Physical Awakening Symptoms Shift Higher Vibration


9 Physical Awakening Signs and Symptoms That Indicate You’re Shifting Into A Higher Spiritual Vibration

We are at a key juncture in human history. There is a global mass awakening occuring and as a result we’re seeing more spontaneous awakenings than ever before, and they are happening at a faster rate too as we get pushed to raise to a much higher frequency vibration and understandably, its our physical bodies that feel the pressure, causing physical spiritual awakening symptoms that can be very challenging to cope with.

Awakening can be a wonderful time. Sure, its tough, and it has some seriously difficult moments, but when you reach that heightened, unbroken connection to the Universe and its dreamy higher realms, its a welcome respite from the chaos and drama of a seemingly harsh physical world that we feel we don’t really fit in to. Its wonderful, and there really is nothing like it. Unfortunately, we can suddenly be plummeted down from those delightful heights by a good old dose of earthly reality in the form of physical awakening symptoms.


What Are Physical Spiritual Awakening Signs and Symptoms?

Put simply, these are the effects of the spiritual awakening process on the physical body.

It can seem as though every time you make it to the next buoy to keep you afloat on the spiritual awakening pathway, you get washed downstream all over again when the next onslaught of physical symptoms hit. They seem to come out of nowhere, they hit you like a tonne of bricks, and they keep you weighed down until the energetic shift is complete (and often disappear as abruptly as they came).

But, what do they look like and how would you know if they were happening to you? Well, get ready to ditch the confusion once and for all with this definitive list of physical awakening signs and symptoms…


Physical Spiritual Awakening Symptoms That Indicate You’re Shifting Into A Higher Vibration

  • Nausea
  • Fatigue or lack of energy
  • Feeling dizzy or light headed
  • Weakness in the body
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Headaches
  • Body temperature extremes – very hot or very cold
  • Aching joints and muscles
  • Feeling disconnected from your body


And this isn’t the expanse of signs and symptoms you could experience – in fact, having worked with awakening clients in my 1:1 sessions for more than 10 years now, I can tell you that the list is so expansive that we couldn’t possibly list them all here. Every individual’s experience is unique and meaningful for them, however, I’ve also aimed to create a succinct list that you can use to review a physical symptom you might be having and know that it fits within some of the above general umbrellas.


Is It A Real Physical Health Concern Or A Spiritual Awakening Symptom?

The truth is, you can never really know for sure. That’s why its so important that you take full responsibility for your health by always ruling out any physical possibilities first. That means actively visiting your doctor and getting professional advice, rather than just assuming that its an awakening symptom and that the Universe will take care of your body for you – it wont. This is another big lesson that we must pass for the PHYSICAL 3D side of awakening. You need to be a responsible and conscientious care taker of your human body.

That being said, there are some key characteristics that indicate that the symptom you are experiencing is energetic in nature. Lets take a look…


Key Identifiers Of Physical Spiritual Awakening Symptoms (how to tell if its a 3D physical sign or an ascension one):

  • They come on suddenly, without warning.
  • They are intense and often fluctuate.
  • Nothing works to alleviate them.
  • They are rarely detected through medical tests or examinations.
  • They often disappear just as rapidly as they began.

When they strike it is upsetting, exhausting and alarming… but there is good and bad to this experience.

The good news is that the presence of physical awakening symptoms confirms that you ARE shifting into a higher vibration.

That not only means that you are moving forward in your awakening, but that you are ascending to higher levels too. Go you! The bad news is, you’re probably going to feel pretty under the weather for a while until your physical body catches up. I know, its annoying and inconvenient and uncomfortable (and it was for me too) but I promise you, it WILL pass, in its own right timing, and when it does, it means that you are progressing, and have surpassed yet another level on the ascension stairway, and for that, you should be immensely proud, because it sure isn’t for the fainthearted! (Plus, there actually IS a secret formula if you want to make your awakening not only easier but faster too – we’ll share more details on this in a moment.)


Why Do We Get These Symptoms?

There is a common misconception that awakening is purely a spiritual experience. Spiritual awakening is a transformation on ALL levels of your being, so of course, it must be physical too.

Spiritual awakening is PHYSICAL too…

And for humans like us who generally find the spiritual side of life comes more naturally, let’s be honest – we often neglect the physical level. This is where we fall short most often because at the heart of it, we don’t actually LIKE the Earth plane – we find it harsh and intense and overwhelming to say the least. But, if your soul is going to ascend to the 5D vibration (and beyond) your body must do so too. Being here on Earth means that you have to raise the vibration of the physical body so that BOTH the physical and the ethereal parts of you reside in the same frequency (and can easily traverse varying frequencies with ease). Without the physical half of you ascending too, you will remain incomplete, and the remaining dense 3D part of you will become the very block that holds you back – the Universe wont allow that.

