Energy Clearing 101 – The Ultimate Guide For Spiritual Awakening

If you’re reading this then you’ve probably got a bad case of energy overload. You’ve likely spent the night tossing and turning feeling wired but tired, or maybe you’ve been feeling anxious or ‘icky’ and no amount of saging, crystals or energy clearing meditations seem to work (in fact they might even be making it worse).

Fear not dear friend, because in this jam packed, fully loaded article you’ll not only learn everything that you need to know about energy clearing, but by the end of it you’ll be equipped with real, live, actionable steps that you can immediately use to disperse that overload and feel better – fast.

Are you ready to get started? Lets dive in…


Energy Overwhelm

Throughout spiritual awakening we magnetically absorb the information around us like metaphysical sponges. Energy overwhelm is what happens when our systems have absorbed too much energy; when we’re overloaded and when our souls feel like they might just pop if one more ounce is assimilated into us.

Energy overwhelm is when we have absorbed too much energy from the people, places and things around us.

Our systems start to buckle under the pressure of this absorption for two main reasons:

  • We’re already at full capacity and can’t handle taking on any more energy or information and
  • Our systems are continuing to automatically absorb despite the fact that we are unable to cope with any mor


Whats So Bad About Energy Overwhelm?

For those of us going through a spiritual awakening, energy overwhelm can make us feel unwell, and that can range from simply feeling a bit ‘off’, all the way up to feeling anxious, confused or even that we’re having a full mental and emotional breakdown. Sometimes we just intuitively know when its happening, or sense that something isn’t quite right – even if we’re not sure exactly what that is. That can create fretting, anxiety and overwhelm with no seeming cause. That’s why its much easier to have a comprehensive list to check our feelings by.


Here are some key signs that you need to clear your energy:

  • Sudden mood swings – experiencing emotions or feelings that have no seeming cause
  • Feeling exhausted or drained after interactions or conversations with people
  • Feeling the need to hide, be alone or shield yourself from the world or others
  • Feeling anxious, agitated or overwhelmed but not knowing why
  • Sensing someone else’s energy within your space or body
  • Feeling unsettled or fearful from sensing negativity, darkness or lower vibrations
  • Picking up on, sensing or experiencing other people’s health complaints
  • Picking up on, sensing or experiencing other people’s emotions or issues
  • Feeling the shock or discomfort of being around conflict, arguments or aggression for hours afterwards
  • Feeling like something is not right or ‘off’ but not knowing what or why

Have you got one of the indicators from the above list? If so, great, keep reading and we’ll move towards being able to clear it. If not, keep reading anyway – if you don’t need energy clearing at this exact moment, I can guarantee that at least one of the above symptoms will rear its ugly head just shortly – unfortunately its just a natural part of awakening that we can’t avoid – however, if you stick with me till the end, you’ll be well aware, prepared and ready the next time it does.

Okay, so we know the signs. We know what to look for, and we know how to identify it when it crops up. We know we need to clear our energy (and FYI, its a good practice to do weekly throughout awakening, even if you don’t have any current symptoms). So how do we go about doing that?


DON’T Do This…

Before we get into exactly what you can do, I want to cover the dangers of what you absolutely shouldn’t do, because there are some serious pitfalls that can cause us a lot more symptoms, chaos and loss of control. How do I know this? Because I struggled for YEARS with energy overwhelm every time there was a full moon, or when I dared to leave the protective nest that my bedroom had become.

There was one bad day in particular that trumped all the rest. And by bad day I mean that my sensitivity was cripplingly painful, I was overwhelmed to a point where other living things simply breathing made me feel like I couldn’t take any more, and my emotions were so heightened, intense and anxiety ridden that I could have climbed the walls (if it would have made any difference).

I felt absolutely horrendous and because I hadn’t come up against this LEVEL of energy overwhelm before, I had no idea what was actually causing the problem. It was massively distressing and I just didn’t know what to do, so I started to do EVERYTHING…

I rummaged through my extensive box of crystals and put them in my pockets and held them in my hands. I still felt agitated…

I burned sage incense and used the smoke through all of the rooms of my home. I still felt agitated…

I took essential oils and rubbed them into my hands, brushed them through my aura and breathed them in deeply (okay, by now it was a bit more like hyperventilating them in) but I still felt agitated…

I ran a bath, put the crystals in the water, dowsed it with ridiculous amounts of essential oils and played an energy clearing meditation in the candlelight and…

I ended up exploding at my family and crumbling into a sobbing heap, crying that I couldn’t take any more. Everyone was bewildered like, ‘anymore of what?’

And THAT, my friends, is energy overload. It makes you feel like you are in the midst of absolute bombarding and torturous chaos – as if even silence is too noisy – and you just can’t. take. any. more. Granted, that is one of the more extreme attacks, but I mention it because I want to stop you from getting to that point in the first place. That entire bad day could have been avoided if I’d known what signs to look for, what would make it worse and how to nip it in the bud at the first sign. I had no idea that I was making it worse. It could have been a very different day.


Traditional Energy Clearing Doesn’t Work For Us

Seriously, energy clearing DOESN’T work for us when we’re going through spiritual awakening – at least not in the same way. You might be finding that using traditional methods like crystals, oils, or incense don’t work, don’t last or make your symptoms much worse (like I did).

The truth is, it’s REALLY hard to clear your energy during awakening, and often traditional methods make it WORSE


Why Doesn’t It Work?

The reason that traditional energy clearing methods often don’t work for us is that we are so incredibly charged and highly sensitized as a byproduct of awakening that ANYTHING that affects our energy in ANY way actually tends to charge us – even things that are specifically designed to clear us.

