Spiritual Awakening 101 – The Ultimate Guide to Spiritually Awakening Safely

Awakening can often feel like a mixed up, jumbled mess. At least, that’s how I felt about it when I was going through it. It was so turbulent and uncertain, like an undulating mass of questions, emotions, synchronicity and destiny. Some of it was incredibly beautiful and meaningful, while the rest of it was confusing, overwhelming and at times, frightening. It wasn’t until I recovered from my spiritual emergence (an awakening that hits crisis level) that I suddenly had the realization that there was structure to the experience – that it all happened for a reason – and that each moment had to happen in that exact perfect way in order to orchestrate a whole that was to be our undoing. It is the catalyst for the very undoing of everything that is not true to us – not divinely authentic, and all of the false beliefs we’ve had about life that have limited us, lifetime after lifetime. Its incredibly freeing, and its paves the way for an entirely new life experience where the goodness of life can truly flourish, and you can embrace your greatest joy, and really feel fulfilled (and this includes for any future lifetimes too).

But the truth is that if you’re reading this article, you’re likely not out of the other end of awakening. You’re probably not feeling stable or secure yet at all (don’t worry, that’s normal) and you’re also probably wondering what the hell is going on and questioning how you’ll ever get through it. Well, you will, but unfortunately there really isn’t much in the way of real, solid guidance or advice on awakening (I know because I scoured the internet looking for answers throughout most of my awakening) and I intend to share that here in this epic, somewhat novel-like blog post. The truth is that you need a map of the territory you’re walking, and you need one created by someone who has already walked it, tripped over every obstacle on the pathway (whoops) and made it through to the other side.


Spiritual Awakening or Ascension Process? There’s a difference…

Before we get into the deeper content of this article I’d like to make a distinction that is often confused throughout the spiritual community. There is a fundamental difference between those of us going through a spiritual awakening and those of us who are ascending.

Spiritual awakening is often a dramatic, unexpected and jolting experience. It is an awakening in every sense of the word that can give us symptoms that we don’t understand, and often lead us to crisis (however, in this blog post I intend to help us avoid that).

Ascension is the process that planet earth is going through – evolving, changing and growing so that we are more compassionate, understanding and intuitive. Therefore, everyone going through a spiritual awakening is ascending, but not all who are ascending are going through a spiritual awakening. I clarify this not to encourage labels, but to help this information to reach the right reader. I spent many years on a spiritual path, fulfilling a light workers career. I felt aligned and intuitive, I was absolutely part of the ascension process, however it wasn’t until I hit an energetic crisis that my true spiritual awakening began. Neither is truly better than the other, but in the interest of reaching those in spiritual awakening crisis, I make this distinction.


The REAL Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

In order for you to really clearly make this distinction for yourself, you need to know the most common symptoms of awakening:

The stages of awakening are generally the same for all of us, however the intricate details are not. In our next section you’ll also come to understand your experience and symptoms more clearly.

Our 7 day energy healing course, ’Grounded Awakenings’ can help with this.


The Stages of Spiritual Awakening

Ok, so now that we know the most common signs of awakening, lets take a look at the stages of a spiritual awakening. This is where you’ll begin to make more sense of the symptoms you are experiencing and how they fit into the process.


Stage #1 – Awaken
This is the stage that starts it all and no, it wasn’t an accident. Your soul planned exactly what it was doing before coming down here – its happening for a reason. Large quotients of energy begin to flood your system. The psychic centers are opened (usually quite abruptly) and suddenly your feeling, sensing, seeing or hearing things that you weren’t aware of before. Your psychic senses are so much more acute – you may even begin having powerful spiritual experiences or sensations and you’ll feel more sensitive than usual too. Due to the heightening of these psychic senses you’ll likely feel the need to retreat – to pull back from people, places, and things. You’ll want to hibernate. That is entirely natural.


Stage #2 – Healing
Now your system is seriously online (and it needs to be for this next part). Energy is thrust (quite powerfully) up through the chakra system. The purpose is to dislodge any blockages that stop that energy flowing smoothly straight through your system (giving you a purer connection to source). There are old emotions, heart breaks and trauma from past life times that our soul needs to heal. This is why our psychic senses had to be so heightened – so that we could tap into the information from our past lives and become aware of it.

