How I Maintain Inner Peace – even through paradigm shift changes

Let’s talk about inner peace. There’s literally NEVER been a more apt time for us to find our soul stability within. EVERYTHING in the world around us is changing at an alarming rate and let’s be honest, sometimes it’s really really difficult to keep up. But, ironically, peace is most difficult to access when you need it the MOST…

I wasn’t always able to find my spiritual center. In fact, I used to be so sensitive to change that the mere possibility of it could leave me anxious and uncertain on what to do or how to cope (if this is YOUR experience – don’t worry, it doesn’t need to be that way, and in our FREE masterclass here, we’ll show you how to change it). I’d spend hours or even days fretting about the instability of change. Sometimes life and all its changes just felt like too much.

Unfortunately, this continued for a really long time, and despite my spiritual nature, peace eluded me and stress prevailed every single time. I tried calming music and deep breathing and essential oils and tinctures and therapies and all sorts, but no matter what I tried, nothing worked. I prayed that life would get easier. I tried to focus on calm thoughts and manifesting peace on Earth. I honestly felt like this planet was too harsh for me. If only I could make the external world more hospitable. If only it could be more harmonious, I would be ok…

And then I realised…

(I even laughed out loud) – awakening isn’t about changing the external world with your will. It’s about ACCEPTING what is, and being able to tap into your inner peace anyway. It’s about having such stillness within that no matter what is changing or fluctuating or happening, you can HOLD ON to that stability and calmness until the storm passes. THAT is
what awakening can bring.

Realise that your power is WITHIN – in how you deal with events – not WITHOUT. Your only real control is of YOURSELF.

Once this sunk in,

I began looking at the world differently…

Instead of letting external events cause all sort of turbulence within me, I chose to find my internal peace, and radiate it outwards to everyone and everything else. It didn’t make life perfect, and it didn’t take away all my problems, but it did definitely change the way I FELT about them!


Benefits of finding your inner peace & soul stability:

• Feeling calmer and and more centred within

• Less unnecessary worrying and anxiety

• Better able to listen to and be guided by your higher self in difficult times

• Ability to flow with life’s changes gracefully

• Less stress held within the mind and body

• Access moments of contentment, gratitude and joy – even when times are tough

• Stay true to who you are without impulsive emotional reactions guiding your actions

It means a lot to be able to share this with you because at one time I honestly felt like I was incapable of finding inner peace or any kind of spiritual centredness, but it’s in there – it’s in ALL of us! You just need some guidance on accessing it during these stressful times.

You don’t need to panic or worry or try to figure out all the answers just yet. You’ll find that when you access your inner knowing, and the key to finding that, is in accessing your inner peace – I’ll show you how in our masterclass!


Check out our FREE masterclass ‘Maintain Inner Peace Throughout Earth’s Energetic Paradigm Shift ’ by signing up below.


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