Entity Attachment: 26 Signs An Entity Or Spirit Is Attached To You (Key Signs & How To Clear It For Good!)
Entity attachment, waywards, demons, poltergeists and spirit attachments all sounds pretty scary, right?
Well, it CAN seem that way, and there’s certainly a lot of fear throughout global consciousness about negative forces, entity attachment and energies that can potentially attack us. Naturally, as sensitives we can sometimes get caught up in it too, which leaves us feeling vulnerable, afraid and tense, which is why today, I am starting this article with a safety energetic download to help anyone reading this article not only feel safe, but to activate an energetic shield to protect your energy while we delve into this topic…
Would you like to feel safe, grounded, secure and in control as you explore this information, while enforcing your own energetic boundary and spiritual shield to fully protect your energy?
Say YES to instantly download this energy, and take a moment with a few deep breaths to assimilate and accept it before we move on…
Ready? Ok.
So the first thing you need to know is that honestly, there’s really nothing to be afraid of (your’e probably thinking, ‘Easy for her to say’ – but I was hugely affected by energies like this when I began embarking on my life purpose. You can read my story here). There are a lot of spooky stories and scary perspectives out there, but it all just comes down to one thing – energy.
What Is an Entity?
An entity of any kind is just an energy.
And I say this right up front to help take some of the fear out of this topic. It might be a spirit who has lost his way, a traumatized soul who is seeking help and comfort, someone you knew in a past life with whom you have unresolved issues or karma with or even an extension of your own inner suppressed darkness (yes, our own shadow selves can absolutely cause these seeming hauntings too). They could be energies from this plane, higher or lower planes, a different dimension or even a different galaxy.
The truth is, no matter what you call it (or where it comes from) it’s really all just labels and it doesn’t matter. You can give it all the scary names that you want, but at the end of the day, it’s just energy, and we both know that energy CAN be cleared (and this months meditation is an entity clearing that can do it all for you – just set it and forget it for instant clearing).
More on that in a moment, but for now you might be wondering, ‘How will I know if there is an entity attached to me?’ It can be tricky to tell, and just because you can’t see it or sense it doesn’t mean it’s not there.
Just because you can’t see it or sense it doesn’t mean it’s not there.
We’ll take a look at some common signs and symptoms of entity attachment in a moment, but first, let’s talk about who it generally happens to…
Who Experiences Spirit/ Entity Attachment?
Attachment can ultimately happen to anyone, but tends to occur most frequently to people who:
- Are lightworkers, healers, empaths, intuitives and twin flames
- Have experienced trauma or abuse in their life (especially in childhood)
- Are overindulging in alcohol or recreational drugs (this tends to open the auric field allowing energies into our space)
- Are going through spiritual awakening or are following a spiritual path in life
- Anyone embarking on some sort of spiritual purpose e.g starting a healing business or spiritual social media channel, writing a spiritual book etc
For the average person, an energy attachment generally won’t cause much of a problem (in fact, most people have various entity attachments throughout their lives and don’t even notice. However, for those of us who would be considered energy sensitive, because we are aware of energy, it affects us more deeply. Not only that, but we are more prone to attachment simply because our energy is a higher vibrational frequency, so when lower vibrational beings see our light, it attracts them like moths to a flame. Some want to siphon our light for themselves, and some are simply looking for the light and become confused and disoriented when they see our vibrancy and hold on or attach hoping for help.
Common Signs & Symptoms Of Entity Or Spirit Attachment
Entity or spirit attachment generally shows up in 6 key areas – physical, emotional, mental, psychic, environmental and life. Lets break them down for a closer look so you can know for sure if you’re currently experiencing this phenomena…
Physical Signs Of Entity Or Spirit Attachment
- Feeling chronically tired, drained and depleted of energy (often with no seeming cause)
- Sudden onset of aches, pains and discomfort in the body
- Discovering scratches, bruises and marks on the body (often unable to identify the cause)
- Peculiar feelings or sensations such as buzzing, crawling or tingling sensations
- Sleep paralysis
Emotional Signs Of Entity Or Spirit Attachment
- Bursts of negative emotion such as anxiety, fear, guilt or panic attacks (again, seemingly without any real trigger)
- Low mood, depression or persistent sadness or sense of grief
- Relationship conflicts – uncharacteristically fighting, arguing or frequent miscommunication
- Feeling attacked or that someone or something is out to get you
- A gut feeling that something isn’t right (sometimes you just KNOW)
Mental Signs Of Entity Or Spirit Attachment
- Brain fog – inability to focus, feeling confused or dazed
- Disturbing dreams or nightmares
- Persistently noticing images of faces in unexpected places (e.g in a pattern on the wall, or leaves on the ground)
- Inner negative self talk and criticism, thoughts that don’t feel like yours
- Repeating patterns of self sabotage or negative behaviors
- Feeling detached, disassociated and unplugged from Source
Psychic Signs Of Entity Or Spirit Attachment
- Sensing a presence or feeling watched (even if there is nobody there)
- Seeing lights, orbs, mists, shadows, figures or silhouettes
- Feeling that you are being touched or tapped
- Feeling ungrounded or being unable to ground your energy no matter what you do (which is exactly why I included a full energy healing session to effectively ground your energies – even if nothing else has worked, in our signature course for those going through spiritual awakening).
