10 Signs Your Heart Chakra Is Blocked Or Broken
Healing the heart chakra is one of the most important aspects of your awakening and ascension process. Not only is it vitally important (we literally CAN’T ascend, align with our life purpose or move forward without it) but its also the most painful.
That’s because when we heal the heart chakra we are delving deeper into our soul and psyche than we ever thought possible. When we heal the heart chakra, we open the deepest and most painful raw wounds within our soul (which is often why it is the most avoided part of awakening, causing us to run away or isolate ourselves). It hurts so painfully because these are not simply heart aches of this lifetime alone. In fact, often the pain that we sense within our hearts is the result of the initial trauma from the very FIRST time that we were hurt, eons ago in our early life experiences as a soul.
How Does The Heart Chakra Get Broken?
Your heart is still holding the hurt, betrayal or devastation from the first time it was ever broken, and that is the greatest pain of all. THAT is the pain that we carry with us throughout our lifetimes, beaming out a resonance that defines your life experience and creates a point of attraction – sending out vibrations and drawing similar experiences to us in a never ending pattern throughout our existence. No wonder we are all exhausted when the same themes have played out for us so. many. times.
Your Pain Is Your Greatest Guide…
My heart pain did not become fully realized to me until my awakening began. It started with some burning and aching throughout my chest which radiated into my back and shoulder blades. At certain points in my awakening when I was purging more deeply, this pain felt like a knife wound – like a sword through my chest that could never be removed – and it really hurt. It was a constant reminder that I had been hurt and damaged beyond all repair and that I would have to carry this pain throughout my life. *Its important to note that we experience many different aches and pains throughout awakening, but please take full responsibility for your physical health and get anything you are unsure of checked out by the medical profession.
I didn’t know it then, but my soul was actually showing me EXACTLY what needed to be healed in order for me to ascend, in order for me to free my heart to channel divine love and express the authenticity of who I really am. And guess what? Your soul is showing YOU exactly what you need to HEAL too!
Healing this pain will help us to fulfil our divine life purpose, but we don’t realize that when the pain is causing us so much discomfort. In fact you may have been getting some of the signs that your heart chakra is blocked or broken already. In order for you to recognize the message that your soul is giving you, let’s take a look at some of the most common signs that your heart chakra is damaged.
Signs that your heart chakra is broken or blocked include:
- Feeling disillusioned with love and relationships
- Feeling disappointed, let down or hopeless about love
- Still feeling the pain of a relationship long after it has ended
- Longing for someone you can’t have or can’t find
- Feeling unable to connect with others
- Feeling unable to trust
- Aching, burning, pain or tingling energy in your chest, heart, lungs or upper back (indicates heart chakra is very damaged)
- Recurrent health complications in your chest, heart, lungs or upper back e.g chest infections, heart attack, back pain
- Feeling or believing that love is painful, abusive or doesn’t last
- Feeling alone in the world
- Running away, isolating yourself, cutting people off or disconnecting
- Being unable to unite with your twin flame or soul mate
Do You Recognize Any Of Those Signs?
If you do it is a powerful indicator that your heart needs healing NOW. Not only is it an indicator that your soul needs healing, but it is alerting you to the fact that your heart is BROKEN. We all experience deep pain throughout life – disappointment, disillusionment and devastation are necessary parts of living and learning. However, carrying this brokenness with you stops the heart chakra from being a beacon of light and emitting the love of the divine because it cannot flow freely through a broken transmitter.
Imagine a lighthouse with a smashed bulb – it is still a lighthouse, it is still capable of channeling great power, it is still capable of guiding others to a safe place, of illuminating the darkness, just like we came here to do as light workers, but it can’t work with a broken bulb.
It’s not that the light is not there, it’s not that the light does not exist, it’s that the channel through which the light would pour is BROKEN. But, just like that lighthouse with the broken bulb that still wants to live its purpose and is still CAPABLE of living its purpose, it cannot fulfil its purpose until the bulb is repaired. And once it is, it will once again shine its light in far reaching and life altering ways. The same goes for you too.
Why Do I Need To Heal My Heart?