Instead, it will begin releasing the density within your body that is out of alignment with the 5D vibration. It starts to shed the energetic weight of everything that is holding you down, and we can sense the intensity of that. This is where awakening gets intense, because much like a detox, we require additional rest as these changes take place, and the impact and pressure of it gives us physical symptoms, simply because its hard on our 3D bodies, but if this is your experience, please don’t worry – you CAN support the spiritual awakening process and ease the transition…


How To Support Your Body As It Ascends To 5D Vibration

Please know that if you are experiencing any of the signs above (and/ or others that expand further than those) it is a sure fire sign that you are shifting into a higher vibration, which is WONDERFUL. However, before you start with the party poppers and balloons in celebration, be sure to acknowledge that these are signs that your physical body is firstly being affected by the awakening process, and secondly, struggling with it.

This is where we are called to embrace more compassion for our physical bodies. It is no longer whispering its plea for support – instead it is practically shouting (and loudly at that). Here are some good practises to support your body throughout this transition to a higher energetic vibration:

  • Get plenty of rest, fluids and good wholesome food.
  • Take a break from technological stimulants like your mobile phone, laptops and even TV.
  • Practice some gentle self care by honoring the process and being kind to yourself until it passes, which it inevitably will.
  • Grounding your energy effectively (but NOT with traditional methods – here’s why).


The guidance above will certainly assist your system in coping with the 3D signs that show up, at least until they ease off. Unfortunately that leaves us in an uncertain timeframe – for some, these symptoms will last a few days, for others it may stick around for YEARS.

I say this, not to paint a gloomy picture, but to be realistic about awakening issues and how they REALLY tend to be processed within the body. It just takes time. Although, through the trial and error of my own awakening experience and 10+ years of successfully assisting spiritually awakening clients, I’ve come to discover that there IS one surefire way to speed the clearing of these 3D physical symptoms (AND ease your awakening at the same time too!).

There IS one surefire way to speed the clearing of these 3D physical symptoms (AND ease your awakening at the same time too!).

How To Make Your Awakening Faster and Easier (the secret tried and tested formula!)

I noticed early on in my awakening experience that the physical awakening symptoms that I applied energy healing to, cleared and healed more effectively and quickly than the ones I didn’t address at all. In fact, if they were the result of stuck or congested energy, sometimes they would clear in just a few hours or less (though please note – this is more of a delightful relief than a general rule). Since then, I’ve used energy healing to clear and heal every single physical manifestation that showed up within myself, and also used this approach with clients struggling with the same challenges and the results have been astounding, and here’s why…

Physical awakening symptoms show us EXACTLY where our energies are blocked

Furthermore, if you can apply energy healing to the physical symptom WHEN it shows up and is activated in your system, you’ll find that you have a higher chance of:

  • Clearing the physical manifestation (and the energy associated with it in the process)
  • Finding relief from the issue that is bothering you
  • Reducing the chance of future ‘attacks’ as by clearing the issue at its energetic root, in some cases you may even dissolve it entirely
  • Speeding your awakening progress and moving through any ‘darkness’ more quickly
  • PLUS – by healing and clearing the density from your system, you’ll naturally raise your vibration too!

Want to know how? You can use our specifically created energy healing meditations and activations or, consider a 1:1 energy healing session with me.


Want To Integrate Your Light Body, Upgrade Your DNA & Activate Dormant 5D Abilities?

Our brand new energy healing meditation can help with that…


The ‘DNA Upgrade’ will:

  • Elevate the energy of your DNA to activate dormant spiritual and physical abilities
  • Raise your physical body’s vibration to match your soul’s ascended resonance
  • Anchor your light body to your 3D body so that you can express your divinity here and now
  • Release ‘old Earth’ patterns, density, negative beliefs and self-imposed limitations and replace with ‘new Earth’ reality
  • Teach your body to maintain a state of optimal health by resonating at a higher frequency


What Is It?

DNA LightBody Upgrade

• An energy healing session channeled directly from a collection of high vibrational guides, who are dedicated to assisting us through our awakening process.
• A pre-recorded video full of healing, clearing and energetic adjustments.
• A calm and relaxing meditation that is completed (regardless of distance or time) in under 20 minutes.
• A safe way to enter a Theta brain wave (the natural relaxed state responsible for healing, rest and recuperation).
• Can be used regularly to keep you in balance or any time you experience physical awakening symptoms to help your body adjust.



Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
How I Reached 5d Consciousness – And YOU Can Too!
How to Physically Integrate Your 5d Light Body!
Healing Meditation: The DNA Upgrade


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Physical Awakening Symptoms That Indicate You’re Shifting Into A Higher Vibration