During this phase you’ll feel really emotional. Your emotions will change wildly and erratically. You may feel you have no control over when or where or how strongly they come up. It can be really hard. And if you try to hide, the universe will put people in your way to trigger the emotions that need healed. So the lady at the gas station will give you a look that triggers an inexplicable sense of fear in you. Or you’ll just happen to meet a new love interest with the same name as the one who broke your heart before. Things will get really synchronistic, and probably quite confusing, but this stage will pass. And the good news is, that once these issues are done, they are really and truly forever DONE. They’ll be healed and cleared so well on the soul level that you’ll likely never feel them in the same way ever again.


Stage #3 – Life Purpose
Phew! By the time you get to here, you’ll be feeling inspired, creative, full of ideas and equipped with an inbuilt sense of duty to help or serve in some way. You might just feel like Superman – and so you should! However, there are likely still some little niggles that show up as you move into a new project – which is probably entirely new territory. Sometimes at this stage you get a little second wave of the previous. The universe is testing that all of these issues (who weren’t who you truly are) are gone for good. You might find some old patterns, issues or pains surge again. And when they do you’ll probably feel exasperated, and irritated at yourself, and question if you’ve made any progress at all. But they’ve been inflated and intensified for a reason – so that you’ll clear out every last nook and cranny of that low self esteem, or loneliness, or anxiety. You’ll finally be free of it!

This time can be a little nerve wracking, as you step into a cause or a new career or the thing that fulfills you most. Its nerve wracking simply because its new. And while your soul has let go of fears that you can’t do it, or worries that it wont work out, it also has never had an experience without them looming over you. It can feel odd to try something and do well, or to have a good thing and keep it (particularly if your life has been difficult). Allow yourself to realize that everything is OK. You are safe and guided as you try new things and find ways of living that truly express who you really are.


Stage #4 – Divinity
Now is the stage when most folks will tell you that you have reached ‘guru status’. I’m not going to tell you that, because personally, I feel its a little ungrounded. Divinity is about being so clear of old pain, negative beliefs and assumptions about life, that you are truly pure in your energy. You are true to who you are. You are in your divinity because, much like a beautiful diamond is encrusted in muck and coal, you have removed and cleared everything that is NOT who you are. All that’s left is a beautiful polished diamond (that’s YOU by the way).


The Cause Of Challenging Awakening Signs And Symptoms

In order to understand the cause of any difficult signs and symptoms of awakening, I refer right back to the beginning of the process. It was the initial influx of light coming into our systems that caused us to become highly sensitive, deeply empathic and psychically opened. But the truth is, that the initial influx of light (that was really ungrounding) is only needed to kick-start the process – if we stay ungrounded we are going to continue to intensify our emotions, heighten our empathy and open psychically even more, and THAT’S when we start to get really difficult symptoms. That’s when it starts to get out of control because then we are TOO opened, TOO emotional and TOO empathic. It can make normal daily life practically unbearable, and our human bodies are not designed to handle that level of light energy just yet.

We don’t want to stop the process, and we don’t want to shut off our abilities or our compassion, but we do want to make it compatible with living a normal, happy life. So, now that we know that these symptoms are a result of being ungrounded during our awakening, we know we need to ground our energies, but there’s a problem…


Traditional Grounding Methods Often Don’t Work For Us During Spiritual Awakening

The truth is, it’s REALLY hard to get grounded during awakening, particularly because of that initial influx of high vibrational light. In fact, we might find that grounding either doesn’t work, doesn’t last or makes our symptoms much worse (like I did).

The reason is that we are so incredibly charged and highly sensitized by that high vibrational energy that ANYTHING that affects our energy in ANY way actually tends to charge us. Its like an electrical charger, plugged in to the socket. Unless it has something to channel that energy into, it tends to charge further and further, heating up, over heating and could eventually go on fire. Its like that with spiritual awakening. Our bodies just can’t handle that level of energy (yet).

This means that simple grounding methods like meditation, yoga, crystals and essential oils will actually have the OPPOSITE effect. Every time they affect our energies they inadvertently stimulate us further. And that’s a problem because if we can’t ground ourselves using our usual ‘go-to’ methods, our symptoms continue to get worse and more out of control and harder to handle (particularly anxiety).


