How NOT To Ground Yourself During Spiritual Awakening
I know, I know, you’ve heard it so many times. People drone on about the importance of grounding in any area of spirituality (or life) and you’ve probably dismissed it for the most part. If the thought of grounding makes you roll your eyes with boredom, that’s largely because, for the average person, grounding ISN’T really required in their day to day life. Most people go on living their daily lives without much thought or awareness about how to ground their energies and honestly, they’ll be just fine – they’ll have no symptoms, and most likely no noticeable difficulties as a result of it.
The problem only really arises when someone is going through the spiritual awakening process. When that happens, you’re playing an entirely different ball game, and I know from experience that your awakening will throw you around like a rag doll if you don’t learn to effectively ground yourself – like, yesterday. It is the LACK of grounding that creates almost all of your spiritual awakening symptoms, causes life to fall apart around you and generally ensues chaos that steals stability so abruptly from your life that might be so intense you feel you could be headed for a breakdown (if that’s the case, please don’t worry – there’s nothing wrong with you, and I’ll be explaining why this experience is actually the most common one (but don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be that way if you learn to ground your energies effectively).
In fact I feel that its so incredibly vital that I’ve created a completely FREE grounding course that will help you to stabilize your awakening, ditch the drama, calm your sensitivities and ground your energies effectively – but more on that in a moment.
What Does It Mean To Be Grounded?
First, lets cover what grounding actually means.
To be grounded means to be connected to the earth, to have your feet on solid ground. To be present, focused and logical. It means that your soul is fully in your body and anchored to the physical realm.
(Eye roll) And let’s be completely honest here – for most of us spiritually minded folks, at best were completely uninterested at the thought of being more present in the 3D world and at worst we downright fear it. Instead, we pride ourselves in our spiritual ability to escape that groundedness – to gravitate to higher vibrational planes, connect with creative force, universal energy and divinity. Throughout the ages, practiced sages have set the bar we measure our spiritual progress by (despite the fact that we are awakening in entirely different circumstances and environments) and we’ve become seekers of the exact same elusive experience (even though they were meditating in caves or monasteries, while we still have the 3D obligations of doing the laundry, holding down a job and grocery shopping during our awakening experience!).
The problem with the absence of energy grounding during awakening is that it creates hellish symptoms that make the process hard to cope with. Take a look at the most common ones and see if you can relate:
Signs Your Awakening Is Dangerously Ungrounded
- Emotional instability – feeling fragile, tearful or that emotions are often powerfully triggered incontrollably.
- Empathic ability extremely sensitive – picking up other peoples feelings or physical issues and being unable to shake them off. Harsh situations, conflict or hurt become unbarable to witness or get over.
- Psychic senses too open – unwanted visits from spirit, sensing frightening things, being unable to ‘shut off’.
- Feeling completely overwhelmed or burnt out (often without clear reason).
- Feeling spacey, disconnected or trance-like and dazed.
- Normal daily life feels like an unmanageable burden.
- Feeling lost or confused.
- Unable to sleep deeply – tossing and turning or feeling ‘super charged’
If your heart has just sank from reading the list above, please don’t worry – you don’t need to be experiencing all of the symptoms on the list for ungroundedness to be affecting you and your spiritual awakening. As a general rule, if you are currently going through a spiritual awakening, you will be ungrounded – purely because a spiritual awakening IS an ungrounding process in itself. In fact, it is this initial disconnect from Earth’s energies that actively gives us temporary unlimited access to our spiritual abilities, intuition, guidance and wisdom. It’s a common part of the process as our energies shift, expand and change (however, it’s only supposed to be a TEMPORARY disconnect – and failure to re-ground afterwards is the cause of a difficult, overwhelming or drama-filled awakening). Don’t worry though, it can be changed and we’ll cover how in a moment).
