How I Used The Energy Of A Historic Scottish Castle For Past Life Healing: Castle Sween

Past Life Healing

It may sound like an entirely strange concept, but recently, I’ve been led by my Spirit Guides to various sacred sites with incredible healing results. Who would have imagined that an ancient cave, a loch-side castle or even a ruined chapel could lend us healing benefits, energetic activations and lift the most dense vibrational energy from us, in a matter of minutes? Even more oddly, it is not required for you to physically be in the presence of that space in order to receive the shifts that will help you dissolve blocks and break through the the most stagnant energies of your awakening and into ascension with ease.


What? A PLACE Can Energetically Heal Us?

I had been taught in some earlier healing modality training that you could intuitively ‘tune in’ to the energy of a space (a building, room or plot of land), perceive the negative energy there and clear and replace it by downloading it energetically with something more positive. I had practiced this for years to clear energy in my home, or when I visited somewhere new and the vibe was a bit heavy, but never had I imagined that the PLACE ITSELF could actually generate healing benefits that would far surpass anything I had experienced to date.


Castle Sween

Castle Sween Past Life Meditation

Castle Sween sits on the west coast of Argyll, here in Scotland, and overlooks the sandy shores of Loch Sween.

It’s considered to be one of the oldest remaining stone castles in Scotland, dating back to the 12th century and is thought to have been built by ‘Sven the Red’, a Norse lord of Irish descent and ancestor of the (clan of the) MacSweens. He favoured the location’s harbour for his warships due to its low incline beach, ideal for hauling Norse longboats ashore, and it later became a major transport link.

The Castle and the loch take their name from Suibhne (Sven), which was later anglised to ‘Sween’. The castle is steeped in historical accounts of feuding families and warring clans, fighting for ownership of this ancient fortress, which at one point was even captured by the true King of Scotland, Robert The Bruce.

Castle Sween has been excavated many times since the 1920’s, and is believed to have had at least 5 different periods of use. Many interesting things have been found here, such as a stone axe and whetstone in a cave below the castle, a Neolithic stone ball, medieval brooches, and a barbed arrowhead.

This clearly indicates that the site was occupied well before the castle was ever built; sadly the vivid details, customs, and beliefs of these mysterious ancient lifetimes are now all but eroded to unforgiving time, lost like a forgotten memory in the faded pantheons of myth and legend.


Castle Sween: The Doorway To Past Life Healing

Castle Sween Past Life MeditationDespite the fact that this castle has braved the elements of the loch’s coast for years, it stood as tall and proud as ever as I made my way through the gates and climbed the grassy incline to its grand archway entrance. I was in awe that so many of the rooms were still in tact there, and I noticed how incredibly still it was, and as I walked inside the amazingly preserved courtyard I began to sense that this castle was a doorway to so much more than its physical domain.

As I tuned in to the energy there I realized that its long standing edifice were the protective walls for a lot of pain and conflict inside. I could feel that the land there had begun happy, peaceful and harmonious, and had battled through generations of conflict, warring clans, fear, retaliation and defense. I could see that the women had been helpless and powerless. I could see that the men had fought to defend their freedom and loved ones until they were on their knees – still fighting. It was a perfect template encapsulating the suffering of physical 3D life, and the masculine and feminine wounds that so many of us carry, very much in need of its own healing.



Are The Castle Walls Of YOUR Heart Protecting Vulnerability Inside?

Castle Sween Past Life MeditationInterestingly, as we begin ‘Heart Week’ here at Spiritual Awakening Signs, I’ve considered that the castle is much like a fortress that guards our heart  – defended by strong walls and barricades which endure the harsh environment, no matter what. Yet, when we get a glimpse behind the barriers, we meet the vulnerability inside – the hurt, fear, conflict and turmoil that we hide.

I recorded the energy healing, from a tiny turret room by candlelight, and I listened to the waves as they met the loch’s shore – much like many before me, who would have lived there over the centuries. As I did so, I was able to sense the generations of people who had lived there, and the pain that not only still existed within the castle walls, but the pain that their souls were still carrying, and it was apparent to me that we were being granted this insight because the pain held energetically within that field mirrored the past life suffering of so many of us on the awakening pathway – and we STILL carry that pain today. And so the healing had a dual purpose – to heal and release the dense energies of the castle and all of the souls who had ever resided there, and to also heal those same wounds in OUR souls which are keeping us stuck in the old 3D patterns of suffering and conflict, and stopping us from moving forward in our ascension.