How To Ground Your Spiritual Awakening (and reduce your symptoms in the process)

The truth is that there is nothing that I’ve found that can ground our highly charged energies particularly well. The best thing is actually abstinence from things that affect our energies – this can make a MASSIVE difference. In fact, it wasn’t until I did that that my awakening finally leveled out to a more even transition.

If there was only one piece of advice that I could give you to help you in your spiritual awakening, this would be it.


And I mean that, in every sense of the word. This is the number 1 biggest mistake that I see SO MANY people make during spiritual awakening. I get literally hundreds of emails and messages of people telling me that their awakening symptoms are out of control. They are anxious, overwhelmed, afraid and confused. Their empathy is heightened to painfully sensitive levels. Their emotions are out of control and their body is aching (or breaking down) as a result of the awakening process. Understandably they are panicking, and in a serious state of crisis.

But that’s not technically because of the awakening process. Its because they are MAJORLY ungrounded DURING the awakening process. Its because they are going through a spiritual awakening – which super charges your energies – and then they are engaging in activities or being in the vicinity of things that stimulate their energies even further. If you are going through awakening, but avoid these energetic stimulants, awakening isn’t like that. At. All.

But truthfully, its not their fault (and its not yours either). It seems to be common advice within the spiritual community. ‘Are you going through awakening? Then spend time meditating. Use your crystals to ground you and use essential oils to calm your energies.’ No, no and NO. In fact, engaging in too much of these things during the awakening process can actually throw you into a FULL BLOWN CRISIS. I know because I’ve been there. And I know because it happens to people who message me everyday. Not only is it advice that is as good as useless, it is seriously dangerous advice for those of us awakening.


The Golden Rule Of Awakening

Don’t do things that are going to:

• Charge your energy
• Stimulate your kundalini
• Or alter your energetic or psychic state

Avoid all of this, at least for now. When you find yourself more grounded, you can carefully test and investigate to see how your energy responds (don’t worry, I’ve made a simple step by step protocol below that you can follow to help you get started).


Reduce Your Spiritual Awakening Symptoms in 3 Easy Steps!

This is my most shared protocol. Following this guidance can reduce ANY awakening symptoms (no matter how odd) dramatically in a very short space of time. I haven’t found anything to date that works more quickly or effectively for those of us going through awakening.

‘I’ve done both days homework so far and it’s helped SO MUCH. This “crisis” has been happening to varying degrees for almost 3 months now so my relief, even though not yet 100%, is incredible.’

Traci Wilson


Step 1 – Remove ALL energetic stimulants (physical items)

Collect up ALL of your items that affect your energies and put them into another room for the next 2 weeks.

That means all your crystals, essential oils, incense – ANYTHING that is designed to work with or affect your energy. All of it. Be vigilant. I know that’s hard, but it’s only until your energies ground themselves, afterwards you can slowly reintroduce them in little bits while monitoring your symptoms and how you feel.

Gather up all of those items and remove them from your bedroom and living room – put them in another room or garage for the 2 weeks break.

REMEMBER – its only for 2 weeks, but don’t miss anything. Don’t be fooled into thinking you can leave a tiny crystal here and there. This is designed to give your energies a break – to finally stop charging them. This is one of the most grounding things you can do. It’s more grounding than tea tree oil, or walking barefoot, or being in nature by a mile. Honour yourself by testing this method. Nothing is going to change unless you change it.

‘I have removed all my crystals into the spare bedroom of the house (I’ve been carrying them everywhere and sleeping with them for a year) 4 days ago and I’m feeling about 80% better!’

Livia M


Step 2 – Refrain from any spiritual or healing practice that will affect your energy

This includes things like meditation, yoga, mediumship, intuitive training or purposely instigating astral travel. Be careful too, many well-meaning practitioners or teachers will tell you that they know you will be fine, or that their method is safe. Tread carefully and take responsibility for your own well being. If they haven’t been through it, they likely won’t realize how incredibly sensitive and explosive our energies can be and could unintentionally make it worse.


Step 3 – Continue this protocol for at least TWO WEEKS.

I am absolutely confident that a break from these can make BIG changes to how you feel throughout your awakening.

As a general rule, keep them out. I know that some of you may like to reintroduce these practices and items purely because you enjoy them. I do too. Its understandable. But if you were asking me for a general rule of thumb throughout the process of awakening – avoid, avoid, avoid.