FYI, our 7 day energy healing course, ’Grounded Awakenings’ is specifically created to can help with this.It brings healing, clearing and energetic activations that set your energies to be supported through every issue that arises throughout awakening, and we’ve had reports of customers feeling 80% better within just a few days! We’ve been able to help so many clients going through the awakening process – our testimonials speak from themselves – check it out here and see if it resonates with you.
Traditional Grounding Methods DON’T Work During Awakening
Grounding ourselves during spiritual awakening is extremely challenging, and can feel damn near impossible. I know this because I went through the exact same thing during my own awakening experience. The old methods just did. Not. Work. I tried everything – visualization, meditation, crystals, essential oils, incense. But nothing worked – if I’m honest, I was really scared by the fact that nothing could ground my energies. It was really frightening and it took a long time of repeatedly (and desperately) trying to unsuccessfully ground myself with all the different traditional methods to finally recognise that they didn’t anchor me to my body (or the Earth plane) at all – instead they were constantly raising my vibration which was de-stabilizing my energies even further. I could see that because of the intensity of my spiritual awakening, they just. wouldn’t. work. It made no sense to all of the years worth of energy healing training and expertise I had developed – it went against everything I knew.
I was terrified. I could feel how ungrounded I was. I felt so incredibly unplugged that I worried that at any moment I was going to slip out of my body and float away. There were times in my awakening when I had truly wished for that – to go home to Source – but now I was so ungrounded that my body had shifted into an intense fight or flight response. The energies were so impactful, that my body was perceiving the energies as a threat! My entire body felt like it was breaking down. I was overwhelmed; sweating, aching, anxiously panicking, feeling totally isolated and completely dissociated. My empathic ability was so strong that the normal everyday social interactions daily life created feelings in my system that were so intense, they were entirely out of my control.
In fact I felt so frighteningly ungrounded that I used to hold on to tables and hand rails in an attempt to focus myself physically and stay present in my body! Phew!
Why Is It So DIfficult To Ground During Spiritual Awakening?
In order for us to understand WHY it can feel practically impossible to ground ourselves during awakening, we need to understand the spiritual awakening process. I know awakening in general can seem irrational and confusing, but actually, there is a really straight forward structure to the process, and when you understand this, it can calm a lot of anxiety and confusion almost immediately. Lets take a look at the first few stages of spiritual awakening to get a clearer picture (for a full list of the stages click here):
STAGE 1 – Initial Awakening
• At a predetermined moment or time (that YOU chose before you got down here), large quotients of energy begin to flood your system in order to rapidly raise your vibration. Having this much light in your system is extremely ungrounding because there’s not enough density in the physical body to balance or anchor it.
• As a result of this, the psychic centers are opened (usually quite abruptly) and suddenly your feeling, sensing, seeing or hearing things that you weren’t aware of before.
• Due to the heightening of these psychic senses and sensitivity you’ll feel the need to retreat – to pull back from people, places, and things and perhaps feel a desire to spend more time alone.
STAGE 2 – Healing
• Energy is powerfully thrust up through the chakras to dislodge any blocks that stop the energy from flowing smoothly straight through your system from root chakra to crown chakra (and beyond!) giving you a purer connection to source.
• Emotional centers suddenly become heightened and highly sensitive (this helps you to feel everything in order to heal without avoidance – especially of issues you may have been running from in the past, or in other lifetimes).
• Those ‘blocks’ in the chakras are old emotions, heart breaks and trauma from past lifetimes which have come to surface to be realized and healed.
• Your emotions will change wildly and erratically which may be entirely out of character for you. You may feel you have no control over when or where or how strongly they come up and you are frequently deeply triggered (although you may not always understand why). This ensures that you clear and heal ALL of the energetic baggage that is holding you back, and stopping you from fully embodying your highest and most authentic self.
