Ascension Grounding



A Spiritual Truth BOMB!

I’ve got a spiritual truth bomb here for you today, are you ready for it?

Ascension without grounding is not ascension, its AVOIDANCE.

I know that’s a pretty big statement to make, but it’s ironically an unavoidable and inevitable lesson that we will all be faced with as we awaken to the real truth of existence.


The DANGERS Of Avoidance

We’ve been led to believe that while on the awakening pathway we are supposed to be reaching higher and higher upward, and we are. But no one ever talks about the dangers of ONLY focusing on the spiritual. It’s not healthy, and it can lead to spiritual emergency (believe me, I KNOW).
The problem comes when we are attempting to escape physical reality and earthly life by denying the physicality of ourselves or the world around us. When we think we are ascending by being totally immersed in our spiritual worlds without any form of acceptance of the earthly part of us, that is not ascension at all, it’s AVOIDANCE.

And who could blame us? As sensitive, empathic souls, this world can feel too harsh to bear at times, and many of us spend most of our awakening shut off in our self-contained spiritual inner sanctuary, hiding from the world (hoping it will go away) and attempting to survive by spiritually connecting only to what faintly resembles ‘home’.


Disconnect Is An Illusion That Will Pass (But First It Will Suck)

This is an illusion born of leaning too much to one side of your being. It’s an indicator that you are out of balance. Just as someone who is too grounded to the earthly plane can feel depressed, when we are too connected to the spiritual we end up feeling disconnected – because we are. The sense of disconnection we feel from the outside world and those around us is a projection of the discord we are experiencing between the two halves of our inner being. The good news is, that it CAN be altered. However, if YOU won’t make the necessary change, the Universe will intervene to ensure unavoidably it arrests your attention…


The Universe Kicks Your Butt

The Universe will only allow you to escape like that for so long before it wakes you up with a good old kick in the butt, and forces you to accept the other half of your being through challenges, drama, crisis and conflicts in your life. These are created to make it impossible for you to avoid focusing on, accepting and addressing the physical, therefore levelling the balance. The Universe is smart, but it can seem pretty harsh.


The Scales Of Balance Will Waver

It’s important to note that while you are still in spiritual training, this is much like a set of scales, constantly seeking balance. They WILL waver. If you lean too heavily toward the spiritual, the Universe will give you a big dose of harsh earthly reality – if you scoot too far over into the physical, it will often cause BIG spiritual catalysts, experiences or insights to help you transcend it too. This see-saw of wildly swinging opposites (and serious awakening whiplash) will only stop when you find balance – note – when YOU find the balance. Much like you can lead a horse to water but can’t make it drink, the Universe can give us exactly what we need to ascend, but it is down to us to TAKE ACTION.


Get Into Balance

However I can tell you from experience that this is no fun. In fact, it can feel downright traumatic. It can seem so unfair to be on the awakening roller coaster, getting thrashed about and holding on throughout the highs and lows, but in truth, this is exactly what will set us free. That wild ride will continue until we choose to take control, stop the damn roller coaster and get the hell off – but it’s not about running away (that’s avoidance all over again). It’s about accepting that there is duality to life – highs and lows, earth and spirit, good and bad. That duality is ALWAYS going to be there. It’s up to you to become the intersection of it.

We get into balance by mastering the art of anchoring our higher & physical energetic states by consciously converging them in our earthly form.

Accept the truth of what is, and make a conscious decision to find your balance so that you can appreciate the duality that this life brings (and handle the highs and lows of the awakening journey). Accept the nature of awakening and find the balance in the middle. That’s when things start to get better. That’s when life has joy and meaning again. That’s when awakening stabilizes. That’s when you become a healthy, balanced and whole conduit for the Divine. Then and only then can the Universe begin to utilize you as the channel you are destined to be.


Grounding Is The Key To Perfect Balance (And HIGHER Spiritual Heights)

It all starts with GROUNDING. Grounding literally transformed my awakening because I was so focused on all things spiritual that I had actually become entirely disconnected from the human part of myself. I was denying the other half of me. I thought that grounding was too physically focused, and I figured that I wasn’t really from ‘here’ anyway. I didn’t realize that grounding could make my spiritual practice reach even higher, or that it could help me find my purpose, or that it had any connection or bearing on anything spiritual at all.


What Is Grounding?

Grounding is the practice of being focused and alert in your physical body.


When I finally did get grounded, some pretty amazing things happened:

• All of the confusion over my awakening experience that had stumped me for 4 whole years began to clear
• My energetic and emotional sensitivity calmed and stopped being so wild and uncontrollable
• My psychic abilities dramatically improved and became more accurate and easily accessible
• My life purpose and soul mission became clearer than it had ever been in my life, and I was able to take ACTION in beginning to plan and fulfill it
• I was able to integrate back into a real life experience, connect with others, and actually enjoy my earthly life!


Want To Ascend Higher? Ground Deeper!

If you’re looking to ascend higher, you need to ground deeper. Perfect balance must prevail – it is a law of the Universe (but it is a continual practice). We can achieve this moment by moment; we can redress an imbalance as soon as we accept our scales have slipped. True perfection is transitory, not static, and so it is the awareness and ongoing monitoring of these imperfections that help us to grow. We must accept that these high spiritual ideals are not an end destination but a continual practice and necessary part of earthly human life.

We limit how high we can access and reach by not continually grounding to Mother Earth. Pineal activations and psychic exercises are all great, but no matter how many spiritual practices you engage in, HOW MUCH they open and activate is really down to how grounded and balanced you are willing to be. Would you like some help with that? I’ve created a new meditation to ground your energies and start that process now.


Are You Ready To Ground Your Energies, Reduce Your Awakening Symptoms And Connect To Mother Earth?

Imagine achieving…

• Energetic anchoring
• Easing of ascension overwhelm
• Centred mindfulness
• Connection to the physicality of being, and to the Earth
• By accepting personal responsibility
• Identifying and pursuing your purpose
• Feeling Safe, Stable & Calm even in adversity


The Mother Earth Grounding Meditation Does It All For You…

Grounding Meditation SpiritualWhat Is It?

• An energy grounding session channeled directly from a collection of high vibrational guides, who are dedicated to assisting us through our awakening process.
• A pre-recorded video full of healing, clearing and energetic adjustments.
• A calm and relaxing meditation that is completed (regardless of distance or time) in under 10 minutes.
• A safe way to enter a Theta brain wave (the natural relaxed state responsible for healing, rest and recuperation).
• Can be used regularly to keep you in balance or any time you feel ungrounded.



Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
What IS The Pineal Gland (and WHY is it the KEY to your ascension?)
6 Ways Grounding Can Transform Your Spiritual Awakening!
Healing Meditation: Mother Earth Grounding Meditation


If you enjoyed this article – save this PIN for later on your spiritual awakening board!

Avoidance: Ascension’s Biggest Threat