8 Signs That YOU Have A Spiritual Life Purpose

Woman, Prayer, Believe, Hope, Religion, Light

8 Signs That YOU Have A Spiritual Life Purpose

The path of ascension is an arduous one. It begins a process of relentless inner questioning to help us reclaim our power and discard all that no longer serves us. That, in itself is exasperating enough, but there’s one question that can be downright torturous when we are unable to locate its answer, and that is,

what is my purpose?’

It’s difficult to ask, and even more challenging to answer, yet it is the question that is asked most often by those of us who are spiritually awakening.

Awakening can shake us to our core, because it is an unveiling of all of the falsehoods that we have believed in, limited ourselves with, and constructed our lives by. When this happens, our true selves are revealed to us, sparkling and bright, and our soul begins to remember what it is we came here to do, and that we came here with a PURPOSE.


What Does ‘Life Purpose’ Really Mean?

Your life purpose is the mission you came to Earth to complete.

Its the promise you made when you saw the suffering here and felt the need to help. In order to explain this better we need to go back – back to before birth – back to before this current incarnation. As spirits, we generally choose to be incarnated here on Earth for 3 specific reasons:

  • To learn, develop and grow through experience
  • To help the Earth (which is struggling due to chaos and conflict energies)
  • To help the inhabitants of Earth to awaken (to shift their energy and lift their vibration to a more positive state)

Most souls come here in order to fulfill all 3 of the above in some capacity. We’re here first and foremost to develop for our own soul’s growth, but many of us are awakening with recollections that due to the destructive nature of the Earth and the conflict and violence created here, there were fears in higher realms that it would not be successful in shifting into the next vibration, and that the inhabitants were suffering needlessly in massive pain.

As a result, many light workers have volunteered to incarnate here with a specific drive or purpose to serve this cause – whether we consciously remember this commitment or not.


Do YOU Have A Life Purpose?

Of course! Most spiritually minded people currently incarnated on Earth came here with a commitment to assist Gaia and the human race by helping them advance to the next level of being. This is often why sensitives like us find it so difficult to sustain the harsh environment of Earth – it deeply disturbs us to see the unnecessary conflict, aggression and pain when we know it could be a much more harmonious environment for all.

It also creates in us a sense of urgency. Often we KNOW that there is SOMETHING that we are meant to do, but just can’t quite find it. It can feel as though an alarm clock is ringing and we are late for our divine timing, or as if time is running out to fulfill the entire purpose of our being here. This can also lead to light worker depression because in not actively achieving our self-made assignment, we subconsciously begin to feel a sense of inexplicable failure, and that begins a sadness in the soul that cannot be alleviated without realigning with our mission.

Here are some common indicators that you have a purpose to fulfill:

  • A sense of urgency or running out of time
  • A feeling that you’re way off track
  • A knowing that there is SOMETHING that you are meant to DO (but often not knowing what)
  • A natural desire to help, heal or lead others
  • Unexplained depression or sense of failure
  • A strong draw towards spirituality, metaphysics, healing or energy work
  • A longing for harmony and peace (and a willingness to help create it)
  • A drive to take care of, or protect the environment, animals or vulnerable people


Help! I Don’t Know What My Purpose Is!

I know how urgent and confusing that can feel, but the truth is, you do already KNOW what your purpose is. Its laying there, dormant, in your soul and it’ll be activated at exactly the right time. Mine did. After years of a low level depression and knowing that I had something that I was supposed to be here to do (that I couldn’t find no matter what I did) it suddenly hit me, when I was ready, like a bolt of lightning, and I wrote and planned the entire concept of this site and the service and materials we would aim to provide in around 20 minutes. The moment I got it all down on paper it all seemed so obvious, but to me previously it hadn’t been.


Divine Timing vs Taking Action

The point is, that there is a right time when your purpose will come into focus and begin to manifest, but that doesn’t mean that you should wait around. You need to MEET the Universe in effort, intention and focus. That’s what brings it all together. You need to show the Universe that you are not only ready, stable and able to fulfill your purpose or mission, but also that you are willing to take the steps to actively work towards it (which understandably can be very challenging if you don’t know exactly what it is yet.) You’re not in control of divine timing.

However, what you CAN do, is begin to clear any energetic blocks or obstacles that may be delaying your journey, or holding you back so that the path is as clear as possible to begin with. That means that you are doing everything you can to help bring it into your current reality and lifting away any unnecessary road blocks that are causing this to move more slowly than it naturally should (there are many reasons why we actually hold ourselves back due to past life trauma – we’ll cover that in the next article).


