How To Thrive As A Spiritual Starseed


Starseeds are advanced souls from other galaxies, star systems and spiritual planes who volunteered to help Earth and it’s inhabitants in the ascension process…

But unfortunately, the amnesia of the Earth plane has caused many of us starseeds to forget who we really are, why we came here and the amazing spiritual gifts we brought to help with too. I don’t want you to miss our awesome FREE Starseed masterclass – you honestly won’t find this covered anywhere else!

During awakening is the perfect time to sync with your starseed roots – to truly awaken and remember who you really are. Don’t waste any more time on this precious mission! The truth is, being a Starseed here on Earth isn’t always easy – but it can be. Follow our 3 steps to thrive as a spiritually synced Starseed!




STEP 1 – Remember that you’re not alone

Being a starseed can feel incredibly lonely, but please remember that you are part of a much larger collective mission full of other souls that have come here too. We are a team!


STEP 2 – Find your purpose (hint – it’s your joy!)

Your mission always aligns with your skills, passions and interests. If you don’t know what it is or could be, simply begin by doing things you enjoy more often (for some Starseeds, simply their energy being here assists in raising the frequency of the planet) – the higher your energy, the better it will be, so have some fun and you’ll find your gifts and abilities naturally flourish.


STEP 3 – Sync up with your Starseed roots!

That lonely, abandoned feeling won’t go away until your soul remembers it’s true spiritual roots. When you do, you’ll have better direction in life and will find you are intuitively guided by the Starseed energy (it’ll raise your energetic vibration too). Best of all, the loneliness in your soul will ease and you’ll feel more connected daily.

You could pray, meditate or call out to your Starseed roots in order to do this – or simply allow our brand new meditation to effectively sync your energies up with that Starseed power (and use it in future any time you feel you need immediate support and reconnection too!)


But how? Simple, quick and easy. We use energy healing to sync you up with your Starseed roots in MINUTES.


Ready to begin right now? Check out our all new, energy healing meditation, ‘The Starseed Sync’ that you can use repeatedly throughout your awakening to reconnect with your starseed roots, align with your soul mission guided by the ascended energies of the stars & feel at ease on Earth!

>>> You can check it out here.



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