Safe Psychic Interactions Spiritual Awakening

4 VITAL Things You Need To Know For Safe Psychic Experiences During Spiritual Awakening

*Read article below or alternatively watch the video instead…


So you’ve awakened, which is great (when you’re not struggling to keep up with it). Every psychic doorway in your system was automatically BLASTED open when your awakening began and has remained that way – whether you consciously feel intuitive or psychic or not. Due to that blast of Kundalini energy that erupted through your chakras and reached up towards the light above, you might feel more intuitive and open than ever, and that’s a good thing. Being open to psychic and intuitive gifts can give us signs, synchronicities, communication and visions which guide us along the awakening pathway and really help to propel us forward – provided it is energetically safe for us. We need to ensure that the information we are getting is accurate, that the energy we are connecting with is trustworthy and that there are psychic boundaries in place to protect us and allow us to ‘dip’ in and out of that space rather than be straddling two worlds and losing our grip on reality (hmm, I may have had some experience in that…)

But how do we foster that? Unfortunately within the spiritual community a belief has formed that implies that from the moment our psychic senses opened and intensified we should have full and total control over them, that we should immediately know how to ride that dragon and know how to use it like the ancient pros (who likely spent their entire lives honing their gifts and abilities). It doesn’t work that way. It takes time, it takes practice and it takes a LOT of mistake making to really get a handle on this thing. The ability might immediately switch on, but like any new skill it requires learning. Just like using a new tool, you need to learn how it works, how to handle it and how to read the manual. While you’re learning things can be pretty confusing, but its important to know that things will get better. My intuition is easily 10 times better and more accurate than it was before I began this journey. It will come.


4 VITAL Things You Need To Know For Safe Psychic Experiences During Awakening

EVERYTHING You Intuitively Pick Up On Is FILTERED Through Your Fears And Beliefs.

Yup. That means that any information you get right now is filtered through your fears, worries, past traumas, perceptions, judgements and beliefs. So that nugget of truth that came from spirit is now no longer a nugget of truth – it is a truth filtered THROUGH your perceptions. Just like many people can witness the same event and all have a slightly different perspective, many people could pick up on the same spiritual truth and perceive it differently. They would all have a different opinion on it. It would mean something different to each of them because of their life experiences and what they know, how they’ve been conditioned and even the behavioural patterns that they have.

Does that mean that you’re picking things up wrong? No, not necessarily. You’ll likely pick up on and interpret a lot accurately, but its important to remember that the information is coming to you through the lens of you and all of your fears and issues right now, so sometimes it can make things a little askew. That’s OK, because that’s how we learn to understand and interpret what comes to us, and its how I learned to hone my own intuition too. The good news is that awakening is a PURGING process, so awakening will naturally clear all of these fears and issues so that eventually you become an entirely clear channel for the Divine to pour through, accurately. By then it will be easy to clearly pick up on what you see, hear, feel or sense because it wont be clouded by old emotional baggage.

Its also important to note that this is often why many people have scary or frightening spiritual experiences during awakening. It is filtered through their beliefs and conditioning so fear tends to taint the truth as it comes through. If that’s happening, use it as an indicator of what your fears actually are, and use it to direct you in your healing and clearing to help you move forward.

*A healing or clearing practice on the awakening pathway will help you with this. My highest recommendation would be EFT tapping (an easily self applied energy healing technique). I’d never have made it through awakening without it! If you’re interested, we have a free course to teach you how to do it on yourself here.


Psychic Boundaries Are Vital

I mean that in every sense of the word. They are absolutely, non negotiably VITAL. I say this because I had no psychic boundaries what so ever (although granted, I didn’t actually know how to have real world boundaries at the time, never mind psychic ones). When my awakening blasted me open I became aware of this wonderful new world that I could escape to. It was the greatest relief and comfort in the world to be able to seek solace in my guides, to connect with my true self and to seek answers that would help me navigate my way in the real world.

The problem was that I was actually subconsciously attempting to avoid the real world by overly indulging in the spirit one. The more I meditated and connected and healed and used angel cards, the more the interaction was all around me. It got to the point where there was no time in the day or night where I couldn’t feel, sense or talk to spirit in some way, shape or form. It was my security blanket. It made being in the real world seem just a little bit less scary, but it caused a big problem. It meant that there was no switch off. There was no time when I was ‘offline’. There was no indicator to spirit of when this connection was appropriate or wanted or invited. There was no boundary to monitor who came in and when – and some of what I saw was starting to scare me. Some of the connections that were coming to me were definitely NOT invited.

It overtook my everyday life completely. It wasn’t until I went for a massage one day and suddenly realized that I couldn’t relax  because a spirit was there nattering away to me that I realized that it had to stop. It had practically driven me to madness and I felt I was no longer compatible with the earthly world and couldn’t resonate with anyone in it. I had to be in control of WHO I allowed into my spiritual space, WHEN I allowed them in and how deeply I allowed them in. You need to too.

* You can create psychic boundaries by connecting or meditating at the same time each day or week. Creating structure that shows spirit when you are open or available will help them respect your human life and needs. You can also use our guided meditation ‘The Christ Connection’ to create clear boundaries that open you up purposely and close you down appropriately at the end to set clear boundaries in your practice. This will stop the unpredictable and haphazard nature of things coming up spontaneously when you’re busy doing other things.


You Need To Be Protected

When your psychic centers open during awakening, they REALLY open. They become more active and open than ever before and that also means that new psychic levels become open to you. At first we’re much like a child in the earthly world. Unsure about what everything is, but generally quite fearless until we learn that fire burns and pain hurts. Its like that with exploring the spiritual world and the beings in it. Sometimes because we don’t know we can unintentionally connect to things that may not be for our highest good. We can also be fooled (but usually only once) by energies masquerading as something higher.

