

Imagine waking up one day feeling like you’re seeing the world through a completely different lens – suddenly your world has changed on the deepest level possible and you can’t explain it – that’s exactly what a spiritual awakening is like. Think of it like hitting the reset button on your consciousness, opening your eyes to new possibilities, deeper connections, and a whole lot of self-discovery (amongst a whole host of weird and wonderful spiritual awakening symptoms!).

During a spiritual awakening, you’ll find yourself on a journey of personal transformation. It’s not just about changing your beliefs or dabbling in meditation (although those things can certainly be part of it). Nope, it’s about shaking up your whole existence – from how you see yourself to how you relate to the universe around you. 

But here’s the thing: this journey is rarely a walk in the park. Alongside those moments of enlightenment and bliss, there can be some pretty hefty emotional challenges – like debilitating anxiety – tagging along for the ride.

But why anxiety? Well, picture this: you’re venturing into uncharted territory of understanding and awareness. You’re questioning everything you thought you knew about yourself and the world. It’s like stepping into a dense forest without a map, compass or the supplies required – thrilling, but also pretty nerve-wracking. 

As you navigate these unfamiliar territories of the mind and spirit, it’s totally normal to feel a bit anxious. After all, you’re venturing into the great unknown, and that can stir up all sorts of emotions. But fear not! With a bit of self-compassion, support from fellow travelers, and maybe a sprinkle of meditation, you’ll find your way through the forest and emerge on the other side, transformed and ready to embrace whatever the universe throws your way.


Why Spiritual Awakening Anxiety Occurs


Here we’ll uncover why anxiety often tags along for the ride. From surges of divine energy to mind-blowing realizations and the existential rollercoaster of ego transformation!



It’s a Natural Reaction To A Dramatic Shift


Now, let’s understand why anxiety often tags along on the spiritual awakening journey. Think of it like this: imagine your mind is a house, and spiritual awakening is like throwing open all the doors and windows, letting in a flood of new light and fresh air. Sounds invigorating, right? 

It is, but it can also stir up a lot of dust and cobwebs along the way. As you start questioning the very fabric of reality and delving into the depths of your own soul, it’s natural for anxiety to rear its head. Suddenly, you’re feeling more sensitive to the world around you – every emotion, every thought, every flicker of existence feels magnified. It’s like cranking up the volume on your inner radio, and sometimes, the noise can get overwhelming.

Then there’s the whole existential questioning thing. Who are you? What’s your purpose? What’s the meaning of life, the universe, and everything in between? These are big, weighty questions that can send even the most grounded of us into a bit of a tailspin. And let’s not forget about the shifts in perception. As you peel back the layers of reality, you might find yourself seeing things in a whole new light – and that can be disorienting, to say the least.


The Spiritual Awakening Energies Overcharge Us


However, there’s another key reason why anxiety and awakening pretty much always go hand in hand, and that’s because the spiritual awakening process involves ENERGY.

The awakening process is kickstarted when a huge surge of high vibrational awakening energies are blasted through our chakra system. When this occurs, our chakras can literally shake with the intensity of this energy as it ungrounds us entirely from the 3D energies. Pretty quickly we become completely overcharged by a vibrational energy that is much higher than the levels we are currently at, and so this overstimulation of our energies tends to be perceived by the system as ANXIETY.

The good news is, while this is a natural part of awakening, you can discharge the energy pretty quickly using energy healing to feel better fast.


Ego Transformation/ Death


During a spiritual awakening, it’s not uncommon to experience what feels like a complete dissolution of your ego – that little voice in your head that tells you who you are and what you’re supposed to be doing with your life. And let me tell you, it can be downright TERRIFYING. Suddenly, everything you thought you knew about yourself and the world is thrown into question, and that can induce some serious anxiety. 

Alongside this, the ego can sense that it is being released and you sure will feel its fear of losing control. This does feel awful, but I promise it’s only temporary and it WILL pass.


