Ascension Awakening Dark Light Battle

Every time we make progress, we lessen the grip of the negative and it becomes more desperate trying to keep its hold by acting out in dramatic ways.

Here is my story complete with tangible, measurable, visual residual traces to illustrate the challenging and possible severity of this struggle…


How To Vanquish The Unexpected DARKNESS Of Ascension

Its been a seriously challenging week. As is often the case throughout this spiritual awakening journey, negativity rises up when you are ready to ascend even higher than before. It happens to all of us – usually in the very moment we begin to move into healthier relationships, a happier lifestyle, success in our career or work lives, or raising higher in our energetic vibrations. Just when we think we’ve stepped onto dry land, often we are unexpectedly swept away by the current anew.

Its a potentially dangerous place to be, not only because it can take us back to the very negative or unhealthy things that we may have been trying so long to escape, but because it can drag us back, seemingly unwillingly, into darker vibrations that may cause to lead us AWAY from ascension and put us at risk.


Are Lightworkers REALLY At Risk?

Yes, absolutely. In fact we’re in more danger than other souls present here because we are childlike, innocent and at times too gentle for the environments we’re in. We are sensitive to harmful energies, we can be traumatized simply by some of the unconscious standards of living here on earth, and we can be prone to attacks from negative forces and energies that are looking to thwart our efforts, happiness, health and progression into our soul’s purpose. (I know because I’ve got some seriously shocking experiences of this, including injuries, and I’ll document it with real pictures in this article.)

Every time we make progress and consciously endeavour to lessen the grip of these negativities, they can become more desperate to try to reassert the latent hold their insidious natures dictate, and we may find them rear up and act out in somewhat dramatic ways. 


What Negative Forces?

There are many different terms used – some refer to them as demons or entities, psychic attacks or simply ‘bad vibes’, but it can range from anywhere between patterns of struggle, challenge and self-sabotage all the way up to poltergeist activity. However, whatever name you personally have for it, there’s one truth I’d like to share with you to help you really break free of this…

The labels DON’T matter.

Seriously. No matter what you call it, what you consider it to be, or even if you’ve seen a physical manifestation of it, the labels DON’T matter. Simply put, there is a balance of positive and negative energy and when you’re experiencing anything like that in life, you have slipped in some form into a  NEGATIVE vibration. You need to redress the balance. Its simple to do, but requires awareness, focus and commitment to uphold a light vibration in the presence of a negative one. (FYI, if you’re struggling with entity attachment or attacks, ‘The Entity Clearing’ meditation can clear it for you and shield and protect your energy in the process).


What Harm Can They Do?

I’m glad you asked, because I have a LOT of experience with this, and its definitely gotten worse the higher I’ve progressed spiritually. The more I’ve increased my intuition and stepped into REALLY fulfilling my life purpose, the more intensely (and tangibly) these negative forces have risen up to meet me, and to be honest, at times its been scary. Not only did this affect and frighten (or at times derail) me, but it dragged my partner into it too and affected both of our lives and home. Negative energy can manifest in a multitude of different ways as we strive to climb the ladder of ascension, so I have decided to share the following to illustrate the necessary maintenance this perpetual struggle for freedom requires…


How Negative Forces Manifested PHYSICALLY In My Life (with pictures)

It all started when things really began to take off for Spiritual Awakening Signs. Things were going great – I was united with my twin flame, aligned with my life purpose and putting my message out there, I was getting lovely messages of appreciation from the people I’d been able to help and my intuition was more heightened and clear than it had ever been in my entire life. Then… something began to change.

My partner and I noticed scratches and marks on my arms and legs appear inexplicably before our eyes too many times to ignore. These began to manifest in intensity the more we discussed how this could be. There always seemed to be more of them showing up after discussion of cause and solution, belief and plausibility.


They were increasing in severity too almost in response to our concern. I began at this time to notice upon waking up that I had these scratches and marks on my arms and legs following the persistent impression of a non-coporeal presence that somewhat aligned with both our spiritual beliefs, though not in this unusually negative capacity. These injuries were not there moments before our discovery, one instant there were none, the next, fresh wounds were undeniably present. We witnessed their appearance almost before our very eyes, with enough room for doubt lingering until these recurrences became an unavoidable pernicious priority.