Signs Of Entity Or Spirit Attachment In Your Environmental Surroundings
- Cold patches or areas in your home (even if your home is actually warm)
- Pets growling or looking at something that you can’t see
- Noises – tapping, knocking, footsteps or voices
- Bad smells that can’t be located – e.g body odour, cigarette smoke
- Electronic items glitching, malfunctioning or breaking
- Losing items that unexpectedly show up later
Signs Of Entity Or Spirit Attachment In Your Life
- Feeling blocked, unlucky and stuck or obstacles, challenges and setbacks constantly put in your way
- Life constantly being reset (finding yourself falling back to the beginning again no matter how much progress you make)
- Healing always interrupted or nothing works or lasts
- Attempts to remove entities always thwarted (it either doesn’t work or doesn’t last)
It important to note that not all of the above necessarily indicate entity attachment and could be caused by other things, so it’s important not only to remain rational by staying out of fear and taking in all available information, but also to take full responsibility for your own mental and physical health too. Always deal with the physical first by taking a common sense approach. Go to a doctor if you need to. Get your electrics checked. Always take care of yourself.
Common Mistakes To Avoid (these can make it worse!)
The main takeaway I want you to have from this article is to be less afraid – as we covered before, it’s only an energy and an energy can be cleared. However, I also know from personal experience just how frightening it can be – you can check out details of what happened to me here – if I got through it, you can too! So here is a definitive list of mistakes to avoid that I’m almost certain no one else in this field will tell you – why? Because it goes against EVERYTHING we’ve been taught about how to deal with these sorts of issues, but I promise you, this information is gleaned from my own experiences of entity attachment in spiritual awakening and working with 1:1 clients in sessions on these exact issues for around 10 years now – and don’t take my word for it – observe the reactions of the energy you’re trying to clear when using traditional methods and you’ll see it for yourself.
#1 – Don’t Feed It:
It’s easy to say, but not so easy to do – its entirely natural that when we sense something negative and understandably feel threatened we begin to become fearful, particularly when we can’t locate the source of it, but unfortunately the more fear and negativity that is generated within us, the more power we give to the entity. Do what you need to do to find a solution, but try not to ruminate over it, have lengthy discussions about it and definitely avoid shouting at or threatening the entity – all of these approaches simply give it more of your energy and make you feel powerless.
#2 – If You’re Going Through Spiritual Awakening – Don’t Use Traditional Methods:
I know this probably goes against everything you know, but honestly, for those of us on the ascension pathway, traditional methods such as using crystals, essential oils, sageing or meditating either won’t work, won’t last or can even make the problem worse (if this has been the case for you, please do share in the comments below!) Admittedly, these methods WILL work for the average person, but for those going through the awakening process, using anything designed to affect your energy will only serve to over stimulate your already highly volatile awakening energies, and what tends to happen is that it opens our auric field even more, it tunes us to our intuition more clearly (which would usually be something we’d want, but only serves to make you more susceptible to picking up on the psychic or energetic attack). These will make you more vulnerable to psychic attack, in some cases, allowing the entity to affect you more intensely.
#3 – Don’t Use Anger, Force Or Threats To Clear It:
Sometimes when we sense a negative energetic presence it understandably kicks our fight or flight response into high gear – but don’t give in to it. Approaching the situation (or directly communicating) with anger, force or threats will only feed the being with more negative energy, which can make any attacks more intense and frequent, but also, it approaches the situation with the same level of low vibrational and negative energy and we both know that energy can’t be raised or transmuted with the same density that created it.
Instead, do it the ‘light workers way’ – with compassion and respect. I know this may shock you at first, and it is the last thing you’ll want to do for something or someone that has caused drama and distress in your life. This doesn’t mean we’re accepting the behaviours they have exhibited towards us, but it does mean you have a much higher likelihood of actually getting this energy out of your space for good (which is the ultimate goal). If you approach it with anger and force, more negative karma is created – cords connecting to you and your space can be made maliciously and out of vindictiveness, but, I’ve found at least 9 times out of 10 that if you show them compassion, respect or even kindness, you often ‘wake them up’ from their negative haze and remind them of the light (which they either have forgotten exists or have never been able to find). This usually results in them wanting to leave of their own accord so they can move on to higher vibrations. Its quite an incredible thing to experience, and you can be reassured that by leaving through their own choice of free will, they will be gone for GOOD and you’ll never have to constantly battle with them by trying to use your own energy to force them to leave, only for them to stubbornly return, which is so often the push/ pull experience that ensues.
Need Some Help To Clear Entities, Waywards & Negative Forces From Your Energy?
If you’re ready to clear entities, waywards and other negative energies from your energy, ‘The Entity Clearing’ energy healing meditation will do it all for you while enforcing a protective energetic shield to reduce the chance of future attachments or attacks.
‘The Entity Clearing’ does it all for you…

> An energy clearing session channeled directly from a collection of high vibrational guides, who are dedicated to assisting us through our awakening process.
> An on demand video full of healing, clearing and energetic activations specifically to address attachment issues.
> A calm and relaxing meditation that is completed (regardless of distance or time) in under 20 minutes.
You can check it out and see if its a fit for you here.
Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
* Entity Attachment: How To Vanquish The Unexpected Darkness of Ascension
* 4 Reasons Why Manifesting Hasn’t Worked For You Yet (and how to super charge it instead!)
* 26 Signs of Waywards, Entities & Negative Spirits!
* Energy Healing Meditation: The Entity Clearing
If you enjoyed this article – save this PIN for later on your spiritual awakening board!
This was a good read I would like to explore more into auric subjects