Healing & Trauma Release


Since awakening is primarily a purging process, it naturally draws any trapped trauma within our bodies or energies to the surface to be healed and cleared. This will ultimately heal you more deeply than you could have imagined, but you’ll FEEL it first. Remember, in awakening, what you can FEEL, you can HEAL, and so you might suddenly find that you’re frightened, panicked or elevated simply because these energies are leaving your system.


Shifting Realizations


You know those moments when everything suddenly clicks into place, and you’re hit with a tidal wave of insight and understanding? Yeah, those can be a bit overwhelming. As you navigate the twists and turns of your spiritual journey, you might find yourself confronted with truths that turn your world upside down and inside out. These shifting realizations and illuminations can trigger a whole rollercoaster of emotions, from awe and wonder to fear and confusion.


Heightened Sensitivity


As your psychic centers open and your emotional awareness expands, you might find yourself becoming more sensitive to the world around you – and let me tell you, it’s intense. Suddenly, you’re picking up on energies and feelings that you never even knew existed, and it can be a pretty overwhelming at times. From the subtle shifts in energy to the whispers of the universe, every sensation feels magnified, and that can trigger some serious anxiety as you try to navigate this brave new world of heightened perception.


Signs of Panic and Anxiety Attacks


In fact, the experience can be so intense that panic and anxiety attacks can occur too. Here are some signs to help you know if you’ve experienced this – or what to watch out for when it does…

  1. Racing Heart: Ever felt like your heart was running a marathon inside your chest? That’s one of the classic signs of a panic or anxiety attack. Your heart starts pounding like it’s trying to break free from your ribcage, and you can practically hear it thumping in your ears.
  2. Sweating: You’re just minding your own business, and suddenly, you’re drenched in sweat like you just emerged from a sauna. Yup, that’s another telltale sign of a panic or anxiety attack. Your body goes into overdrive, trying to cool itself down as your emotions ramp up.
  3. Shaking or Trembling: Ever felt like you had the jitters so bad you could barely hold onto a spoon, let alone have a coherent conversation? That’s what we call shaking or trembling, my friend.
  4. Brain Fog: Ever had one of those moments where you can’t seem to string two thoughts together? Welcome to the wonderful world of brain fog. During a panic or anxiety attack, your mind can feel like it’s wrapped in a thick layer of cotton wool, making it hard to concentrate, speak or think clearly.
  5. Butterflies in Stomach: You know the feeling – like there’s a whole swarm of butterflies doing the cha-cha-cha in your gut. It’s that churning sensation, those knots in your stomach that make you feel like you might lose your lunch at any moment. Yep, that’s another sign that your body is in full-on panic mode.

So, if you ever find yourself experiencing any of these signs, just know that you’re not alone. Panic and anxiety attacks can be scary, but they’re also totally manageable with the right support and coping strategies. Take a deep breath, reach out for help if you need it, and remember that brighter days are just around the corner. You’ve got this!


Embracing Energy Healing on Your Anxiety Journey


In conclusion, when it comes to managing anxiety during your spiritual awakening journey, energy healing emerges as not only a powerful solution, but the only real approach that can make a difference on the same level that awakening occurs. 

It offers immediate relief from anxiety symptoms, but it also delves deep into the root causes, paving the way for long-term healing and prevention of future attacks. Through energy healing, you can find balance, reconnect with source energy, and heal emotional wounds that may be contributing to your anxiety.

Remember, you don’t have to navigate this journey alone. Seeking support from energy healers or spiritual guides can provide invaluable insights and techniques tailored to your unique experiences. Trust in your process of evolution and growth, knowing that each step brings you closer to greater understanding and inner peace.

And speaking of support, don’t forget to check out our Energy Healing Meditation titled ‘The Anxiety Relief Meditation.’ This guided meditation is designed specifically to help calm anxiety, fear, and panic attacks, offering a soothing and empowering tool to complement your healing journey. Together, let’s embrace the path of transformation with compassion, courage, and a deep sense of self-discovery.


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