Hey there! Have you ever heard of the Dark Night of the Soul? Despite the romantic sounding term, it’s NOT your typical night out under the stars – it’s a profound and transformative experience that many of us face on our spiritual awakening journeys. In this guide, we’ll dive deep into what the Dark Night of the Soul is and how you can not only survive it, but come out on the other side stronger and wiser too.


What is The Dark Night Of The Soul?


Have you recently found yourself experiencing intense emotions, feelings of disconnection from life as you know it, or struggles and hardships that feel almost impossible to overcome? Well, it’s not a Harry Potter spell or a mystical ritual. It’s more like a challenging phase where you find yourself questioning EVERYTHING – your purpose, beliefs, and the very fabric of your existence. It’s a bit like a cosmic reset button, urging you to grow and evolve. If so, you may be going through what spiritual seekers commonly refer to as ‘The Dark Night of the Soul. If so, you’ve come to the right place (since I’ve been through it myself, and survived!).

In this article, I aim to shed light on what the Dark Night REALLY entails, offer perspective from my own journey through the darkness, and share tips I’ve developed from working with awakening clients for 10+ years that may provide comfort along the way. My goal is to validate what you’re experiencing and give you hope that it does, indeed, get better.


You’re Not Alone


To start, know that YOU aren’t alone in your awakening rollercoaster ride. Many walk this shadowy path towards greater understanding, and its especially common in those going through a spiritual awakening. While individual experiences vary, there are certain commonalities that emerge in seekers’ journeys through the darkness towards revelation (and please believe me when I say, no matter how hard it’s been or how long it’s lasted, you WILL get through this!).


What Happens During A Dark Night Of The Soul?


At its core, the Dark Night involves facing inner shadow content that throughout your life (or lifetimes) until now, has stayed hidden (or has been avoided). Intense emotions bubble up for healing and release as we confront long-buried pain, wounds or uncertainties. It dredges to light what needs unveiling to attain clarity and I’ll be honest with you – it can get messy.

But it’s all about perspective – coming to recognize darkness as a natural growing phase – an EVOLUTIONARY pain – instead of ‘losing your mind’ brings empowerment. With compassion, we can support one another through this necessary milestone, paving the way for expanded consciousness.

Have no fear – with perseverance and self-care, the light ALWAYS returns after the storm. We’ll talk more about how to effectively navigate these ominous tides while maintaining hope and equilibrium in a moment. Then I want to hear about your insightful reflections too! 


It’s No Joke. But Don’t Worry, I’ve Got Your Back


Now, let’s get real for a moment – the Dark Night of the Soul is NO JOKE. It’s not just a phase of feeling a bit down or having a bad day; it’s a soul-shaking, transformative experience. Imagine it as a cosmic storm sweeping through your life, challenging your beliefs, deconstructing the outdated crutches that may have held you up so far, and stirring the very essence of who you are.

During this dark night, you might find yourself questioning the meaning of EVERYTHING, facing profound emotional turbulence, and feeling like you’ve lost your way. It’s like standing on the edge of an emotional abyss, unsure of what lies ahead (and let’s be honest, that would scare anyone!).

But fear not, my friend! I’ve got your back on this journey. While the Dark Night of the Soul is undoubtedly challenging, it also presents a unique opportunity for growth and self-discovery. It’s the key to fully awakened divinity.

So, let’s get ready to weather the storm together by covering three key steps that will help you to emerge from it stronger, wiser, and ready to embrace the light on the other side.


Step 1: Recognizing the Signs

The first step in conquering the Dark Night of the Soul is recognizing WHEN you’re in it. You might find yourself questioning your relationships, career, or even the meaning of life. It’s like a cosmic nudge, urging you to dive deeper into your soul. It can feel like your life is falling apart, that reality as you know it is crumbling (because it is). This is when you know you’re knee-deep in this transformative experience. Rest assured that only that which no longer serves you will fall away to be later replaced by something much more high vibrational.

