Last Updated on December 17, 2024 by Kelly Ashley

4 Signs You Are Suffering From Soul Loss


Fragments of your soul have been lost!

It’s an unavoidable milestone in awakening to begin the journey back to wholeness. Now can be the time when you can finally be healed, find that completion within and authentically embody your higher, ascended self – IF you know HOW … (donā€™t worry, weā€™ll cover everything you need to know to do that in our FREE masterclass). It’s amazing the shifts that can occur from soul retrieval – we’d love to help you achieve that!

So, with that in mind, lets cover…


4 Key Signs You Are Suffering From Soul Loss


SIGN #1 – Often using terms such as ā€˜Iā€™m shatteredā€™, ā€˜I feel so scatteredā€™, ā€˜I was in bitsā€™, or ā€˜not togetherā€™

I hear these types of terms used so casually in my sessions with clients – often the client has no awareness of what their soul is highlighting through a throwaway statement in the moment. This is the soul alerting us to the fact that fracturing and soul loss is at play, and that the soul longs to be repaired in order to become whole once more.


SIGN #2 – You feel broken within, incomplete or like something is missing

This is a feeling that often arises, particularly in the beginning stages of awakening. As the soul awakens, it begins to become more fully aware of self, and more acutely aware of the fact that aspects of the soul are missing. This feeling is your soul calling you to find these forgotten aspects of self and to feel complete by fully reintegrating them. We cover how to do this in a super simple way (with no need for a Shaman) in our FREE masterclass here.


SIGN #3 – You feel depleted or exhausted on a very deep level

Awakening often causes us to feel incredibly tired no matter how much rest we get. This is often because we are sensing the exhaustion of the soul rather than the body. This feeling indicates a deep soul depletion that only re-calling lost aspects of our soul and energy can replenish.


SIGN #4 – Life feels empty, pointless or meaningless

When my clients tell me that life feels empty, itā€™s usually a red flag that they are suffering from soul loss. Itā€™s the result of becoming disconnected from self or having lost too much of oneself energetically. Vitality for life and a sense of meaning can only occur from regaining the lost aspects of self, which will create a sense of knowing who you really are and enable you to align with your unique soul path or mission.


We can help with any of the above! Our brand new energy healing meditation, ā€˜The Soul Retrieval Meditationā€™, will help you to reintegrate lost fragments of your soul, heal the psyche & replenish your life force energy!

You can check it out here.



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