Channel Divine Love Heart Chakra


How To Unblock Your Heart Chakra & Channel Divine Love EFFORTLESSLY

We came here with a purpose. We came here with a mission. That is the realization that we become aware of when our awakening hits. Our inner voice tells us, ‘I know I’m here to do something, but I just don’t know quite what…’

The truth is that the details of EXACTLY what you came here to achieve will elude you until you are fully awakened and healed enough to be able to fulfill it safely and effectively. The Universe will not make you privy to those details until you are appropriately prepared for the task at hand (this can be frustrating, but trust that the Universe has your best interests in mind).


Your Souls Purpose

However what I can tell you is that there is one resonant driver that I’ve found that exists in ALL of us who are awakened.

We came here to channel unconditional love.

The ways in which we choose to fulfill that mission is unique to us and our skills, gifts and experiences, but the thread remains the same. We are the light workers who came to assist, to shift the energy of earth, to save humans from the pain, suffering and anguish that they are locked into due to karmic conditioning and the fact that they have become completely estranged from true unconditional love in its natural form (however that doesn’t mean that we ourselves don’t escape getting tangled into it too along the way).

As we awaken, we become aware of the fact that we are not yet fulfilling that mission, and it creates a sense of urgency, anxiety and panic. We begin to sense this ticking time bomb, urging us to step into our power as light workers. Our soul is desperately urging, ‘they need your gifts, help them NOW before its too late!’


Why You’re NOT Fulfilling Your Purpose (yet)

The problem is that often we are so caught up in the purging and healing process designed to get us ready to fulfill our purpose that we just can’t get to where we’re meant to be. Everything is too messy and chaotic. We’re too bogged down by intense emotions and horrible anxiety to be able to step into our power and shine the divine love and light that could change things. We’re too stuck to make an impact.

We need to begin healing, like, yesterday. The sooner we can get ourselves healed and clear, not only will we feel better and begin to live our best lives, but we can begin helping others and shining that divine love and light that will help them and align us with our greatest joy in the process, eliminating all those feelings of panic, urgency and even depression.


Healing Your Heart Chakra Is VITAL

Healing your heart chakra is a vital part of the spiritual awakening journey. It’s a vital part because more than any other part, we need your heart chakra is to be open, clear and free-flowing to be able to express the unconditional love of the divine. It’s vital because that is what we came here to do as light workers. We all want to channel divine love – we all want to be a channel for that higher vibrational energy – we all want to make a positive impact in the lives of others and fulfill our life purpose. However, we are unable to do that when our heart chakras remain broken, blocked or congested with pain, hurt, trauma and devastation.


Is Your Heart Chakra Blocked Or Broken?

If you’re questioning if your heart chakra is broken, blocked or congested you can check out our list of common signs here. However it’s worth mentioning that no one makes it through spiritual awakening without deep and powerful healing of the heart. It is an unavoidable aspect of healing that all of us must go through at some point, if not many times throughout the awakening journey.

Signs that your heart chakra is broken or blocked include:

  • Feeling disillusioned with love and relationships
  • Feeling disappointed, let down or hopeless about love
  • Still feeling the pain of a relationship long after it has ended
  • Longing for someone you can’t have or can’t find
  • Feeling unable to connect with others
  • Feeling unable to trust
  • Aching, burning, pain or tingling energy in your chest, heart, lungs or upper back (indicates heart chakra is very damaged)
  • Recurrent health complications in your chest, heart, lungs or upper back e.g chest infections, heart attack, back pain
  • Feeling or believing that love is painful, abusive or doesn’t last
  • Feeling alone in the world
  • Running away, isolating yourself, cutting people off or disconnecting
  • Being unable to unite with your twin flame or soul mate


Benefits Of Healing Your Broken Heart

The good news is that no matter how long you’ve struggled with any of the signs above, it CAN be changed (in fact, thats the whole point of this pain coming up during your awakening – its seeking to be healed!) Not only will you feel much better as a result of healing your broken or blocked heart, but it has many other epic benefits too.


Benefits of Healing Your Broken Or Blocked Heart Chakra:

  • Unblock your heart charka (release pain, hurt and disappointment)
  • Deepen your capacity to love and be loved
  • Change life long patterns of being betrayed, hurt, misled or unvalued
  • ​Change your point of attraction to attract healthy relationships, friendships and interactions aligned with love
  • Activate your heart chakra to channel divine love like its supposed to
  • Clear blocks to uniting with your twin flame, soul mate or an awakened life partner
  • Prepare for your life purpose 
  • Allow your heart to GUIDE you when it is healthy, whole and complete


What Kind Of Healing Is Best For The Heart Chakra?

