13 Signs That You Are An Empath
Are you sensitive and spiritual with a deeply caring nature and a keen sense of intuition? If so, you might be an empath…
What Is An Empath?
An empath is a highly sensitive and deeply feeling individual who can sense the emotions and energies of those around them.
Empaths are the Earth angels of this world. You could consider their presence here as the evolution of man, or the shift that we are making into the 5D reality where we are higher vibrating, more caring and compassionate individuals. Empaths essentially have an extra sense that is highly attuned to the emotions and feelings of those around them. Its a natural part of who they intrinsically are, and we’re seeing this ability so much more frequently now as these gifts are often pushed to the forefront due to the spiritual awakening process, which can activate these parts of us and grant us the ability to use them once again.
Empaths are the great healers of this world…
Empaths are the great healers of this world, sent to understand and alleviate the pain of others with compassion, care and gentleness. Spiritually, they came here to emanate divine light and unconditional love. Not only do they have the effortless ability to comfort others feeling alone, in pain or misunderstood, but they often have the natural capacity inside to be able to heal it, either physically, emotionally or energetically, and its very common for empaths to be drawn to any one of the caring professions: healer, doctor, counselor, psychologist, energy worker, nutritionist etc. They have a very big inner sense of purpose, and usually intuitively know that they are here to do something to benefit and help humanity in some way. The possibility that they may not complete this mission in extremely upsetting and distressing to them and can often cause periods of depression and they often struggle to feel at ease among the harshness of this world.
Am I An Empath?
So this leads us to the big question. Are YOU an empath? Well, if you’re reading this article you are already clearly spiritual and on the ascension pathway, which are two big key indicators, but if you’re still unsure, check out this list of empathic traits and see if any of them resonate with you.
Common Signs That You Are An Empath:
- You ‘absorb’ other people’s emotions and feelings like a sponge
- You pick up on the vibes/ energy when you enter a room
- You are compassionate, caring and understanding
- You’re naturally intuitive
- You’re introverted and need a lot of time alone
- You tend to attract energy vampires
- You strongly dislike or avoid conflict, negativity and disharmony
- You take on/ sense other people’s health complaints, illnesses or injuries
- You’re easily overwhelmed, stressed or burnt out
- Cruelty, conflict, violence, harshness or attacking of any kind is completely abhorrent to you
- You can’t bear to see others in pain
- You’re easily drained and exhausted by crowds and public places
- You naturally want to help or heal others
The Challenges Of Being An Empath
Unfortunately with great power comes great responsibility, and due to the heightened nature and ability that empaths have to feel so deeply, it can bring with it a LOT of pain (if this is the case, don’t worry – it can be eased and I’ll share how in a moment).
Common Challenges Of Being An Empath
- Being ‘too nice’ (and getting taken advantage of)
- Giving too much (and becoming completely exhausted, burnt out or resentful as a result)
- Feeling overwhelmed and bombarded by energies or feelings
- Feeling the emotions, feelings, illnesses, ailments or even injuries of others (absorbing their pain and taking it on as your own)
- Feeling unable to tolerate the harshness of the world (causing the need to hibernate, hide or disconnect)
Ok, so this is kind of giving empathy a bad rap. I know it looks bad, and if you’re reeling back in horror (or nodding ‘yes’ to any of the above) there is some really good news that I’d like to share with you.
It DOESN’T have to be that way.
Nope, not one bit. In fact, the common challenges highlighted above are always a tell tale sign when I work with clients that they are empaths that are completely ungrounded.
Empathy is only painful, challenging and difficult when we’re UNGROUNDED.
I’ve seen it so many times. Clients come to me feeling that they just can’t handle the world. They tell me that its too harsh for their sensitive soul (which I totally understand, I used to feel the same way) and that they are picking up too much from the world around them. And while my heart goes out to them and I totally empathize (because I’m an empath too), I feel uplifted, because I know that once they begin implementing some of the energetic grounding and anchoring techniques that I recommend, their empathic ability will be TRANSFORMED and they’ll be well on their way to harnessing their power, emanating divine light and love and fulfilling their soul purpose, whatever that might be for them.
Once an empath effectively grounds their energies (and beware, not all grounding methods are safe for our sensitive energetic state during awakening) their ‘curse’ reveals itself to be a spectacular gift that brings them great joy and really helps those around them.
The Gifts Of Being A Balanced, Grounded Empath
- Able to energetically radiate divine light and unconditional love effortlessly
- Able to comfort, help and heal others without taking on their issues, emotions or energy
- Able to intuitively sense the energies around them without being negatively effected by it
- Able to set healthy boundaries in a fair and compassionate way
- Able to fulfill their souls greatest passion AND their soul mission at the same time
There’s no two ways about it. Empaths NEED to be grounded in order to be balanced enough to truly be their authentic selves, be safe in the world and to fulfill their life purpose, soul mission and greatest joy!
Want Some Help With That?
We have some great resources that will help you get started with that…
‘The Emanating Empath’ Will Help You To:
- Balance your empathic ability to levels that are more manageable
- Lessen intense sensitivity and increase inner strength
- Shield against toxic or unsafe influences
- Clear toxic radiation energies from technology
- Increase awareness
- Be properly energetically equipped and prepared for the Earth plane
What Is It?
- Think of it like a cross between an intuitive energy healing session and a relaxing guided meditation.
- An energy healing session channeled directly from a collection of high vibrational guides, who are dedicated to assisting us through our awakening process.
- A pre-recorded video full of healing, clearing and energetic adjustments.
- A calm and relaxing meditation that is completed (regardless of distance or time) in around 20 minutes.
Also, Check Out Our Signature Course, Grounded Awakenings
‘Grounded Awakenings’ Will Help You To:
- Ground your energies instantly
- Feel stabilized, calm and in control
- Reduce challenging awakening symptoms
- Clear stuck or blocked energies
- Heal your broken soul
- Balance your psychic senses
- Teach your energies how to support the awakening process with the proper energetic foundations
What Is It?
- 7 videos over 7 days (1 per day)
- Simply relax, listen (or watch) and receive these energetic changes, activations & healing
- Each video supports or heals a different challenge of your awakening
- Energy is released, healed or replaced for you on the soul level
- Teaches your system how to process energy more easily, ground fully and reduce overactive sensitivities
- Brings you into a Theta brain wave – the natural relaxed state responsible for healing, rest and recuperation (you’ll still be awake and alert)
- Includes practical grounding guidance and lessons that you can use immediately
As an added bonus you’ll also receive ‘The Rainbow Light Energy Clearing’ meditation (worth $62 absolutely FREE!)
This guided meditation will help you to:
- Clear your entire energy, chakras and auric field with rainbow light
- Lift mental fog, confusion and blocks
- Clear other people’s energies from your space
- Retrieve energy fragments that you have lost (or have been taken from you)
- Energetically divorce you from unhealthy/ negative relationships
- Cut connections to energy vampires and people who dominate, control or abuse you (past or present)
Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
- 5 Reasons Why Empaths Can’t Handle Earth
- EMPATH 101 – Everything You Need to Know About Being Empathic
- Healing Meditation: The Emanating Empath
If you enjoyed this article – save this PIN for later on your spiritual awakening board!