Activations Required For The 5D Shift That Are Rarely Conducted

Castle Sween Past Life MeditationAs I continued the energy healing I felt a big shift in the density there, and I knew that the healing needed to be sent further than just to each of us individually in order to truly free us from the limitations of heavy 3D energy. I set the intention that for each soul who completes the healing, the codes will also be sent backward throughout their genetic line, and past life timeline too; ensuring that each member of their ancestors receives these activations and that they personally have healing sent through each of their past lives. This means we are much more likely to be able to shift into higher vibrational 5D living, in more peace and harmony, and also that we have changed this energetic pattern for good – assisting Gaia by clearing these heavy templates within ourselves (which is often a large part of our soul purpose here in this lifetime).

You Can Use The Energetic Templates Of Castle Sween For Past Life Healing Too!

After performing the energy healing, I was elated and amazed at all that the castle had shown me, yet pretty physically exhausted. This rarely happens to me, but when it does, its a BIG indicator that deep soul level shifts and healing have taken place – watch out for feeling cold or exhausted after energy healing which often means you’ve been clearing something ancient) and it often requires a hot cup of tea and a sugary treat like chocolate to reground and warm up which I am happy to abide by (remember this when you’re exhausted by healing shifts).


Invoke The Power Of Castle Sween For:

  • Healing past life suffering
  • Freeing yourself of 3D patterns of conflict & disharmony
  • Strength & protection
  • Balancing your masculine/ feminine energies
  • Raising your soul’s vibration



Want Some Help With That?

Our BRAND NEW, ADVANCED LEVEL energy healing meditation, recorded live from a candlelit room within Castle Sween itself, can help.



The Castle Sween Past Life Meditation Will Help You To:

Castle Sween Past Life Energy Healing Meditation> Connect to the powerful & potent historic energies of ancient Castle Sween in the stunning Scottish Highlands (from the comfort of your own home)

> Receive advanced level energy healing channeled directly from this ancient power point to help clear suffering from your past lives (conflict, war, trauma & harsh environments)

> Heal root chakra survival issues that still cause fear in your present life

> Heal & balance your masculine & feminine energies

> Uplift your soul’s vibration from 3D conflict to 5D lightness

> PLUS send this healing and new 5D vibration to ALL of your ancestors through time


What Is It?

The Castle Sween Past Life Meditation: Heal past life suffering, balance your masculine & feminine energies & raise your soul’s vibration


> An ADVANCED LEVEL energy healing session channeled directly from a candlelit room inside the mysterious Castle Sween, in the beautiful Scottish Highlands

> Think of it as a cross between extremely high vibrational energy healing and a guided meditation.

> A pre-recorded video full of advanced level healing, clearing and energetic adjustments.

> A calm and relaxing meditation that is completed (regardless of distance or time) in under 30 minutes.


REMEMBER: This brand new, advanced level energy healing is only available until Friday 6th March! Special Early Bird Pricing Ends midnight on Sunday.



We also have another brand new resource…

The Heart Radiance Meditation: Expand your heart’s field of radiance, break through barriers & open your heart to real love


‘The Heart Radiance Meditation’ Will Help You To:

Heart Radiance Energy Healing Meditation

> Release the blocks that are stopping you from accepting (or giving) REAL love

> Resolve betrayals (from this life or past lives) that caused you to close your heart space

> Heal painful emotions from past relationships like grief & loss

> Cancel old vows to never love again (with protection in place)

> Be guided in life by your heart’s wisdom

> Expand your heart’s energy field to radiate love, kindness & compassion wherever you go


What Is It?

  • Think of it like a cross between an intuitive energy healing session and a relaxing guided meditation.
  • An energy healing session channeled directly from a collection of high vibrational guides, who are dedicated to assisting us through our awakening process.
  • A pre-recorded video full of healing, clearing and energetic adjustments.
  • A calm and relaxing meditation that is completed (regardless of distance or time) in around 20 minutes.

REMEMBER! ‘The Heart Radiance Meditation’ is only available until Friday!


If you enjoyed this article – save this PIN for later on your spiritual awakening board!

How I Used The Energy Of A Historic Scottish Castle For Past Life Healing: Castle Sween