It was easier at first to brush all this off as simple absent mindedness, assuming I had just not registered some kind of subtle physical impact due to whatever mild attention distractions the confusions of the day had to offer. Had i scratched myself making the bed? Whilst sleeping? Whilst doing my hair? Applying make-up? Getting ready to go out? All these would have been preferable to further uncomfortable questions on dark energies, unwanted belief systems, and things that go bump in the night. All these we felt compelled to investigate as events advanced rapidly toward a less identifiably ordinary possible solution.


After taking simple precautions like filing nails down to ensure they couldn’t easily make marks whilst getting ready, precautions like, at the end of the day, checking inside clothing, checking the bed clothes too for anything hidden from sight that could possibly be causing these scratches, we found that, taking into account the context of our conversations and considerations of the true nature of what exactly we were dealing with, these conclusions seemed to incur some form of sustained directed wrath. Take a look at how some of these marks began…



I was also beginning to notice that there was a heavy, negative feeling in my home and the rooms seemed strangely darker than before. Jay and I noticed dark coloured orbs and shadows darting around the rooms. We could sometimes smell heavy, dense scents of alcohol or smoke despite the fact that neither of us smoke or drink. Technology seemed to malfunction or break right at the moment when my partner and I needed it (including my laptop breaking for 2 whole weeks, which really stopped me in my tracks) and EVERYTHING felt like it was going wrong. All our best laid plans just kept getting derailed and we couldn’t understand why.

The attacks continued to intensify, leaving harsh scores, differing in size, shape and severity…


If At First You Don’t Succeed…

Jay saged every room (including me) repeatedly, we used crystals (which had often moved during the night), we used incense and oils and prayers and orgonite pyramids. We tried assertively commanding them away and doing clearing meditations – even practicing protective methods that others would swear by, but nothing would work.

As a last ditch effort, my partner consulted a priest for his perspective (even though we’re not religious). He encouraged us not to refer to it where possible because we give it power and form by personifying it – and by giving it power it manifests in its physical ability to affect us.

One evening my partner and I were discussing this presence that was clearly harming me and questioning whether it was male or female. We reasoned that it was more likely that it was female because the marks were scratches, and that if it were male, there would have been evidence of a rougher grip, something more aggressive, might have been the case.

You can imagine my horror when when I woke up the very next morning with fingerprint pressure marks on my shoulder! The marks were strange too, because they didn’t fade gradually as would be expected, but disappeared without a trace suddenly after 45 minutes before our eyes. Whatever this negative force was, it was listening and actively trying to throw us off the scent. We knew then that what we were doing to clear it wasn’t working.


Taking Control

We realized that we needed to strip our belief system down to the simple polarities of positive or negative, and agreed that whatever the imbalance had more of, we would shore it up by actively concentrating on the opposite. Team work (and it really did work).

It disappeared almost as abruptly as it came and things began to get better again. Things began to grow. Spiritual Awakening Signs was expanding at an amazing rate and I was on a high. Yes! Its working! We’re moving. We’re growing. Until…

This week began with a heavy energy. Just as I’d reached a whole new height of success in ascension and union, the darkness rose up to fight for its foothold one last time…

I began to record this months meditation, ‘The Angel Prayer’ focused on connecting with your angels and receiving loving guidance and answers from them. Halfway through the meditation recording as I mentioned clearing the darkness that rises up, my camera stand snapped in half and propelled the camera down to the ground. I was totally startled (in fact, you can see that very moment in the meditation, and even hear my partner Jay reassuring me that everything was ok, because this has happened so many times before). Take a look at what happened…



I had been so busy and was already running behind this month. I knew I was cutting it pretty close to launch time, so I calmed myself a moment, hit record again and got on my way (actually it led to me adding an additional meditation to The Angel Prayer to call out for help to the angels when needed, so it worked out perfectly).

Shortly afterwards I hear Jay calling me from upstairs. ‘Kel, can you come help, I’ve hurt myself pretty badly.‘ I darted upstairs to find that he’d hit his head off of the corner of a shelf and split his head open. There was blood EVERYWHERE. We held a towel to his head, gave each other a look that said ‘we both know this negative energy is at play‘ and tried to work out what to do.

