Why Do I Feel So Bad During The New Moon?

New Moon Symptoms


Why Do I Feel So Bad During The New Moon?


So its a new moon. Great. It should be a time when as a member of the spiritual community we should all be honoring its energy, feeling connected and enlightened, and focusing on manifesting our desires for the coming month.

Well, it should be. But if that’s the case, why oh why am I unable to sleep, rolling around in anxiety and feeling like an emotional storm of fear and tears and terror is going to explode from my belly like some freaky sci-fi movie from the 80s?

Not. A. Good. Time.


The New Moon Doesn’t Affect Muggles

That’s because for the average person, the new moon is just a moon. For the average person, the new moon doesn’t really have much of an effect. But for those of us who are going through the awakening process, the new moon can be a full blown nightmare. It can turn us upside down and inside out on an emotional and energetic roller coaster ride that we can’t get off of for days.

It really can be hellish – but fear not, dear friend, because I know how it feels. That used to be my life experience – dreading the moon and what it could do to me without my conscious control or permission. But, I’ve managed to learn the pitfalls to this experience, and while you’ll probably always be a little sensitive to any astrological shifts (which is a good thing, I promise) there are some steps that you can take to make it easier when it happens, and to feel better in the process. I’ve created a FREE 5 day step by step course to help you do that, but more on that in a minute.


Why Does The New Moon Affect Me So Deeply?

So lets break it down, because when you can understand why it affects you in the way it does, you’ll probably feel a little better. This whole thing is way more scary when you don’t understand whats happening. The good news is that even though it seems chaotic and unsupportive and messy, there is actually a really important purpose and structure to the new moon having this effect on you, so let me explain why.

The new moon has 3 key functions that serve those of us going through the awakening process (although it sure doesn’t feel like it at the time).


It heightens our energies.

It gives us a beam of that high vibrational energy once a month in a short burst so that we can (over time) acclimatize to it and become accustomed to it. So in the beginning it is too intense and too high a vibration for us to sustain in our sensitive nature and state, but it continues to be drip fed to us, month after month until eventually we ARE the same vibrational energy. It helps us rise from the shadows to higher heights, and once we do, we are so in alignment with that energy (which has now become a natural part of who we are) that it doesn’t affect us negatively AT ALL. We align with it so much that it becomes more of a kinship, a comfort, a sameness. The moon literally pulls us up to rise with it in its heightened energetic space – but it does take time for our physical bodies and energies to catch up. And if you’re being negatively affected by the new moon, it just means you haven’t caught up yet, but you will, and the moon will help you do that.


It makes us more sensitive. 

The new moon really has a knack for making us painfully sensitive. You might notice that every sound rattles through you, every interaction triggers unwanted emotional upset, and no matter where you go you just can’t find peace. That’s because that pesky new moon is heightening your senses and intensifying your sensitivity. This can feel like some sort of cruel joke, but it actually has a really important purpose.

You see, it prepares you to be purged. There is no way that you can be purged and your energies can be cleared without being able to actively FEEL and REALIZE whats coming up for you. You need to be that sensitive, otherwise there are still issues and feelings that you could run away from, deny and ignore. This is a fail safe designed by the Universe to ensure that NOTHING gets missed on this ascension process. The Universe does this because that could be a serious threat. Imagine if further down the line when you are standing in your power, expressing your gifts and aligned with your life purpose, an old emotional wound from the past rose up and toppled you. Its not very conducive to your life purpose, and it threatens your soul mission. Much better (even though its massively uncomfortable) to clear you out well in advance of everything you will step into so that you are properly prepared, clear in your energy and authentic in your truth. That way, you’ll be a much purer channel for the divine.


It purges us of lower density energy.