The Universe Needs YOU

Your success is paramount to the collective commitment to raise the vibration of Gaia and uplift the energy of humanity. The Universe wants you to do this as soon as possible (which is why we are all buckling under the pressure of being upgraded to 5D so quickly – this is what creates such awful ascension symptoms).

There IS help on the other side – ascended masters who successfully blazed the trail before us are ready to help us to clear blocks and struggle and give us the much needed strength, support, healing and activations we need in order to complete the task (and experience our greatest joy too!) They were a part of this collective mission and so they want nothing more than to see us succeed.

However the challenge comes in actively reaching the energy of those ascended beings when we are in the midst of awakening. Not only are we often struggling with the shift, but it takes time and practice to open ourselves psychically and link to higher realms and receive what we need when our intuitive gifts are still being re-awoken. I meditated for around 2 hours every single day for almost 4 years to get to a level where I could tune in and receive the downloads and guidance I needed to help me move forward. That’s a lot of time, and I can tell you from experience, a LOT of unnecessary strain.


YOU Can Work With Ascended Masters Too!

That’s why the Guides have led me to sacred energy sites and are recruiting help and involvement from the ascended masters on our behalf. These meditations will open your energy to the level needed to receive the healing, connect you to the source or ascended master to absorb the beneficial and necessary shifts required to help you on your journey, and appropriately ground you afterwards. They are making it as seamless and fast as possible to grant you what you need to energetically prepare and boost you forward on your spiritual pathway. You don’t need to go searching, its safe and guided and it gives YOU a DIRECT LINK to a high vibrational power that will continue to support you on your journey. Its the first energy healing of its kind, and I’m REALLY excited about it!!

I don’t know how I would have found my purpose, or managed to align with it without the spiritual assistance and signs from my Guides. For a spiritual path, you need to be guided by a higher force. You need to be connected to it, and you need to give yourself a quiet space and time to actively listen to the messages they are bringing.


Want Some Help With That?

We have some great resources to help you with your life purpose…

Our brand new, never before seen, advanced level energy healing meditation, channeled directly from St Columba’s ancient sacred cave in the Scottish highlands is now available!



The St Columba Life Purpose Meditation Will Help You To:

Sacred Sites Energy Healing Meditation Awakening St Columba> Experience this powerful & potent energy point in the stunning Scottish highlands (from the comfort of your own home)

> Connect to the ascended master St Columba & invoke his help & guidance

> Shore up the strength & bravery required to move forward no matter what (just like he did)

> See past blocks, obstacles and earthly illusions

> Express your creative skills & talents

> Follow your bliss & fulfill your purpose in JOY



What Is It?

The St Columba Life Purpose Meditation: Experience this sacred Scottish spiritual site, connect to the high vibrational power of ascended master St Columba, & fulfill your life purpose in joy!


> An energy healing session channeled directly from the ascended master St Columba himself, recorded in a cave he meditated and lived in, on his soul purpose to bring light to Britain.

> Think of it like a cross between an intuitive energy healing session and a relaxing guided meditation.

> A pre-recorded video full of advanced level healing, clearing and energetic adjustments.

> A calm and relaxing meditation that is completed (regardless of distance or time) in under 20 minutes.




‘The Life Purpose Meditation’ Will Help You To:

Life Purpose Energy Healing Meditation Awakening Ascension

> Align yourself with your life purpose path

> Resolve any past lifetimes when you were unable to fulfill your soul mission

> Heal any past lives where you’ve been attacked, harmed or feared for being a light worker

Release the fear of using your own power, healing abilities and intuitive gifts again

> Learn to take care of yourself, protect your gifts & use them responsibly

> Re-open any abilities you have previously suppressed or shut down



What Is It?

  • Think of it like a cross between an intuitive energy healing session and a relaxing guided meditation.
  • An energy healing session channeled directly from a collection of high vibrational guides, who are dedicated to assisting us through our awakening process.
  • A pre-recorded video full of healing, clearing and energetic adjustments.
  • A calm and relaxing meditation that is completed (regardless of distance or time) in around 25 minutes.


Use them BOTH together for POWERFUL results and to super charge your life purpose success!

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8 Signs That YOU Have A Spiritual Life Purpose