Inner Peace Meditation


4 Truths To Help You Embody Inner Peace & Reduce Stress During Spiritual Awakening


Inner peace is the long sought after holy grail of spiritual awakening. In the spiritual circle there is a presupposition that inner peace is a common and natural thing to posses, when conversely, the transformative process of spiritual awakening itself breeds the exact opposite (that is, until the healing phase is completed.)

We need to bust the misconception that the ascension process will instill any form of peace in us, because it wont, and instead embrace the fact that inner peace itself CAN be won, but that it is not going to be found while we are enduring the healing stage of awakening.


The Road To REAL Inner Peace Requires Work

Its not because we are undeserving of it, or that we are meant to suffer, but simply because there is a vital transmutation and healing required first in order for us to release all of the things that currently BLOCK us from inner peace. A true sense of peace cannot come from simply papering over the cracks. Awakening liberates us from the ability to fake anything, and we realize that stillness within can only come, not from imbuing a sort of false calm over a stormy internal, but instead from releasing all that causes there to be unnecessary chaos and turbulence to begin with. THAT is the key to calm. However naturally, due to the pain and arduousness of acknowledging, analyzing and releasing these blocks to our happiness, we become impatient.

In our current day and age, we’ve understandably grown accustomed to instant gratification – everything moves so fast that we’ve unintentionally developed an expectation that our desires will be delivered much more quickly than the natural timing actually requires. And so too do we presume that when awakening occurs, we will realign with the centered part of ourselves almost immediately and find relief, stillness, stability and calm within.

Instead, we find chaos, upset and stress.

At best we feel cheated, misled or lied to, and are left wondering why awakening isn’t the peaceful sense of wholeness we thought it would be. At worst, we question ourselves and assume that there must be something inherently wrong with us that has caused our awakening to go askew, leaving us feeling like a beaten and broken mess.

If you want to avoid that, or indeed, want to move yourself out of it, there are a few truths you need to know in order to ascend WITHOUT allowing the stress of the journey to keep you from arriving at your eventual goal. It wont make the stress of awakening (or life) disappear, but it will help you to manage it better when it rises up…


Truth #1 

Stress is temporary.

It might feel awful, and awakening really does push you to your limits, but it wont last forever. How you feel now is just an unavoidable stepping stone in the transition to becoming fully awakened. Remember that this phase is only one part of the journey, and once you ascend from this stage, you will leave this one behind. Know that no matter how challenging this feels, that it is only a moment, and this stress is a temporary feeling that will be alleviated when you move into future states of growth.


Truth # 2

Its IMPOSSIBLE to awaken WITHOUT feeling stressed, emotional or overwhelmed.

Seriously. Whoever set us up for believing that awakening was immediate and pain free was setting us up for failure – and be cautious of those who urge that awakening is easy – how can releasing the soul level pain and faulty belief systems of all of your lifetimes be a walk in the park? Hint, it can’t be. But it can be made more manageable to help you hold on to get to the other side. Its impossible because awakening stirs our emotions on purpose. Its going to dig up every emotional issue and feeling that is causing us pain, raise it to be known, felt and released and ultimately free us of it indefinitely.

You must acknowledge and feel the stress – the fear, the anger, the doubt, the confusion, the anxiety and the sadness. Everything that has been repressed and unexpressed will now come to the forefront to be RELEASED. If you can feel it, its already on its road out. Remember, what you can FEEL you can HEAL. If you are able to sense these emotions and feelings, you’re already succeeding at progression on the awakening pathway.

Although it feels awful and upsetting and unfair when we’re immersed in the stress of awakening, we need to cling to the knowing that in every moment that we FEEL the pressure of our feelings we are exactly where we’re meant to be and doing what we’re meant to do. It doesn’t mean you need to suffer unnecessarily. Do things that will help you feel better – watch a funny movie, go for a walk in nature, eat your favourite chocolate. Comfort yourself as much as possible, knowing that although its difficult, you are in that moment moving through another phase of the healing process, and therefore moving forward toward your goal.


Truth #3

You must practice ACCEPTANCE

The reason why awakening feels so tumultuous is because deep seated emotions and pains from the past must come up from the soul to be healed (this is what cleanses all of our chakras, giving us a clearer connection to Source and enabling us to channel divine love and light easily). Its easy to acknowledge the emotions that are at the surface – the ones that rise up and make us react in the moment in anger, or tears for example, but the real challenge is uprooting the hidden ones that we’ve buried or repressed. Often we don’t even realize that we have suppressed our feelings, but the trick is to notice when you seem to have a non-reaction to something that should be upsetting.

Begin by noticing what it is that you’re feeling, and come to terms with it simply by admitting to yourself that it is there and allowing yourself to feel the emotions without packing them down or pushing them away. When we start to scratch the surface, more emotional content can be found and we need to practice acceptance of whatever we find. This is particularly challenging when we bring judgement into the mix, and criticize ourselves for getting stressed over something small or seemingly insignificant, but dismissing these smaller reactions can cause an energetic build up that only serves to cause more blockages in our energy field, and holds us back from moving forward in our awakening. We need to bring these feelings from the unconscious to the conscious mind. Find the root, accept the things we can’t control, and navigate around what we can in order to minimize the effect that these stress inducers have.


Truth #4

Inner peace cannot be found, it must be REVEALED.

The inner peace that you seek is already within. That may sound like a cliche, but its true. You can’t find inner peace when your soul is buckling under the weight of so much emotional baggage, and if we’re really honest, you can’t find it on retreats or in the next new spiritual book, because its not about finding something external to give you that inner stillness, its about realizing that it IS and always WAS inside of you – centered and calm, still and certain.You CAN find peace, and you may still find moments of it throughout the awakening process, but you wont fully access that part of yourself until you work to actively release the stressors in your energy field, heart and mind, and fortunately awakening will draw that out of you as a natural part of the process. (I’ve created this months meditation to specifically help you to relax your body, de-stress your mind, heal unworthiness wounds and access your inner peace – you can check it out below.)

Then and only then will your body, mind and soul be able to be truly still within, because it will not be plagued by the pressures of the past. This is where you’ll find your center, which can still be disturbed by the pressures of modern life, but which is so at peace that it is able not only to cope but to flow with the changing nature of life, to adapt more easily free from the impacting drama of the past.


Want Some Help With That?

Our brand new guided meditation of energy healing is specifically created to relax your body, de-stress your mind and heal unworthiness wounds through all levels of your being.


Stress Worthiness Meditation

‘The Stress vs Worthiness Dichotomy’ Will Help You To:

  • Release stress, pressure and tension from your physical body, energy body and auric field
  • Ground your body and each chakra, anchoring you to Gaia
  • Let go of unnecessary rescuing, over compensating and depleting yourself for others
  • Feel and accept that YOU ARE WORTHY (and always have been)
  • Heal unworthiness wounds in YOU, your GENETIC LINE & your PAST LIFE selves for our most comprehensive and longest healing session yet (30 minutes of intense energy healing)


What Is It?

  • Think of it like a cross between an intuitive energy healing session and a relaxing guided meditation.
  • An energy healing session channeled directly from a collection of high vibrational guides, who are dedicated to assisting us through our awakening process.
  • A pre-recorded video full of healing, clearing and energetic adjustments.
  • A calm and relaxing meditation that is completed (regardless of distance or time) in around 30 minutes – our longest energy healing yet!


REMEMBER! The Stress vs Worthiness Dichotomy is only available for a few more days (ends Friday 3rd January).


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4 Truths To Help You Embody Inner Peace & Reduce Stress During Spiritual Awakening