We’ve all heard a million different terms for moving into 5D consciousness; raising vibration, the shift, ascension, awakening, or even ‘the end of the world’. It all pretty much means the same thing. We’re going to be moving ‘up’ a level energetically. We’ll be vibrating (and resonating) much higher than we were before. This means that we’ll be more attuned to divine attributes like love, compassion and connectedness and less rooted in survival, struggle or trauma. Later I’m going to share with you the foundational steps to moving into 5D easily – more on that at the end.
Why are we moving into 5D consciousness?
Its the natural evolution of man. Think of it like the x-men movies – except instead of evolving with badass super powers or genetic mutations, its our consciousness that is evolving. We’ll be more spiritually aware and connected. Its how we used to be (think of Atlantis or Lemuria). The earth goes through incarnations of sleeping and awakening. It’s been asleep for a long time, and that’s made for a lot of learning through physical, grounded experience – but now its time to transcend that level (and all the trauma we’ve encountered throughout). Its time for more expansion and growth. Time for it to waken up and take us with it as it resonates more in tune with the higher realms (which will be much more joyful and beautiful) and more in tune with who we truly are.
This global awakening is a very special, sacred time. However, sometimes throughout the process you can feel like you’re riding a dragon. Life can feel extremely out of control and overwhelming (as can your energies or spiritual gifts).
Here are some of the more common symptoms you might experience:
- Physical sensitivity – sensitive to light, noise, certain foods
- Emotional sensitivity – extreme highs or extreme lows, wild or erratic mood swings, unexplained depression, anxiety or sudden waves of emotion
- Energetic sensitivity – picking up on energies or feelings from people, places or things. Feeling overwhelmed by your own energy or others
- Unusual sensations – tingling, tickly feelings, buzzing or prickling, shivers or shaking
- Feeling drawn to metaphysics or spirituality – healing, religion, meditation, practices etc
- Ringing in the ears or feeling frequency changes
- Synchronicity – seeing number patterns, peculiar coincidences, meaningful signs or symbolism
- Lack of interest in negative vibrations or interests, loss of interest in old friendships, places or behaviors
- Knowing that something has changed within you or your life, even if you can’t explain what
- Becoming more introverted or sensitive, craving more time alone
- Aversion to superficial, fake or inauthentic people, places or things
- A deep yearning to find meaning in life, to help others, to fulfill a life purpose or soul mission
- Powerful aversion to traditional work, the system, or having to work for money
- Increased psychic or intuitive abilities – senses, visions, knowing, hearing or even seeing
- Changes in appetite and eating habits – you may find you are suddenly much hungrier, craving protein or unusual foods. Sudden aversion to drinking alcohol, eating meat, chemical laden food or unnatural substances, or less need to eat at all.
- Changing sleep patterns – unable to sleep, waking during the night feeling wired or overstimulated, sometimes more than once
- Sudden health complications, ailments or injuries – old issues held in your energetic blueprint are being released
- Vivid, meaningful dreams, or lucid dreaming
- Confusion in life or inability to make decisions
- Impatience – perhaps you know something is supposed to happen and you feel you literally can’t wait for it, or you feel a soul call or life purpose that needs to be fulfilled. A feeling of time running out
- Communications with spirit, Creator, guides or ascended masters, angels or even ET beings
- Awareness of soul mates, twin flames or soul counterparts
- Past life memories or current life issues rising to the surface to be released and healed
Phew! Its no wonder we can feel overwhelmed and confused in this process. Anyone would! However, there is a sacred balance occurring within your very system as these changes take place. For the most part, you may find that your symptoms or experiences waver – perhaps uncontrollably. Sometimes you’ll be grounded in the physical, and that will bring up raw or relentless emotional issues and life patterns that you just can’t get shot of. Other times you’ll be high and spiritually connected (without even meaning to). Your sensitivity could be so high that the energy of people, places or things completely overwhelm you and give you strange sensations that you can’t explain. Both of these two opposites can make living normal human life extremely challenging, and its massively distracting in the process. But it is in the out of control nature of both of these things (physical groundedness and high spiritual connectedness) that you learn to merge the two in a powerful alchemical marriage (just like yin and yang).
Bridging Heaven And Earth
You see, the point to all of this awakening is the bridging of heaven and earth. Its about having high spiritual connectedness while still being grounded in your physical body. You ARE the bridge. You need to become it. We were told of heaven ON earth. Experiencing higher realms while here on the physical earth. You need to be present otherwise all the wisdom and knowledge you gain is for nothing. You could have just stayed in the spiritual realms and worked from there. Instead, you came here for a reason, and your physicality must be a part of that. The way to become the bridge is to be fully grounded, and an active participant in the awakening process – that requires understanding the journey.
Our energy healing meditation, ’Mother Earth Grounding Meditation’ can help you with grounding and reducing your awakening symptoms.
You’re On The Right Path
Most people can do the spiritual stuff without even trying. During the shift your energies will automatically intensify and become more sensitive. Your soul will orchestrate the journey and your guides will continue to call you down the right path. Its the process that usually gets us. We can find it near impossible to understand the process, know why its happening or make sense of it – I’m going to share a video that you might find helpful to do just that below.
You can experience heaven on earth in this lifetime. It’s not going to come from a big blast in the sky, or lights that sprinkle down in front of us to lead us into the new world. It starts with you. Its about your perception of the world and you being grounded enough to ANCHOR this new energy in place. Spirit wont grant that to you until you’re steady enough to hold it. They need to know you can handle it. (If you’re having trouble getting grounded, or you’re having a difficult awakening you can get your free grounding course here which will ease your symptoms too). Sometimes, simply understanding that there is a structure to this seemingly chaotic process can be grounding in itself.
How To Move Into 5D Consciousness (gracefully)
Step 1 – Ground yourself. You need to be able to anchor in the new energies that are flowing through you (available in the free course in the banner).
Step 2 – Understand the journey. It’ll go much smoother if you’re not kicking and screaming the entire way, wondering whats coming next. Learn about the 4 stages of spiritual awakening here – but don’t miss the free video below!
Want help understanding the journey?
If you’d like some guidance and reassurance for the journey, I’ve created a video to help you understand the process of awakening, what you can expect and how to move through it more easily. Check it out below.
Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
* How I Reached 5d Consciousness – And YOU Can Too!
* How to Physically Integrate Your 5d Light Body!
* 5D Ascension Shift
If you enjoyed this article – save this PIN for later on your spiritual awakening board!
Why does the awaking happen to surrender people
Hi Annette, thanks for your comment. I’m not sure I understood your question. Can you clarify what you mean? x
Hi,im so bothered with the news,north korea,flooding,pollution,starvation,Mother nature,…as though I can feel the earths pain,as I’m typing this a tear is forming down my face. I’m so bigger than my body,and time is running out,…Is this normal emotions or is there something big about to happen?
Bless you Dan – these are entirely normal feelings and a natural result of intensified emotions and empathy during this shift for you. Grounding will alleviate this, so be sure to do our free grounding course (remember, not everything grounds us effectively during awakening) so the course will help. It will also be awakening soul level feelings. Your soul knows it is here to help and this emotion can be tapped into during time of great sensitivity. It will pass. Much love to you.