Dark Night Of The Soul: Is It Happening To YOU?
Let’s talk about recovering from the dark night of the soul.
Dark Night Of The Soul: Is It Happening To YOU? (if this is YOUR experience – don’t worry, in our FREE masterclass here, we’ll show you how!)
A dark night of the soul is the mystical transitional experience of being plunged into an existential crisis marked by overwhelming feelings of despair, disconnection and hopelessness. It is often the prime opportunity we have during spiritual awakening to dissolve the ego and align with our true authentic selves.
The challenge though, is that while it is a spiritual initiation designed to more fully align you with your higher self, it can feel like the exact polar opposite. In fact, during a dark night of the soul, you may feel so depressed and full of despair that you lose all faith and sense of spirituality (it happened to me too).
Instead of feeling like my initiation had finally arrived, I had never felt so completely and entirely cut off from Source. It was so gut-wrenchingly painful that it uncharacteristically shattered my previously unwavering faith in spirituality – truly. Despite having performed energy healing and channeled my Guides for YEARS, I suddenly felt such an absence of presence that I felt completely and utterly alone, and I was devastated. Why had my Guides abandoned me at a time when I needed them most?
If you can relate, you might find it comforting to know that many wonderful people that we consider enlightened went through a similar test of faith. For example, Mother Theresa spent years feeling totally and utterly abandoned by Source before truly aligning with her purpose (don’t worry, it definitely doesn’t have to take years!)
It was only after spiritually and energetically recovering that I was able to review the entire experience with a much clearer perspective. I realised that my Guides had never abandoned me at all. Spirit was still there and the Universe was still supporting me, even in those painful disconnected moments. I was just so overwhelmed trying to cope with the process that I had stopped looking for the signs.
If you are going through a dark night of the soul experience, I want you to know that although it can be incredibly painful and challenging, it is a rite of passage and a strong indicator of great spiritual awakening and growth. Please know that no matter how difficult it may seem, this will pass. I know it doesn’t feel like it, and you may even be questioning if anything exists ‘up there’ at all (don’t worry, most go through this at some point on their spiritual awakening pathway) but the cloud WILL lift, the light WILL return, and with it, your true authentic and unburdened soul will be free to shine once more, channeling divine light and living in your purpose.
However, in order to get through this process (and emerge as a more spiritually aligned you) it’s important to know HOW – I know how much you need that right now, and in our FREE masterclass, we’ll share everything you need to know. Don’t worry – everything will be ok.
I’m spilling all the details in our FREE masterclass below!
Sharing the information and guidance in our masterclass is really important to me because you don’t need to remain trapped in this painful state for a moment longer. There are no medals for suffering on the path to ascension (and its not necessary either). Choose to set down the old energies of pain, struggle and difficulty (even if you don’t know how yet) to move into higher vibrational living – support your soul with energy healing and begin your ascent from the ashes of the old, to the wonder of the new – and know that it is possible! – I’ll show you how in our masterclass!
Ready to get started on recovering from the dark night of the soul right now? Then check out our brand new energy healing meditation, ‘The Dark Night Of The Soul Illumination’. It will help you to comfort your spirit, replenish your soul, find purpose and meaning in life – we can get started in around 10 minutes time!
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