‘But what about a guided grounding meditation?’ No. ‘But these crystals are specifically for grounding purposes!’ No. ‘But yoga will surely balance me.’ Whoa. No, no and no.

The truth is that once your energies settle and adjust to this newly awakened state – you’ll be able to add them back in if you choose without any problems or adverse reactions. Heck, when that time comes you can do meditation in a crystal grid pattern with a Shaman blowing sage smoke at you if you like. But you may find, like I did, that by the time you are finally able to go back to them safely, you’ve already realized that you DON’T ACTUALLY NEED THEM in order to ground your energy, access your guides, intuition or inner wisdom at all.

And that’s kind of the point of awakening. Not only are we clearing away everything that is not divinely true to who we authentically are, but we’re discovering the truth that we have free, unlimited access to our intuition, high vibrational white light and higher wisdom that we actually don’t need any sort of a crutch anymore at all. That means we don’t NEED to meditate, or use crystals or tarot cards etc. It is our birthright to access these parts of ourselves and we don’t need anything outside of us to do that either. Once we awaken to this fact, we access them freely and easily. But just for the record, you don’t need to heed this advice. You don’t need to do anything at all unless you want to. But all I know is, that the awakening process has a way of causing all of our ‘unnecessary’ crutches to crumble, and if you don’t free yourself from some of these constraints, often times the universe will do it for you.


The Pathway To Ascension & Aligning With Your Life Purpose

Grounding in this way is actually imperative to moving forward in the ascension process (and coming out the other end of awakening). See, there’s actually a very structured pathway to becoming fully awakened (and transcending those pesky symptoms in the process). It goes a little something like this:

Grounding -> Healing -> Clear intuition -> Aligned with life purpose

That’s the path it takes, and in that order. There is no getting around it. We need to ground in order to reduce our symptoms – to be able to breathe under the pressure of this transformation without anxiety, overwhelm, turbulent emotions or painful empathy clouding the path way. More than that, we need to ground so that we can clearly see whatever issues or symptoms are left over. If the issue clears with proper grounding in place, then its simply a result of being ungrounded. However, if we ground and the issue or symptom persists, then our soul is showing us exactly what we need to heal in order to move forward. Cool, eh?

So then we’re on to healing. We have a clear view of what our soul needs addressed and we need to clear all of the things within ourselves that are not true to who we really are (that’s when life has less drama too).

Once we are sufficiently healed, our intuition is crystal clear, aligned with the light, and an open channel for your higher self, guides or even Creator to pour through. Then, and ONLY then…

We discover and align with our life purpose (our greatest joy). Because unless we are grounded and healed, with clear intuition and a steady connection to source, we cannot fulfill our life purpose because we are simply NOT ready.

The Universe needs to know that you are a grounded, trustworthy, together person. Clear enough to receive wisdom and information without it being tainted by previous issues, and grounded enough to be able to take action to fulfill it in the physical world.

So, can you see how truly vital grounding is. It is not the entire pathway to ascension, or the end of the tunnel, but it is absolutely the first step needed on that pathway to move us towards our goals and dreams. Without it we try straddling two worlds with shaky foundations, wondering why we feel insecure, lost or uncertain.

And, FYI, I’m walking that pathway beside you – every single step of the way. I wont wander off. I’m your wing man, and I take that commitment seriously. But you need to too, and it starts with grounding, so be sure to follow the steps listed above and start actively participating in your awakening, instead of allowing the process to control you.


Ready To Take The First Step?

Here is a quick recap:

Step 1 – Remove energetic stimulants (physical items).

Step 2 – Refrain from any spiritual or healing practice that will affect your energy.

Step 3 – Continue this protocol for at least TWO WEEKS. You will begin to notice a difference within a few days, but two full weeks is necessary to truly and fully ground your energies and bring you into balance – particularly if you have hit a crisis or suffered mental or psychotic episodes as a result of awakening.

For more in depth information on reducing your awakening symptoms (and joining our free community) get our FREE 5-day course below.

Please consider sharing this post with others struggling with the awakening process.


Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
3 Steps To Calming Your Awakening Experience With Genetic Wound Healing!
6 Ways Grounding Can Transform Your Spiritual Awakening!
Grounded Awakenings


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Spiritual Awakening 101 – The Ultimate Guide to Spiritually Awakening Safely