Last Updated on June 14, 2024 by Kelly Ashley



If you’re the type of person that others always come to for advice or a shoulder to lean on, There is a chance that you possess the gift of healing. In the quiet recesses of your being, there might be a healer waiting to be acknowledged. Spiritual healers are the silent warriors of our times, bringing light and healing where there is darkness and pain. But what exactly is a spiritual healer, and could you be one without even realizing it?

This blog post delves into the essence of spiritual healing, the signs that may reveal your hidden gifts, the journey to embracing this path professionally, and the ethical considerations of monetizing such profound abilities.


What is a Spiritual Healer?


A spiritual healer is a person who has dedicated themselves to the art of healing. They are individuals who have a deep understanding of the human body and the intricate connection between the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being.

Spiritual healing is a holistic approach that looks beyond the physical symptoms of an illness or disease and explores the root cause of the problem. It involves working with the energy fields that surround our bodies, as well as addressing the spiritual and emotional aspects of our being. Spiritual healers believe that illness and disease are often the result of an imbalance in our energy fields, which negative emotions, traumatic experiences, or a lack of spiritual connection can cause.


Signs You Might Be a Spiritual Healer 


As the initial rush begins to wane, a sobering truth dawns upon you: enlightenment doesn’t come with an exemption card for life’s responsibilities. You still need to hit the grocery store and pay those pesky bills. Life beckons you back to the mundane. Integration becomes your mantra. You learn to balance the ethereal with the earthly. Yoga mats meet office chairs, and meditation cushions coexist with traffic jams. Grounding practices—walking barefoot, gardening, or cooking mindfully—become your lifelines.


1. Empathetic Resonance: 


One of the most prominent signs that you might be a spiritual healer is empathetic resonance. This means that you have a deep sense of connection to the emotions and energies of those around you. You may find yourself taking on the emotional or physical pain of others, often without even realizing it. This can be both a blessing and a curse, as it allows you to help others in profound ways, but can also leave you feeling drained and overwhelmed.


2. Intuitive Insight: 


Another sign of being a spiritual healer is possessing intuitive insight. You have a natural intuition that guides you to the needs of others, even before they voice them. You may find that you have a knack for knowing exactly what someone needs, whether it be a kind word, a listening ear, or a healing touch.


3. Harmony with Nature:


A profound sense of peace and understanding, when you are in natural settings, is another sign that you might be a spiritual healer. You feel connected to the environment and often feel recharged by the energy of nature. This harmony with nature is a powerful tool for spiritual healing, as it allows you to tap into the natural energy of the universe.


4. Ancient Wisdom: 


An inexplicable familiarity with healing practices, herbs, or rituals is also a sign that you might be a spiritual healer. You may find yourself drawn to ancient wisdom as if recalling knowledge from a past life. This knowledge can be used to help heal yourself and others, and can often be a powerful tool in your spiritual practice.


5. Transformative Touch: and Paradox


You dance between worlds—the relative and the absolute. Non-duality becomes your playground. You sip tea while contemplating infinity. You laugh and cry simultaneously. You’re both the wave and the ocean. Life becomes a paradoxical poem, and you’re the ink bleeding onto the page.


6. You’re Sensitive: 


Your sensitivity is a unique quality that sets you apart from others. You have a heightened ability to feel, see, hear, smell, and sense things that others may not. Your energy is highly attuned and intuitive. You possess the ability to read people and sense the atmosphere of a space with ease. However, you are vulnerable to negativity and low vibrational environments, which can swiftly drain your energy. If you embody the healing archetype, you may be perceived as “too sensitive” by others.


7. People are drawn to you: 


Your magnetic personality is something that sets you apart from others. Your positive energy seems to radiate from within, drawing people towards you like a magnet. Those around you feel comfortable and at ease in your presence, which makes it easy for them to open up and confide in you.


8. Charmed Connections: 


Have you ever noticed that whenever you are around, kids and animals seem to be drawn to you? It’s as if they can sense that you are a kind-hearted person who has their best interests at heart. You may have even found yourself in situations where you were surrounded by a group of children or had an animal follow you around for no apparent reason.


Making It Your Career


Are you ready to transform your innate spiritual healing talents into a fulfilling career? It’s a voyage of self-exploration and learning that begins with delving into diverse healing modalities, seeking guidance from seasoned mentors, and dedicating yourself to perfecting your abilities through regular practice.

The avenues for career growth are as vast as the universe itself! You could chart a course as a respected homeopath, guide individuals as a compassionate counselor, or seamlessly blend spiritual wisdom with modern medicine practices.


The Ethics of Earning Money from Spiritual Healing 


The question of whether it’s ethical to charge for spiritual healing services is complex. Is it fair to monetize the gifts of the soul? This age-old question sparks debates and contemplation among healers and seekers alike.

Consider this: Spiritual healing isn’t just a mystical endeavor – it’s a dedication of time, resources, and boundless energy. Just like any other profession, practitioners invest deeply in their craft and deserve recognition for their expertise.

Yet, at the heart of it all, lies the essence of generosity and service. Spiritual gifts are meant to be shared, nurturing the collective spirit. It’s about finding harmony between honoring the sacredness of the craft and sustaining oneself in a world that thrives on exchange.


Embrace Your Calling 


If you resonate with the signs of being a spiritual healer, embrace this calling with integrity and compassion. Remember, the path of a healer is not just a career – it’s a way of life that intertwines deeply with one’s spiritual journey. Whether you choose to monetize your gifts or not, the most important thing is to operate from a place of love and service, contributing to the healing of the world one soul at a time!



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