Step 2: Embracing the Darkness

Now, this may sound counterintuitive, but embracing the darkness is a crucial step in your journey. It’s not about wallowing in despair but acknowledging and accepting the challenging aspects of the Dark Night. Resisting makes it a battle, where acceptance makes it more like the energy of choice. And it’s not about accepting darkness as such, it’s about having a mind set that you are aware this is happening to you and doing whatever you can to support yourself through it that’s key.


Step 3: Seeking Support and Guidance

Remember, you don’t have to face the Dark Night of the Soul alone. Seeking support and guidance is like getting a compass for this uncharted territory. Whether it’s talking to friends, family, or seeking professional help, connecting with others can provide comfort and valuable insights. 

Contrary to what we’ve been told to believe, you don’t need to go it alone in order to gain enlightenment. There are no medals for refusing help when in truth, a hand to hold would effectively assist us in stepping up the next rung of the ladder. Plenty of people move through awakening utilizing supports where needed and still reach high levels of enlightenment! Building a support system creates an ANCHOR to steady you during this transformative phase.


Hang in There, My Friend. You’re Not Alone in This Journey


As we wrap up, let me remind you once again – you’re not alone in navigating the Dark Night of the Soul. I’ve come through it myself and out the other side. So many other light workers have walked this path and emerged stronger, brighter and more illuminated than ever before too. It’s a cosmic rite of passage that ignites the light within, and as you move through each and every step of it, you begin to realize that you’ve got what it takes to endure and grow. Stay strong, keep the faith, and let’s embrace the journey together.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve peeled back the layers of the Dark Night of the Soul, exploring its depths and offering practical steps to navigate this transformative experience. Remember, it’s not about merely surviving; it’s about THRIVING and emerging on the other side with newfound strength and wisdom.

Embrace the darkness, seek support, and hang in there – you’re on the path to profound self-discovery and your Guides are fully celebrating your efforts!


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How To Get Through A Dark Night Of The Soul: Comfort your spirit, replenish your soul, find purpose and meaning in life

This meditation will help you to:

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  • Reconnect your union with the Divine
  • Release despair, hopelessness & meaningless
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  • Boost inner resolve
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Don’t take our word for it – check the reviews on the link below to see its effects for yourself!

Check out details of ‘The Dark Night Of The Soul Illumination‘ Energy Healing Meditation and see if it resonates with you.



The Dark Night of the Soul Illumination

A guided energy healing meditation, specifically created to comfort your spirit, replenish your soul, find purpose and meaning in life!

The Genetic Wound Healing

A guided energy healing meditation, specifically created to heal genetic wounds, free yourself from negative family traits and patterns, and calm life chaos for an easier awakening!

The Heart Pain Healing

A guided energy healing meditation, specifically created to energy healing to help you to heal a broken heart, unblock the heart chakra and promote love, connection and trust!

The Light Worker Activation

A guided energy healing meditation, specifically created to awaken the light worker within, activate your 8th chakra gifts & accelerate the process while easing ascension symptoms!

The Rainbow Light Energy Clearing

A guided energy healing meditation, specifically created to cleanse your energies, remove bad vibes, and cut negative attachments to unhealthy relationships!

The Space Clearing Energy Cleanse

A guided energy healing meditation, specifically created to cleanse your home space, free yourself of negative energy and re-program your home to radiate positive energy!

The 5D Ascension Shift

A guided energy healing meditation, specifically created to disconnect from 3d density, clear past life baggage and fully align with the new heightened 5D vibration!

The DNA Upgrade

A guided energy healing meditation, specifically created to Integrate your light body, upgrade your DNA and activate dormant 5D abilities!

Grounded Awakenings

A 7-day course of energy healing meditations, specifically created to reduce awakening symptoms and ground your energy!

The Crystal Frequency

A guided energy healing meditation, specifically created to help you heal the broken psyche, repair damage of mind, illuminate and accept your shadow self and see divine truth!