3 Paradigm Shift Mistakes That Rob You Of Inner Peace
Earth is AWAKENING! The energetic paradigm shift that we’ve all been waiting for is
FINALLY here!!
It’s now Gaia’s turn to rise to a higher sphere of energetic resonance (and it could take us with it – IF we know how to align ourselves with Earth’s current transformational energies in the right way!) It could introduce us to a whole new experience of greater spiritual connection, psychic gifts and healing abilities, while aligning us more fully with truth and authenticity.
It’s a chance to resonate at a higher vibration in our daily lives, but… It brings with it cleansing energy so potent that means things are going to be unsteady, uncertain and unstable for a while as darkness and illusions are uncovered and truths are illuminated. It’s the energy of awakening – bold, brutally honest and sometimes jarring, but armed with the power to free you from all of the limitations and negativities that hold you back and keep you down.
You can entirely align yourself with these high frequency awakening energies
IF you know how (don’t worry, we’ll cover everything you need to know to do that in our FREE masterclass that you can watch here now). The Guides are keeping us in the know with updates to help us navigate this transition and better still, to use this energy to spiritually flourish – don’t miss what they’ve shared with us!
If we don’t energetically align with this new paradigm, we’re going to find the shifts and changes of this period of realignment very challenging. We must accept, embrace and move WITH these fluctuations, or resist and ignore, enduring a long exhausting battle in opposing these inevitable adjustments. If you do, you’ll open yourself the new spiritual opportunities to live more constantly in 5D reality, fully embodying your higher self and actively utilising your intuitive abilities!
Common Mistakes About The Energetic Shift
MISTAKE #1 – Blocking out darkness/ negativity
Running from darkness, negativity and conflict can often mean hiding from reality. Awakening reveals TRUTH to help us reconstruct life foundations that cannot be shaken, and sometimes that includes things that we’d rather not face. There are a lot of upsetting and stressful changes going on in our lives and the world right now and our ability to adapt relies massively on our willingness to look with open eyes. Full awareness is your POWER.
MISTAKE #2 – Denying your feelings and emotions
A natural coping mechanism during times of great stress is to shut our emotions down. Mute the feelings. Make it numb. In fact, most of us do this entirely unconsciously, and we’ve become so skilled at it that often we think that we are fine – but, lack of feeling can be the denial band aid that we place over emotions that we don’t want to acknowledge, fearing that they’d be too intense to bear. Again, this illusion not only disconnects us from our authentic selves but also leaves us powerless. In feeling your emotions, you acknowledge all that is. You are in full awareness of self. FEEL your emotions. Cry if you need to. You’ll find that when you do, much of the turbulence in your life dissolves, as the negative emotion that you were holding down has found a healthy way to be expressed without causing trouble as an excuse to be freed. Not sure how to do that? Don’t worry we cover how to do this in a super simple way in our FREE masterclass here.
MISTAKE #3 – Not embracing the inevitable changes (or aligning with them)
The energetic paradigm shift is here, and it will energetically move into a higher vibrational state with or without our cooperation. Yes, change can be scary, but if we face it, we realise that it will allow us to release the old, outdated and unsupportive ways, usher in new high vibrational white light and ultimately strengthen the foundations of our lives to incorporate a greater spiritual connection, authentic embodiment of our higher selves, actively utilising our spiritual gifts and abilities and even aligning with our life purpose!
Please avoid these mistakes. Don’t struggle against these changes. Use the Earth’s current ‘truth serum’ energies to TRANSFORM. Use them to catapult your awakening progress in a joyful forward motion.
Check out our FREE masterclass ‘Maintain Inner Peace Throughout Earth’s Energetic Paradigm Shift ’ by signing up below.
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