some energetic activations for FREE here as part of our signature course Grounded Awakenings (no sign up necessary, just click ‘preview’ in course curriculum).


Want Some Help With That?

I’ve created a 7 day course of energetic downloads to teach your system exactly how to do that (we’ll also address lots of different symptoms in the process AND do healing for the broken soul, the broken heart, and past life pain just to name a few!).


Our Signature Course Grounded Awakenings Is Now Available (but only until Friday!)

PLUS Get The Rainbow Light Energy Clearing (worth $62) absolutely FREE When You Purchase To Clear And Prepare Your Energies For More Effective Healing!

Ground your spiritual awakening energies

‘Grounded Awakenings’ Will Help You To:

  • Ground your energies instantly
  • Feel stabilized, calm and in control
  • Reduce challenging awakening symptoms
  • Clear stuck or blocked energies
  • Heal your broken soul
  • Balance your psychic senses
  • Teach your energies how to support the awakening process with the proper energetic foundations



“I’ve used these techniques for the past year and they have really helped. My Awakening took about a year and a half and my world was torn apart and then built back up into a a life of my dreams. I still use these techniques to ground when I feel too much which is often. These healings are all so wonderful. Blessed to have you… XOXO”

– Beth Bryant


What Is It?


  • 7 videos over 7 days (1 per day)
  • Simply relax, listen (or watch) and receive these energetic changes, activations & healing
  • Each video supports or heals a different challenge of your awakening
  • Energy is released, healed or replaced for you on the soul level
  • Teaches your system how to process energy more easily, ground fully and reduce overactive sensitivities
  • Brings you into a Theta brain wave – the natural relaxed state responsible for healing, rest and recuperation (you’ll still be awake and alert)
  • Includes practical grounding guidance and lessons that you can use immediately



As an added bonus you’ll also receive ‘The Rainbow Light Energy Clearing’ meditation (worth $62 absolutely FREE!)

This guided meditation will help you to:

  • Clear your entire energy, chakras and auric field with rainbow light
  • Lift mental fog, confusion and blocks
  • Clear other people’s energies from your space
  • Retrieve energy fragments that you have lost (or have been taken from you)
  • Energetically divorce you from unhealthy/ negative relationships
  • Cut connections to energy vampires and people who dominate, control or abuse you (past or present)







Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
* 3 Reasons Why Your Spiritual Awakening Is Completely Overwhelming
* 6 Ways Grounding Can Transform Your Spiritual Awakening!
* Grounded Awakenings


If you enjoyed this article – save this PIN for later on your spiritual awakening board!

Why Is Spiritual Awakening So Tough? How To STOP Challenging Symptoms & Ascend More Easily