When this higher vibrational energy comes into our space it opens every single one of our chakras through the center of the body. That means that the space right through the middle of you is wide OPEN. This is where old emotional issues surge up and intense feelings arise – maybe a wave of depression suddenly clouds over you and you don’t know why, or you become caught up mulling over the past and unexpectedly get upset. You’re not crazy and its not wrong. If you’re all triggered and emotionally messy, the new moon is actually doing its job perfectly. Its purging the old pains, hurts and emotions that cause density and darkness in our energies. Its literally pulling you up through the ascension process and knocking things loose as you go.

The good news is, there is no way on earth that you can possibly fail. The moon will ensure that you get where you’re going – simply because you can’t fight it or stop it or deny it – but it can be horrible and uneasy to feel such emotional turmoil. Don’t worry there are some things we can do to solve that!


How Does The New Moon Affect Us? (Common symptoms)

Ok, now you understand why the new moon affects you in the way it does. Hopefully you can see that there is an important purpose to that experience and that even though it absolutely sucks while its happening, it is actually helping you to ascend in the grand scheme of things. So now, lets talk about how this process actually affects us.

The new moon (or, any astrological event for that matter) can cause a variety of challenging symptoms, and it affects us on 3 different levels:



As the new moon opens our chakras and our bodies sense this influx of very high vibrational light energy, we tend to get massively ungrounded. This is because, like I stated before, we’re not aligned with it yet. It literally tries to lift us up to its vibrational level, and when it does that we become so ungrounded and charged with energy that we usually experience sleep problems, nausea and lots of anxiety.



When the new moon has opened our energies and heightened our sensitivities, next our emotional issues start to bubble to the surface. This means that emotional upsets, trauma, and negative belief systems from this lifetime or past start to filter into your awareness. This is where intense emotions and feelings tend to surge unexpectedly in response to things around you – or they may surge for seemingly no reason at all. This can make us feel pretty fragile during the new moon and tears, depression, fear and anger are common as they look to be released from your system.



The new moon can also be a time of unexplained fatigue, aches and pains, and old health complaints or injuries showing up again. Its natural that as we clear past pain and emotion that some of that is held within the physical body too. It could be that specific organs or body parts have been holding those unresolved emotions for you, or that you sustained injury or illness in a particular area in this lifetime or past. So any pain or discomfort is just your soul alerting you to the issue, showing you where the energetic block is in your physical body and attempting to release it. That being said, please be really responsible and take care of your physical health. Sometimes we do need the medical profession to intervene, even during the ascension process so if you’re worried about something, nip to the doctor and get a quick check just to be sure.


How To Get Grounded, Feel Better And Make It Through The Next New Moon Alive!

The new moon is going to do what it needs to do in order for you to fully ascend. There is nothing you can do about that. The purge still needs to happen, and healing still needs to take place, but what you can do, is fully ground your energy. Grounding your energy brings density to the physical body and anchors you to the physical reality. It kind of balances out the high vibrational energy that we can’t quite handle yet. So if you can properly ground your energy, you wont stop the purge from happening (nothing truly can) but you will feel much more stable and secure while its happening and it will take the experience from feeling chaotic and turbulent to much more manageable, and it will reduce your emotional and physical symptoms too.


Danger! Not All Grounding Methods Are Safe For Us During Awakening

Its important that you know that most traditional grounding methods don’t actually work for us during awakening, in fact, they can make our symptoms much worse and in extreme cases (like mine) can trigger spiritual emergency. Typical grounding suggestions like crystals, meditation and oils can actually stimulate us further, which ungrounds us even more, which makes more issues come up for healing more quickly and erratically. Its not good – trust me.

If you want to fully ground yourself to feel better right now, and to improve your experience for the next time the new moon comes around, then there are certain things that you want to remove from your energetic space. Nothing on earth will ground you during an astrological event as powerfully as simply avoiding additional stimulants. I’ve listed all of these in a step by step grounding course and I’ve included some tried and tested grounding methods that can make you feel better quickly when you’re in a fix. Check it out below and feel better soon!

If you enjoyed this article – save this PIN for later on your spiritual awakening board!

Why Do I Feel So Bad During The New Moon?

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