Table Of Contents

  • Introduction: Your Unique Spiritual Path
  • Defining Spiritual Awakenings and Awakenings vs Openings
  • Emerging Signs of a Second Awakening
  • Why Avoiding the First One Can Lead to Misery
  • Getting a Second Chance at Your Spiritual Journey
  • How Spiritual Awakenings Can Occur Multiple Times
  • Finding the Right Support After Your Awakening Experience
  • My Story of Multiple Awakenings and Finding My Way
  • Conclusion: Embracing Wherever You Are on Your Spiritual Path


Introduction: Your Unique Spiritual Path


We all walk unique spiritual journeys in this life. For some, the path involves a single profound awakening experience that shifts one’s perspective forever. However, an increasing number of seekers find their spiritual evolution involves recurring awakenings throughout their journey.

Multiple spiritual awakenings are possible because spiritual growth is an ongoing, cyclical process rather than a one-time event. As we learn and evolve and face new life circumstances, we are provided opportunities to wake up to ever deeper revelations about ourselves and reality.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what awakening encounters could mean recurring in one’s life. We’ll also share guidance on navigating a second awakening based on the experiences of those who have been down this path before. My hope is that offering a perspective and framework on multiple awakenings will provide not only an understanding, but an empowerment for your unique awakening experience too.



Defining Spiritual Awakenings: Awakenings vs Initial Shifts


So to start off, let’s take a look at the different range of experiences that can occur…


1. The Cosmic Teaser: Initial Shift

Before the grand awakening, there’s a cosmic teaser. It’s like the universe winks and says, “Psst, there’s more!” These gentle nudges introduce you to possibilities beyond your current Netflix queue. 

This isn’t an awakening per se, but it is a precursor to the main event and signals that it will be coming up ahead, so be sure to prepare yourself and watch out for these familiar signs…


  • Familiar Strangeness: Ever felt déjà vu? Or met someone who felt like an old soul? That’s the Universe giving you a heads up that a shift is on its way!
  • Synchronicities: The universe leaves breadcrumbs – serendipitous encounters, cryptic dreams, or a perfectly timed butterfly flutter.
  • Cosmic Whispers: Your intuition perks up, you start to expand your psychic awareness.


2. The Great Awakening

Buckle up, because awakenings are like cosmic fireworks. They burst forth with profound insights, dazzling your mind’s sky. Suddenly, you see beyond the matrix – the veil lifts, and you’re sipping cosmic tea with the stars. Here is what you can generally expect:

  • Mystical Moments: Picture a unicorn tap-dancing on a rainbow. Yep, that’s an awakening.
  • Reality Remix: Old perspectives? Shattered. You’re now surfing the quantum waves.
  • Everyday Triggers: Life events, losses, drastic changes and even ill health – awakenings can spring from anywhere.




Emerging Signs of a Second Awakening (or Second ‘Wave’)


So, now that you know the difference between the precursor and the actually awakening event itself, lets take this a little deeper. 

Can a second awakening happen? Absolutely – but it’s all in the perception. I believe that when you’ve gone through a spiritual awakening that its not so much that you might experience another, but that the process ebbs and flows – sometimes it goes into high gear – for anywhere from a few weeks to a few years, and then our energies take a break for a while in preparation for the next big wave. In this respect, I consider multiple WAVES of awakening, since they can span years of a lifetime with huge time gaps in between, rather than multiple singular awakening experiences, but you call it whatever resonates with you.


Everyone’s spiritual awakening path is unique, shaped by their personality and life experiences. However, certain signs often emerge when going through a second ‘wave’ of the awakening phase. Let’s explore a few:

  • Intense purification: During this time, you will more deeply process and release old patterns no longer serving your growth. Detachment feels easier.
  • Increased self-awareness: You awaken to subtleties about yourself that you may have missed in earlier perception shifts.
  • Access to wisdom: Insights arrive with more ease during challenging situations.
  • Reconnection to spirit: Your relationship with the divine feels renewed and revitalized and your intuitive abilities may increase considerably.



Why Avoiding the First ‘Wave’ Of Awakening Can Lead to Misery


Of course, not everyone faces subsequent ‘waves’ of awakening. Spiritual evolution rarely follows a standard template. Some may only experience one profound awakening while others undergo periodic illuminations throughout life.

However, difficulty arises when resistance or lack of support causes us to sidestep a spiritual awakening calling us. This denial buries insights meant to liberate. When denial hardens over time without inner work, it seeds suffering.

