Grounding for ascension awakening


6 Reasons Why You Need Energy Grounding For Ascension

There’s a MASSIVE misconception within the spiritual community that I see showing up everywhere, and today I plan to bust it for good. Its holding us back, limiting our ascension progress and stopping us from awakening as fully as we are actually capable. I consider it the missing link in activating your awakening here in the physical (which, when overlooked not only halts our advancement, but can cause mental health challenges, confusion and illusion throughout the ascension process).

You DON’T NEED meditation, incense, yoga, crystal grids, or any other metaphysical thing in order to spiritually awaken…

Seriously, you DON’T need it. You don’t need it because you are ALREADY awakened. There are no external catalysts necessary, and no spiritual props or practices you need in order to make that happen, because you’re already there. You just need some help in accessing those awakened parts of yourself – the gifts, the psychic intuition, healing and manifesting abilities – and we can do that with one simple, very earthly energy.


The Key To Spiritual Awakening

In order to reach enlightenment here on earth, we don’t need to meditate for hours, practice special spiritual techniques, burn incense, light candles or chant with crystals (although sometimes those things can be fun), there’s only ONE thing that we need to do, but we rarely ever do it. Are you ready for it?

Energy grounding.

Yep, everyone thinks that we need to meditate more, tune in to the higher energies, activate our psychic abilities and put all our focus and effort into TRYING to awaken, when the simple truth of the matter is, that all of those things are already part of us. They are already within, activated and alive. The only problem is that we are too energetically ungrounded to utilize them here in the physical.

Everyone forgets the fact that we are here in the physical world, governed by physical law, and so we must adhere to those laws if we wish to manifest the higher energies in a way that is compatible with this earthly realm. We need to play by Earth’s rules. We need to honour this plane. We also need to remember that grounding energy is a very sacred force, indigenous to the Earth, and we become very complacent with it, unable to see it for the precious gift that it truly is – no wonder so many souls are incarnating from other planes to Earth right now – everyone wants to experience the soothing and settling energy of Mother Gaia that they can’t access anywhere else.


What Is Grounding?

Grounding is the practice of being fully present and alert in your physical body (while still able to actively use your spiritual gifts and abilities).

Its the process of connecting to our surroundings and keeping our focus on the physical reality (which is where we should be, but often as light workers, aren’t). Put simply, its a way of merging our energies with Mother Earth. Unfortunately due to the heightening nature of awakening, we often unintentionally become ungrounded very quickly (this can last months or years) which creates long term symptoms like anxiety, fear and nervousness that can make awakening unbearable. I would say that at least 90% of those of us going through the ascension process are habitually ungrounded, without even realizing it.


Why Is Energy Grounding Essential?

Grounding is the MOST IMPORTANT foundational step to moving through your awakening more quickly, easily and joyfully.

Without proper grounding in place, our spiritual awakening is a minefield of difficult, yet unnecessary challenges. Spiritual awakening can be very overwhelming. It can leave you feeling lost, lonely and disconnected (not to mention, crazy). It can simultaneously be the highest point of spiritual connection and the lowest point of physical existence. It can even bring you to a crisis.

But here’s the thing – it only becomes overwhelming, frightening or isolating when you are out of balance with the energy of the realm you’re in. Your energy can become too high a vibration to be compatible here – and that’s when difficult symptoms arise. In order to combat that, you simply need to ground your energies effectively so that you can become a bridge between heaven and earth by sustaining that high frequency energy with the grounded energy of the material world. Then you’re really awakened, because you’re master of all planes (although granted, it takes a little practice).

Symptoms Of Being Ungrounded During Spiritual Awakening:

Yep, being ungrounded during spiritual awakening really sucks. I know because I’ve been there. But the good news is that it CAN be rectified and your ascension process can become much gentler and easier. Take a look at the relief energy grounding can bring you (and it works FAST!)


The Benefits Of Grounding


  • Reduced anxiety/ overwhelm – This is a common symptom, created only from too much influx of energy in a body that can’t ground it. It creates a feeling of anxiety, burn out and overwhelm.
  • Balanced, functional psychic/ intuitive abilities Perhaps you’ve noticed that you’re super sensitive. Too much energy opens psychic and energetic channels that we haven’t gained proper control of yet. Grounding allows us to learn HOW to discover and UTILIZE the gifts we have in a healthy balanced way.
  • Improved cognitive function – When you’re too ungrounded your brain literally can’t catch up. There’s too much spiritual and energetic information coming into the system that it can’t process, put into order, or make sense of. Grounding allows your brain an opportunity to process all of the changes on the physical level and this helps us to fully understand the journey in a way that makes sense in normal daily life.
  • Balanced empathy – Being ungrounded during awakening puts empathy levels through the roof and makes the world feel too harsh and unbearable for sensitives like us.
  • Reduced emotional turmoil/ triggering Emotions run high during awakening. It seems around every corner is another trigger, drawing up fear and intense emotions. The higher you go, the more density is drawn up out of the system in order to elevate you there. It actually creates MORE emotional turmoil, and it happens much more quickly than we can handle. Slow it down with grounding. Make it manageable. You still have a life to live!
  • Aligns you with your purpose – Your soul purpose or life mission absolutely will not make itself clear to you, until spirit knows that you are ready. You need to be grounded in the physical, capable of taking appropriate action to fulfill the purpose or mission ahead of you. That can’t be done if you are so ungrounded that normal life is challenging. Ground yourself first, and it will become known to you because you are in a position to be able to actively DO something to bring it to fruition.


Grounding Was The KEY To TRANSFORMING My Awakening

I don’t know how I would have made it through without it. Once I got fully and appropriately grounded, everything changed – the challenging awakening symptoms and anxiety reduced massively, my life purpose suddenly became known to me, my psychic ability became clearer and more accurate, my healing ability improved and I was finally aligning with the life I knew I was supposed to live. You can too.

Our 7 day energy healing course, ’Grounded Awakenings’ can help with this.


Want Some Help With That?

Our FREE 5 day course will share EVERYTHING you need to know to TRANSFORM your awakening right now! Get it below…


Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
Why Traditional Grounding DOESN’T Work During Spiritual Awakening (& Why Its Vital For Ascension)
6 Ways Grounding Can Transform Your Spiritual Awakening!
Grounded Awakenings


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6 Reasons Why You Need Energy Grounding For Ascension