Hellish Awakening Symptoms Are NOT Necessary & You Don’t Have To Suffer Them
Hopefully from what we’ve just covered, you are seeing a lot of your symptoms and recognizing that they are entirely natural parts of this powerfully transformative journey. Its that massive quotient of high vibrational energy that I mentioned way back at the start of the stages that started it all. It was the power and intensity of that light which opened your psychic senses, surfaced old emotional wounds, and heightened your sensitive empathy – and in truth, we do need that initially in order to get the process started, but once awakening is in motion, its not actually necessary to stay at that extremely high level. And unfortunately, what often happens is that without proper grounding knowledge (specifically for spiritual awakening) we get more and more ungrounded, rendering the high vibrational frequencies, ultimately harmful to us.
It is this inability to ground these powerful energies here in the physical 3D world that creates awful symptoms like anxiety, out of control empathy, emotional instability, and in some cases, a sense of complete breakdown (if this sounds like you, I promise you’ll be ok – just follow the tried and tested guidance below).
Grounding Is The KEY To Transforming Your Awakening!
When I finally did learn how to ground myself, some really interesting things happened. I finally became able to make sense of the journey – something that had been completely outwith my ability beforehand. Things that had baffled me for years about my awakening and life suddenly became clear, and a lot of the unpleasant physical symptoms I was experiencing began to ease off which allowed my system to begin to decompress from the stress of it all (no one every says it, but spiritual awakening can be very stressful!). My sensitivities lessened and became more manageable. I gained more control of my spiritual experiences and my gifts and powerful insights and wisdom from the awakening suddenly arrived with clarity. This meant that I could finally identify key things that I had been taught as a result of awakening and share them with the world!
So you see, grounding was the key to truly transforming my awakening. It moved me through the darkness and finally into the light! But don’t just take my word for it – check out the awesome reviews from others who are going through awakening that have used our patented grounding methods in our signature grounding course specifically for those going through spiritual awakening here.
Here Are Some Of The Amazing Benefits You Can Expect When You Begin To Ground Your Spiritual Awakening
- Awakening will feel more balanced and in control
- You’ll be more present and aware in the physical (which you need to be if you want to fulfil a life purpose)
- Emotional sensitivity will lessen and emotional triggering will be more spaced instead of all at once – less anxiety too
- Your psychic and intuitive abilities will be more accute, accurate, grounded and in complete control.
- You’ll begin to understand your journey, you’ll have insights and epiphanies. The jig saw pieces will come together and make SENSE.
- Once grounded, your life purpose will become known and realized because you are READY for it.
To sum up – pretty much every challenge that you are having during your awakening can be resolved, or at least EASED by grounding – but it takes practice (and a little know how, because traditional grounding methods actively overstimulate energies and make symptoms worse for those going through spiritual awakening and so a specialised approach is needed).
How To Effectively Ground Your Energies To Support The Spiritual Awakening Process
My experience of spiritual awakening took me to a crisis, and sadly through working with my awakening clients in 1:1 sessions for 10+ years now, I’ve come to realise that without the appropriate guidance and energetic support in place, this is the most common experience of the ascension process. Thankfully that dark night of the soul is a distant memory now and my energies have remained consistently and reliably stable ever since – allowing me (and my clients) to ease awakening symptoms, ditch the drama and enjoy the positive aspects without interruption (or life disruption!). The good news is, I can share what I’ve learned with you so that you don’t have to make the same mistakes that I did. I learned that the traditional ways of grounding are not effective for such heightened experiences, and when I learned what DIDN’T work, it taught me what DID.
In fact, I created a FREE 5-day eCourse to share what I’ve learned and teach you how to effectively ground your own energies in the exact same way (and have your own transformation too!) Let’s get started!
Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
* Grounding: The Key To A Successful Spiritual Awakening
* 6 Ways Grounding Can Transform Your Spiritual Awakening!
* Grounded Awakenings 7 Day Energy Healing Course
If you enjoyed this article – save this PIN for later on your spiritual awakening board!
My goodness I’ve experienced almost all of those symptoms and still am , I need help !!
Hi Teresa, grounding will help calm uncontrollable symptoms and stabilize your awakening. Thats the first step, covered in the course below, and it will definitely help 🙂
Wow this described my exactly
Glad you can relate Leah 🙂
I definitely am experiencing these things.