I’ve seen time and time again in my 1:1 sessions with my spiritually awakening clients (and in my own awakening too) that when we avoid or resist the process, the problems we have dodged always crop back up in some way or another in order to be healed and cleared. This can often lead to awakening becoming more intense and unrelenting (but don’t worry, there is a way to make this faster and easier – actively choose to heal using energy healing BEFORE these issues get a chance to manifest in your life).



Getting a Second Chance at Your Spiritual Journey


Life often gifts second chances when missed opportunities emerge again. A recurring awakening can provide just such an opportunity. Now having context and a framework of understanding, you’re better equipped to meet your soul’s beckoning a second time around.

While resistance or avoidance caused you to miss your spiritual bus before, you can choose to step on willingly now. Having learned lessons of denial’s effects, you’re empathized to surrender instead. This surrender supports the full emergence of your authentic self and destiny (even though I’ll be honest, it’s not easy!).

This might sound like quite a lot to embrace, but please trust me when I say, accepting that this transformation is happening to you and doing whatever you can to take care of yourself WHILE the process occurs is one of the best things you can do.



How Spiritual Awakenings Can Occur Multiple Times


While each awakening is unique, multiple awakenings tend to unfold in recognizable patterns. Let’s explore the archetypal stages awakened individuals commonly experience based on their journeys.

1. Initial awakening The first glimpse beyond what was, birthing spiritual curiosity.
2. Subsequent ‘waves’ Insights from integration of initial understandings.
3. Deepened awakening Gaining progressive clarity through ongoing inner work.
4. Continual growth Ever evolving comprehension of life’s mysteries on the journey.


Going through stages like these helps illustrate spiritual awakening as an unfolding process that naturally recurs, not a singular event. The awakened see themselves not as “enlightened” but always enlightening.



Finding the Right Support After Your Awakening Experience


Part of navigating successive awakenings means cultivating healthy support systems. This includes embracing help from counselors, healers, spiritual mentors, or spiritual communities. 

Community provides loving mirrors to affirm our humanity when loneliness creeps in. Counselors aid processing of difficult emotional territories we dredge up from our depths. Spiritual mentors offer teachings fitting our expanded perceptions to integrate new ways of being.

Together or separately, cultivating wisdom figures nourishes each unfolding phase of spiritual growth. Their love and expertise pave easier roads through inevitable challenges inherent to expanding consciousness (and there’s no awards for getting there entirely on your own!).



My Story of Multiple Awakening ‘Waves’ and Finding My Way


Like many on a spiritual path, my own journey involved not one but two awakening experiences separated by a decade. Both profoundly shaped my understanding of life’s purpose and meaning, yet each arrived through vastly different triggers and stages of processing.

My initial awakening occurred suddenly in early adulthood after intense soul-searching following a major life transition. All at once, a veil lifted and I saw existence through a new lens of interconnectivity and infinite possibility. Ecstatic yet if I’m honest, completely destabilized, I dove deep into spiritual energy healing and practices seeking grounding that took years.

Almost a decade later, another shift arose not with a bang but a whisper. Changes were more gradual yet no less intense beneath an outer veneer of seeming normalcy. Old wounds resurfaced as I shed layers of protection while life presented fresh opportunities to embrace purpose at a higher frequency and this ongoing ‘awakening’ process of healing continues to this day (but it gets so much easier – i promise!)

Each unfolding brought renewed insights and realizations of the spiritual journey’s continuity. Admittedly, I didn’t have a mentor or guide to lead me though this process – I had to find out how through trial and error, which, although it was very challenging, ultimately gave me the experience and knowledge to be able to guide others through their own awakening journeys offering effective approaches that really work.

My experiences show awakenings happen as life unfolds, calling us ever onward into our deeper selves through different lessons each time around. The support of wise guides along the way makes all the difference in embracing the uniqueness of calling and navigating life’s magical unknowns.



Conclusion: Embracing Wherever You Are on Your Spiritual Path


Whether one awakening or multiple ‘waves’, each experience puts wind in our sails to traverse existential waters. Life presents constant chances to delve within, stretch our concepts of self and other, and refine how we move through the world.

Wherever you stand now – whether feeling called or resisting – remember your own rhythm and timing. Trust your capacity for growth wherever circumstances may lead. Continue nurturing what resonates within your truth.

This expansive journey holds infinite potential for discovery and service. May you relish each step adventured with open eyes, ears and heart. Your light makes a difference simply by existing each day and your awakening MATTERS. Please believe that.


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