3 Warning Signs Your Chakras Are Blocked, Mis-aligned or Closed


Let’s talk about chakra clearing.

If we’re truly honest, despite being spiritual souls, we rarely practice this vital self-care. Most often I’ve found that this is because in the past, it likely seemed to make no real difference. This is usually because we either try to clear our chakras with practices that simply aren’t powerful enough to truly refresh and realign our energies (more on this in the masterclass) or, most commonly, we just don’t know what the warning signs are alerting us to when our chakras need cleared. Well, today we are clearing away any confusion with 3 clear cut signs that your chakras need immediate attention (learn all this and MORE in our FREE masterclass here.


3 Warning Signs Your Chakras Are Blocked, Mis-aligned or Closed


SIGN #1: Physical health complaints

Blocked or obstructed flow of energy can at times, negatively impact the physical body. We can develop illness, ailments or aches and pains in the radius of the main chakra that is blocked, or experience problems in the bodily systems that the chakra governs. Often, during awakening we experience health complaints that defy modern medicine e.g nothing seems to work in treating them, or despite experiencing symptoms, they don’t show up in tests.

If the physical ailment is caused by an energy block, clearing the energy block can allow healing to occur (its awesome when that happens!) It’s common during awakening to experience a strange occurrence of seemingly worse ill health than ever before – while it can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, it is ultimately positive and shows that the energy body is attempting to clear and heal through the physical body (but always get any 3d health complaints checked by your doctor to be sure).


SIGN #2: Emotional health issues

If you find yourself unusually sensitive or erratically triggered in your emotional reaction, it is likely that awakening energies are attempting to move up through the chakra system to connect you to Source, and as they encounter blocks caused by old negative emotions, a surge of these emotions occurs. Regularly clearing and balancing your chakras can ease the intensity of these emotional purges when they occur and assist in healing.


SIGN #3: Energetic abnormalities

Feeling spacey, off balance, clumsy, drained, stuck or even uncoordinated can all be signs that your energy body is not in alignment. Perhaps you keep making mistakes, can’t concentrate or are getting confused. Your tolerance for handling life may be depleted and it may feel like life is falling apart. Maybe technology is malfunctioning around you or you keep getting electric shocks – these are all things that seem coincidental, but are signs that your energy is ‘off’ and needs immediate attention.

You chakra system won’t get any healthier without your intervention. Chakra blocks can last an entire lifetime (or many). Improve your energetic health, resonate at a higher frequency and move on up that awakening pathway by maintaining a clear and healthy chakra system.

I’m spilling all the details in our FREE masterclass below!


Sharing the information and guidance in our masterclass is really important to me because not only will you free the flow of your energy body, improving mental, physical and emotional health, but you’ll also activate the hidden, little known 9th and 12th chakras; connecting you to higher spiritual energies, increasing intuitive clarity and aligning you with the Universal energies too! – I’ll show you how in our masterclass!

Ready to get started on chakra clearning right now? Then check out our brand new energy healing meditation, ‘The Chakra Attunement Meditation’. It will help you to cleanse, balance & align your chakras & remove energetic blocks – we can get started in around 10 minutes time!

You can check it out here.



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The Crystal Frequency

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