This isn’t something to be fearful of. You are safe. The spiritual world is safe too. But, much like you had to grow up in the earthly world and learn to be a little streetwise in order to KEEP yourself safe, you need to do the same thing in your spiritual practice. You always want to ensure that what you are connecting to is of the light. Our energies are very vulnerable to density during awakening and while nothing can truly hurt us, you wont feel so good if you get all clouded up by heavier or denser energies, so lets dodge that bullet well in advance.

*You can protect yourself by saying a prayer before any practice, invoking archangel Michael or asking any being that you connect with if they are of the light (generally they will scoot away quickly if they are not).

However, if you’d like further protection, you can check out our guided meditation ‘The Christ Connection’ which will lead you into a meditative state, connect you to the light and create a framework that FILTERS all of your connections and interactions through Creators energy in a safe, trustworthy space. It simply means that you don’t have to recite or remember anything, you just play the meditation, allow it to do the protecting, connect and interact and then allow it to ground you and enforce appropriate boundaries to finish.


You Need To Be Grounded

If I had only one piece of advice for you during awakening, this would be it. Grounding is vital during awakening because not only does it reduce our awakening symptoms, slow down that emotional roller coaster and help us gain control of the process, but it also stops us slipping into crises, spiritual emergency and psychological breakdowns.

If you do a lot of spiritual practice during awakening such as meditation, energy work or yoga you are massively overstimulating your already supercharged energies. I’ve seen too many people (myself included) who slipped into a spiritual emergency or mental breakdown simply because they didn’t know that too much of this energy would cause the body to breakdown in some way. Our bodies just can’t handle it. So while I generally encourage avoiding or limiting spiritual practices like meditation during awakening due to their charging nature, I also know that you probably need it, and there are times that I did too. The most important thing is to ensure that you continually ground yourself, and ESPECIALLY that you ground yourself after ANY spiritual or meditative practice. Prevention is better than cure and its much easier to manage your practices with grounding rather than try to deal with some form of spiritual breakdown which will take much longer to recover from. Please be very gentle with yourself.

*You can ground yourself by avoiding or removing energetically charging items from your space for a while such as crystals, incense and oils. You can also use this months meditation to safely and fully ground your energy back into your body and anchor your body to mother earth. A steady grounding practice will work wonders for your awakening.


Want Some Help With Creating Safe, Trustworthy Psychic Connections?

Hopefully you can take something from this article that will help you protect yourself in your practice, however if you’d like some more help and assistance, our new guided meditation ‘The Christ Connection’ might be useful to you.


The Christ Connection Guided Meditation Will Guide You There

If you’d like to connect to Christ light energy (or any other guide, being or ascended master) in a safe, guided way that will fully prepare you before, connect you during and close you safely and appropriately afterwards, this months meditation is for you. Not only is it a powerful way to open your crown chakra, connect to Christ consciousness and help you feel peace, inner stillness and stability within, but its also a multi use meditation in that you can use it before ANY healing, spiritual practice or meditation to protect and guide you throughout your awakening. It will literally lead you to a spiritual space where you can choose to connect to anyone – Christ, Creator, your angels and guides, ascended masters or soul family and you can do so knowing that you are safe, guided, grounded and protected throughout all of your interactions.


THE CHRIST CONNECTION – Tune into the potent Christ light energy this Christmas time

This guided meditation will help you to:

  • Open your crown chakra to higher dimensional healing
  • Strengthen your sacred connection to the Christ consciousness
  • Clear your energy body
  • Heighten your vibration to embody high vibrational white light
  • Safely ground, protect and open you before any healing, meditation or other spiritually open practices
  • Access peace, stillness and stability within


This guided meditation is for you if:

  • You’re not feeling as ‘connected’ as you feel you should be
  • You feel your crown chakra may be blocked
  • You struggle to create, feel or maintain a connection to a higher force
  • You find it difficult to feel peace, stillness or stability within
  • You’re uncertain on HOW to connect and want a meditation to guide you to connect safely and easily
  • You’d like to connect to the potent and beautiful Christ light energy that is so heightened at this sacred and special time of year.

This guided meditation can also be used as a meditative gateway to access higher connections.

You will be led through a protocol enabling you to connect to higher Divine forces and this can be repeated ANYTIME throughout your life to access connection, comfort and guidance with whoever you choose to connect to. It creates a SAFE space to contact higher energies and fully grounds and appropriately closes you at the end.


Are You Ready? 

If you’re eager to connect but want to do so safely with appropriate boundaries in place, you can check out our new guided meditation – that is exactly what its all focused around. Its different from our monthly meditations in that it is not designed to heal you but instead to open you up to connection. It can also be used in future before any spiritual practice, healing work or meditation to ensure that you are protected, guided, grounded and safe as you open yourself up. It will lead you to a meditative state where you are ready to connect, it will open your psychic senses, give you time to connect to whoever or whatever you wish (you will be instructed on when to call on that energy) and it will fully ground and appropriately close you on finishing.

If you want to take a look at ‘The Christ Connection’ guided meditation (which directly heals and clears these specific issues) you can do so here.


Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
* Healing The Broken Psyche – Illuminating Your Shadow Self
* Healing the Broken Psyche, Damaged Mind & Illuminating Shadow Self!
* Guided Meditation: The Christ Connection


If you enjoyed this article – save this PIN for later on your spiritual awakening board!

4 VITAL Things You Need To Know For Safe Psychic Experiences During Spiritual Awakening