Free Angel Card Reading













A Personal Angel Card Reading Just For You…

Are you ready to get a personal message from your angels?

Its simple…

  • Look at the 4 cards in the image above
  • Choose from 1, 2, 3 or 4 (left to right – whichever one you feel most drawn to)
  • Scroll down and read the meaning of your chosen card for a special angel message just for you.


A Message For All Of Us

I’ll reveal the meanings in a moment, but first I wanted to share something with you. Its been a week with a very strong focus on the angels as I’m sure you’ve seen due to this months meditation ‘The Angel Prayer’ helping you connect with them. As I was writing the previous article and tuning in to the angels, they came through with a message that they urged me to share…

They said,

‘Tell them we will come. We will come, but you must invite us. Ask for help. Allow us to enter your world and we will infiltrate and spread light. Let go of the reigns, let go of the struggle. Allow us to guide you for we can foresee that which you cannot.

It will all be alright.’

The angels really have a way of bringing comfort when it is needed. Thank you for that! Now on to your personal reading.


Your Personal Angel Card Reading

Free Angel Card Reading

             1                          2                         3                          4


Scroll down and find out the meaning of your selected card…


#1 – Blessings Of Abundance

I’m sure you can already guess the meaning of this card for you. This card marks abundance. We see the angel on the card represent this abundance through fruits, but this card indicates a windfall of abundance in which ever area you are lacking most. The focus is on your greatest needs being met and highlights your BASIC needs – love, finances, a stable home, plentiful food/ supplies etc.

There is a cycle of always living in survival mode coming to an end – realizing that life can be easy and that your hopes and dreams don’t have to be hard won. It can also signify an abundance of time, freedom, or expansion. Its about not only having what you need (and finding that your needs are met easily) but its an indicator of MORE. You’ll notice that the angel on this card is in a state of humble acceptance and gratitude. When you can move into this space of humility and appreciation, BIG shifts can happen.

Be mindful though, because I’m getting a sense that there are some precious things in your life that you may have become a bit complacent with. Realign yourself. Feel gratitude for what you currently have, and more will follow. This is a plentiful time for you coming up and its a good sign during awakening that you are shifting into the 5D reality where we surpass struggle, strife and living simply to survive. Its time to THRIVE!


#2 – Pause

The message from this card is simple. STOP… slow down. Take a moment and take a breather. There’s a sense from this card that you yourself are moving too fast and that perhaps things aren’t flowing so smoothly. Perhaps you are moving so fast that you are careering out of control – you’re missing details, getting jumbled up, forgetting important things and dropping your duties.

Its natural (particularly during awakening) in life to sometimes get carried away with the current. It can feel as though there’s not enough time, not enough resources to get the job done, not enough of US to manage and keep up with everything that requires our attention. But the key message that the angels are pressing here is that much of this speedy forward motion is, in some way, self inflicted. They urge you to reevaluate the duties and tasks that you take on and to do only whats truly necessary. For example, are you doing things out of guilt, or compensation? Are you feeling deep down like you’re not enough and its causing you to spiral out of control in a desperate attempt to re balance the perceived deficit?

You ARE enough. You are WONDERFUL. The angels can see that, and they want you to take a moment to pause and truly consider your own value. Look how much you add to the lives of those around you. Look at how many people you’ve helped. The angels urge that you’ve done enough. This card is also very much about self-love. Take care of you. Being gentle and compassionate towards YOURSELF. Take a break. Have a bubble bath. Go for for a peaceful walk in nature. Meditate. Rest. Do whatever you need to do to bring TRUE balance back – by balancing you too.


#3 – Heaven Is Watching Over You

What a perfect message to get from the angels during an angel card reading! This card is a clear indicator that they are absolutely with you in every way, watching over you, taking great care and supporting you.

Did you notice in the image of the four cards that this particular card has a streak of light over it making it brighter than the other cards? That’s the hands of the angels. That’s how they intervene to give us little signs and confirm to us that they are there. If you’ve been questioning the reality of angels or if they’re even there, this card is a direct response to comfort and reassure you that they absolutely are.

This card also hints that the angels have been giving you signs already – signs that you may not have been ready to accept or acknowledge. Look out for pennies on your pathway, white feathers, rainbows and flocks of birds. I’m also getting a strong sense that the angels will communicate with you in an audio manner – you might hear lyrics in a song, hear a high pitched ringing in your ear or even hear their voices or sweet music. Make no doubt about it, the angels are pulling out all of the stops to show you just how loved, adored and supported you are.

The angels look upon us much like little children in need of guidance and reassurance, and that is definitely coming through for you right now, but if you’ve been worrying about children (your own or someone else’s) they are letting you know that they are overseeing the safety of those children and you can rest assured that they are well protected on your behalf. This worry may even have caused you restless nights and lost sleep but the angels compassionately say to you, ‘rest easy.’


#4  – Mother

This card is very much about RESPONSIBILITY. Where in your life do you feel like a mother to others? This isn’t so much about being an ACTUAL mother (although it may mean that for you) its more about where you embody the feminine energy in your life and where it is to the DETRIMENT of your own health.

The feminine, mothering energy is a wonderful and beautiful thing, but there’s a difference between naturally exuding that nurturing energy and allowing it to be taken from you unwillingly. Perhaps you are taking on too much work, responsibility, tasks or most importantly, rescuing. You are likely exhausted, burnt out and maybe even feeling a little taken advantage of. This feminine energy (which we all have, regardless of gender) is a gift. Much like the angels give us a sense of comfort and care, so do we when we express our own feminine energy, but be mindful that you are not taking on responsibility for too many dependents.

It might be clients, friends, or even your own children but the crux of the message here is that you are depleting yourself, allowing your feminine energy to be stripped away and you are ultimately dis-empowering those that you carry. I get the feeling that many of the people who are relying too heavily on you are perfectly capable of taking responsibility for themselves and for as long as you are willing to suffer the burden of carrying them, they will NOT grow.

Please notice if you are feeling quietly irritated, resentful, angry or even vengeful. This is a sign that your boundaries have been crossed and its time to lovingly assert yourself and step into your power as a loving light worker by leading by example, rather than ‘doing for’. You can help so many more people that way, and you’ll feel happy too. Chances are you haven’t felt happy in quite some time. If you want to be loving to others, you need to be loving towards YOURSELF. Focus on that right now. How can you help yourself? Take some time out, assert a boundary, indulge in a sweet treat or accept an offer of help. Its time to mother YOURSELF with that beautiful feminine energy that is such a natural part of who you are.


Did your message resonate? Share this post with a friend and gift them an angel card message too…


Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
11 Signs Your Angels Are Trying To Contact YOU! – Blog
11 Signs Your Angels Are Trying to Contact You! – Masterclass
Healing Meditation: The Angel Prayer


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A Personal Angel Card Reading For You…