In order to unblock the heart chakra we need healing, but there’s a problem; talk therapy is not enough, counselling will not do the trick, and no amount of medication can clear the pain or release the congestion of a blocked heart chakra.


What NOT To Do

Before we cover what healing method is best, I’d like to cover what definitely NOT to do, because in many ways it is just as important, and can be a massive stumbling block on the road to ascension if you don’t know what to watch out for.

We need two specific aspects of us to be addressed in order to heal our spiritual awakening fully. Many people on the awakening journey get counselling or talk therapy only to find many years later that other parts of deep and powerful pain arise again. They question why it has happened when they feel they have been healing so deeply through their therapy.

Also, many of us on the awakening journey meditate for hours every day or week in an attempt to cleanse the soul’s pain and to heal the damage (don’t worry, I did that too – whoops!). Unfortunately this has a similar problem – it can help to clear SOME of the spiritual aspects of awakening as it can align us with higher aspects of self and bring communication with guides to lead us forward, but again its missing another important component…


Its A 2 Part Approach If You Want Effective, Lasting Healing

The problem with both of these methods is that they are only 1/2 of a 2 part holistic approach that we must take. To address only the spiritual will leave painful issues that still trouble us in this current lifetime. To heal only current issues leaves past life pain which lays dormant in the soul and will erupt at a later date seeking to be healed because it has not been done appropriately the first time around (or, we’ll simply feel miserable and never fully become aware of why).

I’d like to save you from having to repeat a painful healing process twice. Spiritual awakening is hard enough. Take a 2 part approach and heal the RIGHT way first time around so that you can be free of the pain and get on with beaming that loving energy from your heart chakra in your life purpose and greatest joy.


The Missing Link In Healing During Spiritual Awakening

In order to heal fully, easily and quickly during awakening we must address two aspects:

  • First we must heal the pains we have experienced in this current lifetime.
  • Secondly we must heal past life pains which created the blueprint of your life experience that is being repeated, causing themes and continual challenges that seem insurmountable to play out again and again in our current lifetime.

Make sense? Good.

Once we can heal the heart chakra we can effortlessly beam that unconditional love from our open hearts and allow the Divine to work through us as the light workers we came here to be.

But it requires healing first. So, if you can’t use traditional talk therapy, and we know that meditation can often make our awakening symptoms worse, and that neither of these approaches can fully complete healing, then what can we use?


Energy Healing Is The KEY To Healing Past & Present Lifetimes Simultaneously

My number one recommendation for healing the heart chakra throughout the spiritual awakening process is energy healing.

Energy healing has the incredible power to heal both our current life pains and past life issues at the same time. This means the energy healing can heal the issue your awakening draws up in half the time, saving you from repeating the same patterns or having to heal the issues again.


Which Type Of Energy Healing Is Best?

You do need to be careful though. If you’ve followed our blog for a while now you’ll know that I always advise AGAINST using energy healing (or anything that alters or affects your energy body) during awakening because it can massively unground us and make our symptoms MUCH worse.

My best recommendation would be something like EFT tapping. Its a simple, self applied energy healing technique that can work on both aspects of energy and physicality for a truly holistic healing. You can work with a practitioner or learn it for FREE in our 5 day tutorial course here.

Alternatively, if you’d like to just relax and allow yourself to receive the healing, our energy healing meditations are a great way to start safe energy healing regularly without leaving home, excessive costs or waiting on available appointments when you need healing NOW. You can just watch the video, relax and receive the energetic changes our collective guides are granting us.


The Heart Pain Healing Meditation Will Heal Your Heart Pain, Unblock Your Heart Chakra And Promote Love, Connection And Trust

This months energy healing meditation is called ‘The Heart Pain Healing’ and it is specifically created to help you heal the issues in this article. Its a powerful 20 minute video of energetic activations and healing that will get your heart healed, aligned and ready to step into your mission as a light worker.

If you want to take a look at ‘The Heart Pain Healing’ guided meditation (which directly heals and clears these specific issues) you can do so here

Of course, I want you to know that healing is always ultimately in your own hands. Follow what resonates with you. Trust the guidance in your heart to lead you to what is right for you, whether it is EFT tapping, one of our healing meditations, or perhaps a local healer. So long as it is aligned with love you are always on the right track!


Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
* 10 Signs Your Heart Chakra Is Blocked Or Broken
* How to Unblock Your Heart Chakra!
* Healing Meditation: The Heart Pain Healing


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