spiritual awakening blocked psychic senses intuition


Hey love,

Here is this months energy forecast – by that I mean the issues, feelings and energies that are going to be coming up for us this month so that you know what to expect (and how to move through it more smoothly when it does). I’ll go into more of this in a minute, but first I’m excited to announce that…

Our next new healing meditation ‘The Sacred Blessing’ (focused on clearing your intuitive and psychic senses for clarity, connection and accuracy this month) is now available to purchase!

However its only available for the next 7 days! We close enrollment Wednesday 3rd October.

Learn more or purchase ‘The Sacred Blessing’ here.

If you’d prefer to watch the video forecast instead you can do so below…

This Months Energy Forecast – What To Expect In October…

This month our energies are going to be releasing issues around:

Blocked Psychic Senses

In meditation I was shown how so many of us on the ascension pathway have blocked or disrupted psychic and intuitive senses. This month its all about clearing those channels, particularly in the third eye and crown chakra to ensure a pure, clear channel to the Divine, and accurate sending and receiving of information. Its about clearing out all of the ‘muck’ and residual issues that actually STOP us from being able to fully use our gifts and abilities, or to control and manage them when we do. Some of us have completely shut our intuition down, or ‘capped it’ making it inaccurate or untrustworthy purely in an attempt to protect ourselves – to stop us from using them and meeting another untimely end or massive trauma as a consequence.

Its very much about getting full and total psychic CLARITY. Its about KNOWING, instead of having vague hunches that you can’t fully trust.


Past Life Trauma From Being A Healer/ Light worker/ Leader

Throughout the month of October we are being purged of past life pain and trauma from lifetimes where we were healers, light workers and leaders. This means all of the times that it DIDN’T WORK OUT, and by that I mean, it usually resulted in trauma, pain, hurt or even death. We’ll be releasing a lot of uncried tears from those upsetting lifetimes (although know that it is not necessary to consciously recall them in order to release).

This is a particularly vital clearing because it is in clearing these exact issues that will allow us to embrace and utilize our gifts to their fullest potential, step back into our power, and fully gravitate towards fulfilling our life mission and souls purpose in this life. Its not about having to force yourself forward as a healer or light worker against your souls fearful warning (or consistent blocks that protect you in real life), but it is about knowing within the deepest part of your being that you are entirely safe, grounded, protected and guided on your ascension pathway and in your life purpose so that when the time comes you’ll be able to effortlessly step forward with ease, grace, and EXCITEMENT!


Starseed Issues

I was also shown that we’re going to be activating even HIGHER chakras than what we can currently perceive. I’m shown that we’ll be opening, clearing and activating a 7th chakra, which resides above the top of the crown in the space above our bodies. This means that we will be granted access to our starseed origins – meaning where we originate from galactically – any past lives we’ve lived in other solar systems, planets or ascended energetic environments AND it will allow us to reconnect with our soul families, which is a seriously big deal.

That means that feelings we may have had our entire lives such as never really ever feeling at home here on earth, feeling that we don’t fit in or ‘belong’, feeling that we were left here or abandoned, or even knowing on some deeper level that our genetic family is not our true family. We know these things intuitively from a very early age. Its important for you to know that you’re still connected. You’ve not been abandoned and you are not alone, but due to blocked psychic senses and higher chakras, you might have felt that way. You may not have actually been able to consciously ACCESS these connections in this lifetime thus far, making you feel entirely alone in the world. Rest assured that as these higher chakras activate and clear, you’ll have moments where you actively FEEL the energy of home – wherever that spiritually is for you, and you’ll feel reconnected and comforted as a result.


Communication From The Universe – Notice The Signs!

Yes! We’ll also be getting a lot of guidance through signs in our physical world this month, so be on the look out and pay attention to what they say. Its worth noting that messages from the Universe are ALWAYS positive and constructive, so if you are picking up on fearful messages that invoke upsetting emotions, these are FEARS talking, and not intuition. Use them as guidance for what fears still need to be cleared in you and move on.

Watch out for messages that come through adverts, words, lyrics in music or signs that you can’t ignore (or that show up more than once – if so, take heed!) Also keep an eye out for white roses. Mother Mary showed up in this months meditation to bless us. She is using the white rose as a symbol of your purity and divinity and to remind you that you ARE the divinity, just the same as she is. She can see past all of the human drama and beliefs and details to see your beautiful purity inside.


Physical Issues

When I began healing this months meditation I felt an awareness of some of the physical issues that may be showing up this month, which, you’ll be relieved to know are very few compared to the rough ride of last month. Rest assured that they WILL pass, but you’ll likely become aware of them as they release from your cells and continue moving.

You may feel dizziness or a sense of movement and light swirling. Tension in the temples is likely as old stress, pressure and tightness is released from the head and eyes. Tightness and tension in and around the eyes, behind the eyes or in the sockets, and headaches resulting from old compacted energy could show up.

Your voice will also be getting cleared, continuing on from last month, however rather than clearing the physical voice box and throat as they did before, this time they’ll be working on clearing your voice as a channel to help you step into your purpose, speak for others, share your message or channel the Divine. Its about clearing your voice to deliver that high vibrational energy through you through some form of communication.

The good news is that if this gets healed appropriately you will release physical tension from those areas AND energetic tension from the chakras that allow you to receive intuitive and psychic information, making your intuition much more clear, truthful and trustworthy.


Guidance For The Coming Month

Throughout October were being called to reconnect to our Divine purity – to fully claim and utilize our psychic and intuitive gifts, and to step up and fulfill our life purpose and soul mission.

Its time to step up.

And I know firsthand how scary that thought can be. ‘What if I’m laughed at… What if I get it wrong? What if my true self is exposed?!’ I know, scary thoughts. But you came here with a purpose, a meaning, a reason. You came here with something to do, and its important for you to know that you are fully helped and guided from the other side.

You are NOT alone.

As I recorded this months meditation, I became aware of beautiful Mother Mary. Her beautiful, pure, white light energy beamed down, enveloping all of us in the most divine, unconditional love imaginable. She blessed you, and thanked you for your effort and work on this challenging pathway. I felt very clearly that she is holding us in her comforting, mothering energy, giving us a well needed boost to keep. on. going. She showed me that we are becoming entirely crystalline in nature, connecting to our pure divine selves.

Your life purpose and soul mission is very important, but its practically useless without clear, trustworthy intuition, healing or the psychic senses to fulfill it.

Its time to clear your psychic senses and intuitive gifts.

Its time to embrace your purity.

Its time to channel the Divine.

Its time to align with your life purpose and fulfill it!


Are you ready? Our new healing meditation can help you do just that. Its full of energy activation codes and deep soul level healing to start those shifts for you.

If you want to take a look at ‘The Sacred Blessing’ healing meditation (which directly heals and clears these specific issues) you can do so here.

But remember, its only available for the next 7 days!

If you have any questions about the meditation just comment below and I’ll help you out.

Sending you much love,

Kelly xx


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6 Signs You’re LIVING In Negative Energy & Lower Vibrations
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Healing Meditation: The Sacred Blessing