How To Balance Your Crown Chakra: Everything You Need To Know To Balance & Open It


What Is The Crown Chakra & Where Is It Located?

The  crown chakra is the seventh energy center in the chakra system (also known as ‘sahasrara’, meaning a thousand-petaled lotus flower) and is located at the top of the head pointing upward. Since this is the upper most chakra within the physical body, it forms a strong connection with the higher self, helps us receive intuitive guidance and connects us to Universal Source energy. Some also call it the bridge to the Divine – and it really is!

The crown chakra’s natural element is thought, so it can really help us out when we lose our alignment (or our cool!). The depth of our spiritual connection as well as our feeling of universal consciousness depends on this chakra. It is violet and white in colour, which represents spirituality and awakening.

But, did you also know that the secret to shift from feeling lost and disconnected throughout spiritual awakening to being spiritually guided by Universal Source Consciousness is balancing your crown chakra?


Why is The Crown Chakra Important For Spiritual Awakening?

This seventh chakra is the highest point in the physical body and serves as a link between our 3D body and 5D spiritual consciousness (and beyond). This purple chakra is responsible for a connected spiritual journey since it is the gateway to higher consciousness and our connection to Source.

This clear connection to Source provides not only the spiritual clarity we so desperately need during spiritual awakening (and life!) but will expand your perception, giving you a sense of higher purpose to propel you further on your spiritual awakening journey.


Opening Your Crown Chakra – what will REALLY happen?

Let’s be honest, we expect spiritual awakening to make us feel enlightened, guided and connected. We’ve all seen the cliched images of supposed enlightened gurus  walking barefoot in the sand, dressed in white linen and sadly still use this incredibly false depiction as a measure of our spiritual awakening progress.

So understandably, it can be deeply upsetting during awakening when we find that we feel confused, lost and even more disconnected than before (don’t worry, it’s not your fault!)

If this is happening to you, please don’t get disheartened – there’s nothing wrong with you, your awakening, or your energies for that matter. In fact, having worked for 10+ years in 1:1 sessions with spiritually awakening clients, it’s practically a certainty, at least to begin with. You’re not doing anything wrong, but you are at a critical juncture in your journey.


The Effect Of Spiritual Awakening On The Crown Chakra

Spiritual awakening catalyses an experience known as ‘kundalini rising’ – where the energies that lay dormant at the base of the spine (your root chakra) spontaneously blast up through your main chakra system (along the spine) and up through the top of the head at the crown chakra. This ‘kundalini rising’ is intended to connect us from root chakra, up through every other main chakra to the crown and from there on to Source, but I’ve found in almost all of my spiritually awakening clients that this process is so violent that it energetically injures the crown chakra – blasting it open, eradicating any protective energetic boundaries that were in place and stopping this enlightened chakra from being able to function as our point of connection as it should. Therefore, it’s no wonder we feel disconnected, lost, isolated, confused, uninspired and even depressed.

The good news is, that once you begin to balance the crown chakra, the energetic shift is pretty instantaneous, and the results aren’t only energetic; mentally, you’ll feel considerably more relaxed and clear-headed with expanded perception abilities – and you’ll feel more integrated in the world too. These key shifts lay vital supportive foundations to allow you to discover a sense of purpose and meaning in your life, and better still, the optimistic energy of a healthily functioning crown chakra will keep your energy open to inspiration and spiritual guidance too.

Ready to ditch the disconnect and align with Source consciousness yet? Let’s take a look at some signs of an imbalanced Crown Chakra…


Signs Of An Imbalanced Crown Chakra 

Spiritually awakened (or awakening) souls like us tend to have perpetually imbalanced crown chakras…

I discovered this phenomenon when working in 1:1 sessions with my awakening clients over many years and it is SO common. Why? Because our crown chakras get ‘blasted open’ by the kundalini energy that surges up through the spine when awakening begins. I’ve helped so many clients with this, honestly, it’s a very common awakening complaint (even if the client isn’t actually aware that the crown chakra imbalance is the root of their problems).

