Last Updated on December 17, 2024 by Kelly Ashley

Do YOU Have Soul Loss?


Let’s talk about soul loss…

It’s rarely covered in awakening, but the intensity of painful, stressful or traumatic events can shatter your soul’s energy, causing fragments of it to be scattered and ultimately lost. Soul loss is like a spiritual form of dissociation designed to protect you from the intensity of dramatic events that may be too upsetting to handle. The soul literally the splits off damaged aspects of the psyche as a coping strategy, which can leave us feeling broken, lost or incomplete. It’s ultimately a helpful protection mechanism, but as we approach full spiritual awakening, we begin to recognise that something is wrong on the soul level – we become aware that there are parts of us that are broken or missing and that we cannot possibly truly awaken until all aspects of self are reintegrated (and the journey to wholeness begins).

Soul loss can be caused by damage such as:

  • A single stressful event or long term stress
  • Mental, emotional or physical abuse
  • Physical illness or injury
  • A single traumatic experience (or multiple)
  • Worrying about the welfare of others
  • Spiritual awakening

We wind up feeling not only depleted, but ill at ease with ourselves and ultimately incomplete as a being.

The spiritual awakening process purposely highlights all of these ‘split off’ aspects of ourselves in an attempt to heal us and bring us back to centred wholeness. Full spiritual awakening cannot occur until we are healed, have reintegrated these fragmented aspects of self and are complete once more.

The good news is, you CAN retrieve and reintegrate these lost aspects of self (and you don’t need a Shaman or any one else in order to do it) – we’ll show you how!

I’m spilling all the details in our FREE masterclass below!


Sharing the information and guidance in our masterclass is really important to me because I don’t want you to live your life feeling so depleted – especially on the soul level. You don’t need to feel ‘not together’, ‘shattered’ or ‘broken’. You deserve a healthy, whole and complete soul. Are you ready for the next step in awakening yet? I’ll show you how in our masterclass!

Ready to get started on healing your soul and feeling complete right now? Then check out our brand new energy healing meditation, ‘The Soul Retrieval Meditation’. It will help you to reintegrate lost fragments of your soul, heal the psyche & replenish your life force energy – we can get started in around 10 minutes time!

You can check it out here.



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