How I Connect To (And Trust) My Intuition – And YOU Can Too!
Let’s talk about how to connect to (and trust) your inner guidance. Inner guidance is the intuitive nudge that ushers you in the right direction. It’s your spiritual compass, leading you to where you want to go or are meant to be. Perhaps for you it is a voice within. Maybe it’s a feeling. Or it could even show up in signs or synchronicities. In any case, it is a form of higher spiritual guidance that is ALWAYS leading you for the best.
I wasn’t always able to connect to (and trust) my inner guidance. In fact, when my awakening began my intuition strangely got WORSE, not better. I’d get confusing signs or messages that contradicted each other. I’d get intuitive guidance that I was SO sure of (that often turned out to be totally wrong) or, I got NOTHING at all (which, in some ways was worse, because I felt much more alone).
It didn’t make sense to me that at a time when I was supposedly awakening spiritually (and felt so lost that I needed higher guidance more than ever) my intuition was completely unreliable. To be completely honest, I began to doubt that I had any psychic ability at all (if this is YOUR experience – don’t worry, it doesn’t need to be that way, and in our FREE masterclass here, we’ll show you how to shift it).
That was, until I began using energy healing to actively help my system ADJUST to the new heightened energies of awakening. At first, my energies were scrambled like a ball of tangled string. I realised that the intensity of awakening had frazzled them and so they were malfunctioning and unable to perform at their highest levels. Once I began using energy healing to RE-SET them it was almost like getting a whole new upgraded energy system overnight. My intuition improved hugely. I was able to receive messages much more easily with focused thought. When I hadn’t quite heard or absorbed the answer, the Universe would show it to me in signs, synchronicities and patterns, making it much easier to take the hint, and I finally released a lot of the fear that had built up from feeling lost and uncertain for so long. Now, even if I didn’t always get the intuitive answer right away (or even if I didn’t quite get the answer I had hoped for) I still knew, without a doubt, that I was being guided and supported along my spiritual pathway. I wasn’t alone at all, and for once, I could actively pick up (and trust) the guidance that was being given to me. I was relieved, and GRATEFUL!
Here are some of the benefits of tuning in to your inner guidance:
• Resolves feelings of being lost & uncertain which way to go
• Helps you to trust your gut feeling without paralysing hesitation
• Connect more deeply to ‘true self’
• Boosts self confidence and self reliance
• Be guided by the Universe with signs and messages
• Strengthens the solar plexus chakra
• Allows your soul to lead the way!
But most importantly, it solidifies a confidence and certainty that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! You don’t need to remain lost and confused, agonising over which direction you should take, begging the Universe for signs or endlessly questioning your intuition. You can be guided by your intuitive higher self – I’ll show you how in our masterclass!
Ready to get started on connecting to (and trusting) your inner guidance right now? Then check out our brand new energy healing meditation, ‘The Golden Pathway Meditation’. It will help you to confidently connect to your soul’s inner compass, heal the solar plexus chakra to sense the way forward & release the confusion of feeling lost – we can get started in around 10 minutes time!
You can check it out and watch the FREE masterclass here.
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