Since it can be so tricky to know if the crown chakra is the root of your awakening (and life) challenges, use this list to identify the current health of yours…


Critical Signs Of An Imbalanced Crown Chakra:


  • Spiritual obsession (e.g too much meditation, energy work or neglecting your 3D life)
  • Focusing only on the intellectual or analytical
  • Feeling cynical or closed minded
  • Inflated ego
  • Head related discomfort such as headaches, migraines etc
  • Difficulty focusing, racing thoughts
  • Feeling ungrounded and struggling to connect with the body
  • No spiritual boundaries



  • Feeling lost or confused
  • Feeling alone, isolated or like you don’t belong
  • Lack of purpose, connection, excitement or passion in life
  • Feeling depressed, fatigued, lacking in motivation or severely apathetic
  • Struggle to connect with the 3D world
  • Disconnected from your higher self
  • A lack of trust or faith in a higher power
  • Life feels flat, mundane or meaningless


If you resonate with or recognise one or more of the signs above, it’s highly likely you have a crown chakra imbalance. Resonate with both overactive AND underactive? Yup, as odd as that may seem, I’ve seen that it can frequently happen to us energy sensitive souls as the crown chakra desperately (unsuccessfully) attempts to re-balance itself.

There’s nothing wrong with the crown chakra when this occurs, but it does indicate that the crown chakra doesn’t know how to re-balance amidst the overpowering force of the spiritual awakening energies, which can unground us terribly. These signs are difficult to combat on your own, especially in the midst of spiritual disconnect, making signs or much needed guidance rare or entirely absent. It will definitely make you feel alone and maybe even helpless, but, whether you’re overactive, underactive or a bit of both, you know you need to take action and do something about it – and don’t worry, we can help with that!

Here is the usually classified 3 step approach that I have successfully tried and tested in my own awakening and with my clients over the years – this is now our standard ‘go-to’ practice for anyone going through the awakening journey. Ready? Let’s dive in…


3 Steps To Balance & Heal Your Crown Chakra (for Divine spiritual connection)


STEP 1: Ground excess energy 

When awakening begins, large quantities of super high frequency energy are thrust up through the chakra system from root to crown (a process known as ‘kundalini rising’, which most often results in a crown chakra that is ultimately damaged as a result of the awakening process and not functioning as it should. When blasted open in this forceful way, the crown chakra retains no protective boundaries, no balance and worst of all, no ability to regulate and maintain our connection to Source for divine guidance (which we seriously need when going through awakening!) The first step is to ground this high vibrational energy, to anchor it to the earth, resulting in grounded, centred energy (phew!) with a clear spiritual connection to boot.


STEP 2: Repair energetic injury 

Step two is to repair the energetic injury in the crown chakra from the impact of the kundalini rising process. This takes gentleness and care to restore the crown chakra to what it once was, BUT ensures it has the ability to regulate and balance any high frequency energies going forward, enabling us to avoid getting thrown out of alignment by other high frequency energies in the future too – our system finally knows how to handle these vibrations and this is what reduces all awakening symptoms considerably!


STEP 3: Balance with energy healing

Lastly, we can now balance the crown chakra because the foundations are in place. Without steps 1 and 2, we are likely to continue the constant see-saw effect of re-balancing of a chronically imbalanced chakra. The benefit of balancing this chakra using energy healing means that it will generally maintain balance itself – which no other traditional method such as using crystals or essential oils for example won’t do.

It will also require much less effort going forward to constantly bring it back into alignment. I personally love crystals, essential oils, incense, meditation and yoga but they only temporarily bring balance since it won’t address the crown chakra injury. It will always revert back to this imbalanced and injured state since if we don’t actively heal and reprogram the crown chakra long term. Energy healing is the key to really healing your crown chakra for good!


How To Heal, Open & Balance Your Crown Chakra (for good!)

If you’ve been feeling disconnected, isolated, depressed or lacking the meaningful spark in life, it’s your crown chakra that urgently needs the work. By simply plugging this chakra back into place (with some extra supports too) you’ll feel spiritually connected, guided, inspired and enlightened. Are you ready?

Get the FREE Masterclass below or checkout our specialised ‘Ultraviolet Crown Chakra Equaliser’ meditation, specifically created for this problem!


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