How To Save Yourself From Spiritual Awakening Breakdown (& its emotional roller coaster!)

Spiritual Awakening Breakdown Crisis


How To Save Yourself From Spiritual Awakening Breakdown (and its emotional roller coaster!)

If you’re here and you’re reading this then awakening has broken you in some way. Perhaps it’s become so all encompassing that it overpowers you, so intense that it overwhelms you, or maybe it’s broken you into little pieces that you’re not quite sure can ever be put back together again. If that’s where you are then I extend my deep, heartfelt love to you. I know where you are, I know how it feels, and you’re not alone (although I know it sure feels that way).

The truth is though, that your awakening is likely so earth shattering that nothing can really offer much in the way of comfort. Nothing can really reach that part inside of you (a part you never realized you had) that makes you feel safe, stable and secure. Nothing can really bring that emotional equilibrium back and so you’re clinging onto the bars of this emotional roller coaster in a wild, white knuckling ride. It’s scary, and we’re vulnerable in that. But, what I can tell you that I hope will really reach you, is the truth that it doesn’t have to be that way. Honest. (I’ve created a FREE course to show you how you can move out of the breakdown and into an awakening of balance and stability, but more on that in a moment).


My Spiritual Awakening Breakdown

When I went through my awakening experience, I had a breakdown too. In fact my awakening became so intense that I had a psychosis-like event. I went to a place where my emotions were so wild and unexplained that I thought I’d gone crazy. My body began breaking down. I was in constant pain and fatigue and my intuitive senses became so open that my psychic world and the real world blurred together in one big, confusing mess. I was constantly bombarded by psychic information that I didn’t invite, want or understand and the lack of boundaries not only frightened me but also made me question my sanity. I thought I’d never get out.

What I didn’t realize then was that the big, confusing mess of emotions, physical complications and psychic problems were all messages from my soul. I was literally being shown what needed to be healed, but by then I was so deep in the experience that I couldn’t see the wood for the trees. In fact, it wasn’t until I got properly grounded that I could make any sense of anything at all. If you haven’t done that yet, it’s vital in order to reduce your symptoms and make your awakening more stable. You can learn how in our other free course here.

The thing is that if, like me, you don’t understand what exactly is happening to you while it is happening, you not only become really insecure and afraid, but you’re at a loss to be able to do anything about it. We’re going to break this down so that you can untangle that mess and fully understand what’s happening to you and why.


Every Symptom You Have Has A Purpose

Your symptoms are not random. You’re not crazy, but you’ll feel that way until you can understand that every single symptom you have throughout your awakening has a purpose. Yes, every. single. one.


Each Symptom You Have Alerts You To Something That Needs To Be Healed

When you come through awakening, the soul begins a purging process designed to cleanse you to the depths of your core. It’s about cleaning off all of the pain and trauma you are carrying in your soul as a result of learning through each of your past lifetimes.

Your soul alerts you to what needs healed in 3 key ways:

  • Through your emotions
  • Through your physical body
  • Through your energy body

All that’s really happening here is that your soul is turning up the messages super loud. It’s urging you to heal now. It knows that if it makes the emotions strong enough, the pain uncomfortable enough and the energy powerful enough that you’ll just HAVE to do something about it. It’s a fail safe of the universe to ensure that you cannot fail to awaken. You will heal, simply because you cannot avoid it.


You Need To Deal With Your ‘Stuff’

The problem comes however when we don’t deal with our stuff. When we don’t have a way of clearing these past life issues out they start backing up on us, pilling higher and higher, get louder and stronger until eventually, they all topple down on top of us and we’re well and truly stuck.

You have to deal with your stuff. Seriously. You can’t move through awakening unless you deal with your stuff. Trust me, I know, not dealing with mine made me half mad. It just built up and up, gathered speed and then snowballed, knocking me down with it.


Healing Can Transform Your Awakening Experience!

Dealing with your stuff means healing something as it comes up, listening to it, taking care of it, soothing it. If you can do that with gentleness and care each time something comes up, 3 amazing things happen:

  • Your emotions calm down
  • Issues come up less frequently and
  • They are easy to deal with when they do

This means that as you commit to healing when your soul calls you to, you’ll become more calm, stable, confident and secure and your awakening will relax to a more manageable level. It will literally continue to get better and better. It will change your point of attraction. It’s the difference between a breakdown and a breakthrough.

Awakening is a purging process. These issues are going to come up regardless as par for the course. If you don’t deal with them you’ll stay stuck, unable to help yourself and unable to move forward. This is what keeps us stuck in karmic loops, repeating the same tired old life patterns over and over again. If you can commit to healing and helping yourself (even if you don’t quite know how yet) you can move forward, you can improve your awakening experience and you can get to the good stuff instead.


Ready To Move From Breakdown To Breakthrough?

Our FREE 5 day course can help you to release negative emotion, heal your soul and feel sane again. Get it below and lets get started!

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How To Save Yourself From Spiritual Awakening Breakdown (& its emotional roller coaster!)