I can totally relate. As someone who is by nature a calm still person, I find it hard to stabilize myself, and stay settled into anything. The only thing that I could find to help calm me for a time was Elven music. Just reading this post has elevated my anxiety – that’s how sensitive I am. I look forward to taking your course. Thanks for reaching out to us. Much appreciated. Namaste. ????
Hi Tru, glad to know you can relate to this. Interesting that Elven music is all that would calm you – sounds like you were being called back to your spiritual roots 🙂 Looking forward to sharing this with you, much love, Kelly x
I have way too many of these symptoms. I seen a psychiatrist and got a few diagnoses PTSD being one of the worse amongst frequent insomnia depression and being Bi-polar or so I was told. I was also told to take medications for the rest of my life (which I refused.) So, day in, day out, I battle much of all these symptoms leaving me to feel like I’d be better off dead. (Thankfully Im not suicidal & I don’t give up that easy.) However, through all this madness, I swear I feel like Im going crazy (but still I hold my composure.) Yeah, yeah ‘think and you shall become’ but no, I refuse to loose myself completely. So, over the course of five years Ive been figuring out my own ways to keep myself sane & doing ok (yeah, just ok which is no way to actually live.) I guess Im not that crazy if Im able to press forward each day symptomatc like I do. I don’t really know how or why but I am trying many techniques to find my peace of mind and calm. I still push forward and out of my confort zones, fighting the ‘good fight’ each day. I have stumbled upon many useful things & now this, I just signed up, thank you! I know its posible to ease inner turmoil, surface an work through past traumas (alone or with trusted people.) I feel my energy has just been heightened out of whack for far too long. I aim to get better & be better. Never give in, never give up, Im glad this is what I live by.
Omg this describes me Exactly!!! I have been neglecting to ground myself out of fear/notion it meant going backwards in my spiritual progress. And now i am Nuts!! So glad you posted this. Thank you!!!!!
I’m so glad you resonate with this, and I understand – I went through it too. Keep practicing at it and I’m confident things will continue to improve for you x
I still have not received the class ..I am in real need as I am going through this right now ..Please advise
Hi Trisha, sorry for the delay. I’ve checked with my email provider and it logs that you’ve received both courses – but if you’re still having problems let me know and I’ll sort it out for you x
Not sure if this is what I need, but willing to try.
I often visit your site and have noticed that you don’t update it often. More frequent updates will give your page
higher authority & rank in google. I know that writing articles takes a
lot of time, but you can always help yourself with miftolo’s tools which will shorten the time of creating
an article to a few seconds.
Hi Amanda, thanks – yes I’d love to post articles more often – I’ve been in more of a video flow recently, but soon I’ll be back to writing more frequently 🙂 x
I have stubbled upon this.
And totally for a reason. This describes exactly what I went through when I was awakened and didn’t know what was happening. And never could I find the words to describe all the feelings and emotions and spirit connect all at the same time.
So thank u so much for this description. I am in a better place almost two years since and greatful for this to come make its ways to me. Thank u universe!!
Hi Janeil, I’m so glad to know it resonated with you. I’m sorry to hear you had a similar experience but its awesome that you are in a better place now. It will continue to improve! Much love to you, Kelly x
Hello, please kindly response, my wife have all these symptoms, but I think she is insane but after reading through I think otherwise,please what is exactly this grounding you aforementioned,… I h been given her medication to bring her back, please kindly response, than you
Hey, grounding is being fully present, connected to your body and fully alert and aware. Much love to both of you at this difficult time xx
I feel I have been going through this for the last two years. its becoming more intense as time goes by. I really need help!
Hi there, use our free 5 day course to help you – it will reduce your symptoms and make the process MUCH easier. You can get it here:
Hi Arelys, it can be very challenging, but use the techniques we have here for free on the site and you’ll notice improvements quite quickly – it will get easier and you’re not alone 🙂