What Is My Life Purpose?
This last year has granted me some great insights into the idea that we all have a life mission and purpose to fulfill. I, like many, have felt a sense of duty and purpose since I was a teen. I always felt that I had something important to do in the world, and that if I didn’t do it fast enough, I’d run out of time. It was a looming fear in my gut that kept me searching for my cause. I’d jump from pillar to post looking for it, but I could never quite find it. I’m going to share the first key step to finding your own life purpose in my FREE 5-day eCourse – but more on that later.
And then, like a bolt of lightening, I felt inspired to write. I’d always enjoyed writing so I felt sure it was right. The words of the book flowed effortlessly. The content illumined my psyche and helped me to see truths that I had never recognized before. I felt driven. A sense of urgency enveloped me that I couldn’t escape. I felt I was working for the people. I knew that somewhere deep down, whatever it was that I was meant to put out into the world was needed now. I thought about the book constantly. I wrote from the moment I awoke until night time. Breaks were difficult to take, and the urge to write consumed me. I figured that spirit REALLY wanted me to do this. I assumed that the urgency and ferocity of my inspiration meant it was super important. They were forcing me to do it because it was imperative that it be completed, now.
Fulfilling My Mission
I wrote an entire book in one month. The concepts within were profound, but I didn’t really have time to notice when I was battering away at the keyboard. It felt like I couldn’t write it all down fast enough to keep up with how quick it was coming. My life was shut down over that time. I didn’t have time for anything or anyone. I was consumed by my mission. I was burnt out and exhausted, but it was ok. It was all worth it to ‘save the people’.
When it was done, I was kind of sick of writing. I put the book out there, like spirit must have wanted me to. All that hurry must have been for something real important. I waited. Nothing happened. I expected that with the force it had all happened with that there was some kind of time limit on it. But still, nothing happened. Nobody really bought it, so nobody really read it. It didn’t make me any money or free me in any way, which I felt sure would have been some reward for surrendering to the purpose, for doing what I was supposed to. I was devastated and I fell down hard. All that hard work and pushing and forcing and working – essentially for nothing.
Afterwards I assumed that it must’ve been for something. That made me feel a little better. Perhaps that content wasn’t so important for others, perhaps it was just about the journey I had been on.
Our energy healing meditation, ’The Life Purpose Meditation’ can help with this.
Sacrificing Self for the Greater Good
More recently I was pondering how the mission had unfolded. At the time I felt sure that because I was so driven and possessed by it, that I must have found my passion. But there was a problem – it wasn’t any fun. And then I considered the belief that life has to be hard work, and how you have to sacrifice yourself for these causes, and I just knew I must have gotten something wrong. Had I written something profound, enlightening and of value? Yes, absolutely, but I realized then that there is a hard way and an easy way. You can go the hard way if you like, no one’s going to stop you. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Hard work is a human perspective. Sacrifice is a human inclination. It’s not a truth – its a burden. Something that we feel is an unavoidable aspect of life and work.
I got to a point where I was really pissed. I was sick of feeling obligated and full of burdens. Why would God let me live here in free will with a catch? Why would God give me an unavoidable, must be fulfilled work schedule? It seemed more like something that a man would say, rather than a God. I let go of the book, and the concepts and the mission. When I let go I decided to give myself a total break. I’d eat chocolate bars, play video games and drink vodka if I wanted to. I’d completely forgotten how to have fun.
And then, something weird happened. Cool concepts and idea’s were coming to my mind. An inspiration for writing and creation rose to the surface. I was full of ideas, possibilities and passion, and they all felt like good fun. I realized that it didn’t have to be hard work. I didn’t have to be obligated to follow my passion. Following my passion was effortless. It was sheer joy. I had more creative juice when I let go. I was open instead of closed. Free instead of obligated. Inspired instead of forced.
Let Go and Discover Your Passion
I realized that I had kind of made my mission up. I had bought into the new age perspective of coming here with a mission to save earth, and I had held to that idea for most of my adult life. Why? Because I wanted to believe that there was a point to my existence and that I was helping humanity. I wanted to believe that there was a reason that I was here. And I’m sure that there is a reason that we are all here, but we’re well stuck in the physical if we assume that we’re here for work. We think there’s some test God has given us. It seems from that perspective that he sends us here with a job to do and then makes it hella difficult. Seems to me like no one would be too bothered about coming if that was the case. Why couldn’t it be that we choose something we’d like to express, or share here and that it can be effortless, joyful, fun? Letting go caused me to be a hundred times more productive and creative. I guess I broke my own spell. We’re so afraid that if we are given the option of easy and free that we’ll become lazy and unproductive, but to me, freedom is exploration, and we’ll never explore anything if we’re stuck sitting in the same old box. Allow your passion to be explored and free yourself from the binds of your mission. You’ll find your passion to be infinitely freer and more powerful than that restrictive old box.
Quick Tip: Just a heads up, but if you’re looking to find your life purpose or soul mission, there is one other key step to revealing it and finding out exactly what that is – and that step is grounding. I know. Grounding doesn’t sound like anything special, but I can tell you from first hand experience that before I learned how to fully, properly and appropriately ground myself, my life purpose could not be fully revealed to me. That’s because spirit knows that you are not in a fully grounded, present position to manifest it in the physical world. Even if they told you what your purpose was, you’d be too ungrounded and spacey to actually take action on it, or present it to the world. And, just as a side note, if you’re currently going through a spiritual awakening, you’ll likely find that the traditional methods of grounding don’t actually work for you. Fear not, my spiritual warrior! I’ve created a FREE 5-day eCourse to help you ground yourself in ways you’ve never tried before! Interested? Sign up below 🙂
Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
* Invoke Ascended Master St Columba To Guide Your Life Purpose Path With Strength, Power & Passion
* How the Ascended Masters Can Help You Find Your True Life Purpose!
* The Life Purpose Meditation
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