We become like an electrical charger, plugged in to the socket. The more information we soak up, the further we are charged, absorbing more energy, heating up, over heating and eventually exploding into fire (don’t worry, we wont be bursting into flames anytime soon, but sometimes it can feel that urgent!) Its like that with spiritual awakening. Our bodies just can’t handle the level of energy that we automatically soak up when we’re already under so much pressure.


The One Thing No One Tells You About Awakening (that you DEFINITELY need to know!)

This means that simple clearing methods like meditation, incense, crystals and essential oils will actually have the OPPOSITE effect. Every time they affect our energies they inadvertently stimulate us further. And that’s a problem because if we can’t clear ourselves using our usual ‘go-to’ methods, our symptoms continue to get worse, more out of control and harder to handle (particularly anxiety).

The golden rule of energy clearing during spiritual awakening is:

Don’t use things that are going to:

• Charge your energy
• Stimulate your kundalini
• Or alter your energetic or psychic state

To make it simpler, avoid using meditation, incense, crystals and essential oils for energy clearing. They will have the OPPOSITE effect.

If you can get fully grounded, you will be able to cautiously use these things during your awakening, but not right now. These things are contributing to the problem, so lets take a little break from them for a while and focus on energy clearing instead.


How To Clear Your Energies (in a way that actually WORKS)

By now you might be questioning, ‘but if I can’t use meditations, incense, crystals or essential oils, how can I clear my energy?’ Great question…


How To Clear Your Energies Safely

The best (and safest) quick fix that I’ve found to clear energy congestion during awakening is tea tree oil – and this is contrary to my general advice of ‘avoid oils at all costs’. Yes, oils are very overstimulating to the chakras and can trigger spiritual emergency, however, I’ve found tea tree oil to be the only one that is truly earthly enough and perfectly safe to quickly cleanse your energy when you’re in a fix.

Tea tree oil is the ONLY safe oil to use for clearing during awakening

Just put a few drops in the palms of your hands, rub them together, breathe it in deep and sweep it through your aura (just imagine sweeping the space above and around your body) for a minute or two and you should feel not only clearer but safely grounded too.


But Tea Tree Oil Will Only Scratch The Surface

The particular challenge that I found in working only with tea tree oil is that although it can clear energy and freshen things up a bit, it doesn’t address four very specific needs that we have during awakening:

  • It doesn’t clear energy congestion caused by other peoples emotions
  • It doesn’t clear the negative energy picked up from other people’s health concerns or issues
  • It can’t soothe the shock or impact of being around arguments, conflict or negativity and
  • It doesn’t unhook the energy of energy vampires or of people who invade our space


Clearing PLUS Healing = Clearer Energies Long Term

For that, I realized I needed something a bit more heavy duty. I needed something not only to clear the energy but to literally ‘unpick’ the entanglement so that the energy of interactions with certain people wouldn’t envelop me (or at least that I could clear it whenever it began to).

We do that with HEALING

Fortunately I had been studying healing and alternative methods for a number of years and was already an experienced intuitive therapist, so I was able to use my healing skills to clear AND heal at the same time. It meant that I was starting to unpick the patterns that were CAUSING the energetic absorption in the first place. It got right to the root so that it was less likely to reoccur.

I was clearing daily, but I was also working regularly to heal the actual CAUSE too. This meant that as time went on, not only was I able to clear my energies quickly and easily, but I was also absorbing less icky energy as I went about my daily life. Win!


The Rainbow Light Energy Clearing Will Cleanse Your Energy, Get Rid Of Negative Vibes & Cut Attachments To Unhealthy Relationships

The Rainbow Light Energy Clearing is a quick and easy way to keep your energies clear and free of unnecessary negative vibes. I recently developed this short meditation as a way of clearing our energies AND healing the issues that cause us to absorb them in the first place. It also has two key uses:

  • You can use it in the moment when these negative vibes strike to get them out of your energy fast.
  • You can also use it daily or weekly as a healthy practice to keep your energies healthy, clear and balanced.


This guided meditation will help you to:

  • Clear your entire energy, chakras and auric field with rainbow light
  • Lift mental fog, confusion and blocks
  • Clear other people’s energies from your space
  • Retrieve energy fragments that you have lost (or have been taken from you)
  • Energetically divorce you from unhealthy/ negative relationships
  • Cut connections to energy vampires and people who dominate, control or abuse you (past or present)


This guided meditation is for you if:

  • You tend to absorb other people’s emotions, moods or issues
  • You pick up dense or heavy energies from other people, places or things
  • You feel like your energy may be unclear, congested or invaded
  • Interactions with others often leave you feeling ‘off’
  • You are affected by energy vampires, control or abuse
  • You struggle with assertiveness or boundaries
  • You’d like an effective way to clear your energy, chakras and aura FAST

This energy clearing can be used ANY TIME you feel you need an effective and quick cleansing from any of the issues listed above.

Just watch, relax and clear…


Are You Ready To Clear Your Energies, Remove Bad Vibes & Cut Negative Attachments To Unhealthy Relationships? 

The Rainbow Light Energy Clearing meditation will cleanse your energies, remove bad vibes and cut negative attachments to unhealthy relationships. Its our brand new guided meditation which will quickly and easily clear you in less than 20 minutes. Just watch, relax and allow The Rainbow Light to do all of the clearing for you.

If you want to take a look at ‘The Rainbow Light Energy Clearing’ guided meditation (which directly heals and clears these specific issues) you can do so here


Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
* 2 Steps To Freeing Yourself From Negative Energy With Space Clearing!
* Energy Clearing 101 (Everything You Need to Know!)
* Rainbow Light Energy Clearing Meditation


If you enjoyed this article – save this PIN for later on your spiritual awakening board!

Energy Clearing 101 – The Ultimate Guide For Spiritual Awakening