How To Turn De-Stressing Into A Self Worth Practice
Why Am I Stressed?
That’s the question we are all asking ourselves. Stress has become not only an epidemic of massive proportions but sadly has snuck its way into an entitled position in our daily lives as if it belongs there – it doesn’t.
And we can fool ourselves into believing only the surface level causes of stress, ‘its because of my mother,’ or ‘its because I’ve got too much to do,’ or ‘its because I’m burnt out’. These are all valid sources of stress – if you only want to look so deep. But, if instead, you’d like to know, understand and RESOLVE the root cause of your stress, lets dig a little deeper and see whats REALLY at the heart of it.
Whats REALLY Causing My Stress?
I’ve pondered this question myself many times. I’ve sat down, exhausted from the pressures of the day, convincing myself that if only I could change ‘this’ or ‘that’, or if ‘he’ or ‘she’ hadn’t done what they did, that I wouldn’t be stressed at all (a slightly misguided and unrealistic rumination from a natural sensitive with worry-wart tendencies, but I digress). Yes, as empathic individuals with a limited energy supply of vitality, its easy when we’re stressed and buckling under the tension to feel like victims of theft, and view everyone and everything else around us as stealers of our precious light.
But, there’s more to the story than that, and this week I was granted a powerful lesson and realization from our collective guides (ascended souls dedicated to assisting us on our awakening pathway – its through them that I channel all of the healing in our energy healing meditations). They shared with me the true key to why we are all so stressed in the first place (and provided a VERY powerful healing to shift this wounding through our current life, ALL of our past lives AND through our genes on both our mother and father’s family line, to ensure this issue is fully resolved on all levels of our being!) Read on and I’ll share with you what they showed me.
The Wound In YOU That Is The Source Of Your Stress
You’re probably a bit of a stressed person. I am too. Sensitive, intuitive empaths, particularly on the awakening pathway have a real rough time maneuvering through the chaos and intense emotions of normal everyday life. We’re not really built for this environment, and its tough for us to stay in alignment with our higher selves which are so centered, stable, still and calm when we’re amongst such turbulent surroundings. In fact, at times it can feel damn near impossible to access that part of ourselves or our higher connection at all, which is incredibly distressing. The resulting feelings range from upset and disconnected to downright angry and resentful (don’t worry if you’re feeling this way, these are normal, understandable human emotions and it doesn’t make you a bad person. If we can address the real cause here in the article, you wont feel this way for long).
I was working on clearing stress with our collective guides as I recorded this months meditation. They were leading me through releasing pent up stress and pressure firstly from the physical body, and then from each of the chakras. As I approached the solar plexus chakra they showed me an important energy that they wanted to download into each of us, it was the energy of ‘I AM WORTHY’.
I chanelled the energy of ‘I AM WORTHY’ and its beautiful golden yellow light into the solar plexus and as usual asked the guides, ‘whats next?’ They signalled to me to wait and told me, ‘you have no idea how powerful this download is’. Clearly, I didn’t, because next I watched as they sent this powerful energy through our current life, every person we’ve been in ALL of our past lives and every ancestor in our genetic family line who needed this wounding healed too! WOW!
Of course! Unworthiness is such a huge factor in the way we internalize stress! I could see how this deep core wound permeates everything we do, the things we take on and the pressure we put ourselves under. Ask yourself this question –
How much are you taking on, doing, or helping with that somewhere deep down, comes from compensating because you don’t think that you’re good enough?
Do YOU Believe That You’re Good Enough?
Really ask yourself this…
How much of your stress comes from:
- Rescuing, saving or bailing out others
- Obligating yourself to help or serve EVERYONE around you – even when you know they could do it for themselves
- Feeling like you ‘should’
- Endlessly giving more to others who don’t or wont reciprocate the effort
- Doing everything that needs to be done without asking for help to the point that you are completely burnt out
- Giving when you have absolutely nothing left to give
- Taking care of everyone else, but never taking care of YOU
Can you see a pattern here? Yes, all of these things cause stress, but if we look a little deeper, all of these things come from…
Not feeling good enough.
We get caught in an endless cycle of compensating for the lack that we see within ourselves. We exhaust ourselves constantly trying to fill the gap inside of us where we feel we are missing value that we perceive everyone else to have. We think that if we can just ‘do’ more, give more, or fix more that we’ll make up the deficit inside and that others will finally validate us with appreciation and acknowledging our efforts.
But it wont.
With deep core wounds like this, no matter how hard you try, nothing you do and no one else can fill the emptiness of feeling inferior or worthless. Its never about what you do. Its not about what you can provide, or how ‘good’ you can be. Its about really looking at the pain that’s in there and asking yourself, ‘why do I believe that I’m not enough?’
Where Does This Wound Come From?
Beliefs like this are generally found on any of the following levels (or all of them):
CURRENT LIFE – the belief ‘I’m not worthy’ was created from early interactions with our primary care givers. Perhaps the people around us didn’t treat us as they should and so healthy self-worth never developed in us to begin with, or we had an experience where we concluded that we are unworthy. Maybe you can think of a time in your childhood where you thought you were not good enough somehow – therein lies the healing.
PAST LIVES – the belief ‘I’m not worthy’ was created through traumatic or upsetting experiences in our past lives. In this case it is likely that it has become a theme and we have carried this wound through many lifetimes, seeking to heal and resolve it. Perhaps you even have a feeling or memory of a past life where this pain was created.
GENETIC LINE – the belief ‘I’m not worthy’ was created generations ago when an ancestor of yours on your mother or father’s family line had a traumatic experience that caused them to come to this belief about themselves, and it has energetically been passed down, like a genetic template through each person in your family to you. Healing this will literally re-imprint the energetic genetic code for your family and all future family members too.
How Can I Heal This Wound?
You can begin by searching these areas and bringing to light the emotions, feelings and thoughts connected to it. You need to acknowledge the hurt that this belief causes and release the pain in order to heal. You can soul search, or visit an energy healer to help you locate, uproot and resolve this belief, or, you can do it yourself by using this months meditation, ‘The Stress vs Worthiness Dichotomy’ which actively heals and resolves each area of the wounding, and you can repeat the meditation any time you feel stressed or inferior to continue to heal any underlying layers, gently, easily and holistically.
Want Some Help With That?
Our brand new guided meditation of energy healing is specifically created to relax your body, de-stress your mind and heal unworthiness wounds through all levels of your being.
‘The Stress vs Worthiness Dichotomy’ Will Help You To:
- Release stress, pressure and tension from your physical body, energy body and auric field
- Ground your body and each chakra, anchoring you to Gaia
- Let go of unnecessary rescuing, over compensating and depleting yourself for others
- Feel and accept that YOU ARE WORTHY (and always have been)
- Heal unworthiness wounds in YOU, your GENETIC LINE & your PAST LIFE selves for our most comprehensive and longest healing session yet (30 minutes of intense energy healing)
What Is It?
- Think of it like a cross between an intuitive energy healing session and a relaxing guided meditation.
- An energy healing session channeled directly from a collection of high vibrational guides, who are dedicated to assisting us through our awakening process.
- A pre-recorded video full of healing, clearing and energetic adjustments.
- A calm and relaxing meditation that is completed (regardless of distance or time) in around 30 minutes – our longest energy healing yet!
Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
- 4 Truths To Help You Embody Inner Peace & Reduce Stress During Spiritual Awakening
- How To De-stress Your Mind Body And Soul
- The Stress vs Worthiness Dichotomy
If you enjoyed this article – save this PIN for later on your spiritual awakening board!