If we went to the hospital, we’d be there for hours. Not only would we be exposed to the negative energies present in the emergency wing of a hospital on a Friday night (alcohol, drugs, aggression etc) which as light workers we intuitively know is not a good environment for us, but I’d also miss my launch entirely and there would be no meditation as everyone expected.

We took a chance and dropped into a local doctors surgery, hoping that a nurse would tend to the wound and save us going to hospital, but they refused. We tried one more time at another doctor nearby, and I decided to put out a call, and I did so out loud, with both of us using focused intention, and asked the angels for their help and assistance so that we could get the help needed, save time and avoid going to the hospital.

We arrived at the next reception, expecting to be turned away, but to our relief a lovely nurse welcomed us in immediately, and when we told her our predicament she came to our aid, much like an angel herself with total understanding and compassion. As she was tending his wound I suddenly saw a big beautiful ultra violet orb in front of her, so big and shimmeringly iridescent that it surprised me, and I knew in that moment that the angels were letting me know that they were there, protecting and taking care of us and it drew my attention to the fact that they had absolutely answered our call.

We were done in less than 10 minutes and headed back off home so that I could complete the launch and poor Jay could rest his head.


Don’t Let The Negativity (in ANY form) Derail You

It didn’t end there though. You might have noticed that some of the links to our articles for the launch malfunctioned, didn’t send or were broadcast without images. We only discovered these complications too late as all our electronic items at home, including internet have been behaving inconsistently, making launch this month challenging. Little things, but enough to still cause disruption in the usual flow (and progression). The reason I share all of this with you is because it will probably, at some point in your awakening, show up for you too. Sharing these insights and my energy clearance meditations with our group of like-minded connected souls is too important to allow these wayward energies to meddle with, disrupt or stop and the very fact that this cycle keeps repeating is testament to the hurdles that I’ve drawn attention to here and the significance of our joint mission as light workers.

Just as you think you’ve reached the next step – likely the moment you acknowledge and congratulate yourself – darkness in some form may rise up for one last fight before you vanquish it for good. The key is to take control. DON’T ALLOW IT to take control. Center yourself (just like I did after my recording was disrupted) and get back to focusing on the positive no matter what.

P.S If you like some free energy clearing downloads to assist you with this, you can get them in the video at the top of this page or the free preview lessons in The Angels Prayer below…


The Angel Prayer Can Help With That…

‘The Angel Prayer’ will help you to:Angel Prayer Guided Meditation Spiritual Awakening

  • Connect with your angels
  • Be guided and assisted by your angels in life or awakening
  • Gain additional strength and support from the angelic realm
  • Feel their unconditional love and soothing comfort
  • Get signs from the angels to help lead you toward your best life





What Is It?

  • Think of it like a cross between an intuitive energy healing session and a relaxing guided meditation.
  • You’ll be energetically connected to your angels and we’ll open the gateway to you receiving their comfort, unconditional love, support and guidance (through signs in your daily life)
  • A pre-recorded video full of healing, clearing and energetic adjustments.
  • A calm and relaxing meditation that is completed (regardless of distance or time) in under 20 minutes.





*Note: If you are struggling with any of these issues, we have healing/ clearing meditations that can help.

If you need grounding: The Mother Earth Grounding Meditation

If you need entity clearing: The Entity Clearing Meditation

If you need energetic clearing: The Rainbow Light Energy Clearing Meditation

If you need to clear shadow self issues: The Crystal Frequency Meditation

For psychic clarity & to align with your life purpose:  The Sacred Blessing

To create a safe space and safe spiritual interactions: The Christ Connection

To heal a broken heart & accept love, connection and trust: The Heart Pain Healing

Energetically upgrade the physical body to 5D level: The DNA Upgrade

If you need guidance and protection: The Angel Prayer Meditation (more detail on this at the end of the article.)


Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
26 Signs An Entity Or Spirit Is Attached To You
11 Signs Your Angels Are Trying to Contact You!
Healing Meditation: The Angel Prayer


If you enjoyed this article – save this PIN for later on your spiritual awakening board!

How To Vanquish The Unexpected DARKNESS Of Ascension