It’s about love. It’s about healing your heart to a level where it is so whole and complete, so clear and pure and free of pain that the love of the divine effortlessly pours through you openly and unconditionally.
The truth is that you don’t consciously HAVE TO heal your heart. The Universe will do it for you. The only downside to that is that the Universe has a knack for making it an earth shattering, painful and therefore memorable lesson (but don’t worry, there is another, much gentler way which we’ll cover in a moment).
Your Current Life Experience Is The Result Of Past Life Pain
The challenge is that we have lived so many lifetimes and had so many learning experiences that by the time we come here with the divine mission to make a change and help others, we are already carrying the heartache of multiple lifetimes full of tragedy, devastation and heartbreak. Any pain you experience NOW is a result of the painful experiences you have had BEFORE. Whether you remember it or not, all that plays out now in your life is the result of old trauma within you seeking to be healed. It will continually draw similar painful experiences that mirror the original trauma into your life until it comes to completion and you are healed.
Your Greatest Pain Becomes Your Point Of Attraction
Your heart has a massive electromagnetic field and a very powerful energy. This means that any pain held in the heart chakra is being sent out as your point of attraction and draws to you more of what caused the initial trauma. Consider it like a computer program which continues to play out over and over, seeking resolution, wanting to be fixed. We can play these themes out in our lives repeatedly until we fix the bugs and resolve the program (which I can assure you is MUCH more painful and disruptive), or we can heal the pain of the trauma that creates this point of attraction, and therefore change our connections with love, the things we draw into our lives, and our experience of loving relationships. Its the key to changing your life for good!
How To Heal Your Broken or Blocked Heart Chakra?
So are you ready to heal your broken heart? There are two main ways that you can do that:
- Allow the Universe to re-create these painful experiences in your current life experience and live them all over again or
- Actively HEAL your broken heart, unblocking your heart chakra, changing your point of attraction and doing so in a gentle way that positively impacts your life with the changes it will bring.
You have free will choice. You can allow the Universe to create these conditions in your physical life. Your soul will create the conditions necessary to repeat the same outdated painful patterns and play them in your life repeatedly until you get them right. However what I can tell you from experience is that it will be harder, it will be more painful, and it will take much longer for you to reach resolution and completion. This is one solution, and this is the way the Universe will play out the issues that need healed by your soul unless you intervene. Perhaps you have noticed these painful patterns have already played out in your life in some way already.
Energy Healing Is The Key To Healing The Broken Heart
By far the best, fastest, and easiest way to heal your broken heart is with energy healing. Talk therapy or counselling is NOT enough. We specifically need energy healing throughout awakening for two important reasons.
Energy healing plays two important parts:
- It clears and heals the pain in this CURRENT lifetime and
- It clears and heals the PAST life trauma that finally STOPS the pattern from playing out in future
You can’t do that with meditating or talk therapy. You need the double impact of energy healing to ensure that you don’t complete this current life healing only to be faced with having to repeat the process for your past life issues as well. Spiritual awakening is already long and challenging enough!
Are You Ready To Heal Your Heart Pain, Unblock Your Heart Chakra And Promote Love, Connection & Trust?
If you’d like some energy healing to begin healing your heart and changing the blueprint that creates your life experiences around love, you can check out our new meditation called ‘The Heart Pain Healing.’ Its an energy healing session that will help you to heal your broken heart, unblock the heart chakra and promote love, connection and trust in only 20 minutes! Its our most powerful healing to date!

Hey! If you liked this article you might also be interested in these other popular related resources:
* How To Unblock Your Heart Chakra & Channel Divine Love EFFORTLESSLY
* How to Unblock Your Heart Chakra!
* Healing Meditation: The Heart Pain Healing
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Is it my heart or root chakra or even my crown chakra that’s blocked when i feel disgust in sex? I hold back from my husband (of 29yrs) feeling he only wants 1x thing. I have a strong need to be held, cuddled & reassured he loves me but he’s Not very vocal about his feelings. Only answers ‘luv U 2’’ when I lead the way. Sex plays a big part in his life – pornos, jerking off daily & the older I get the more disgusted I feel. Is it me or is it him with the prob?