Why Cleansing Your Aura Is So Important


Let’s talk about aura cleansing.


What is the Aura?

Have you ever walked into a room and felt like something was off? Or have you ever felt the need to take a shower after dealing with someone who has a bad attitude or negative energy? This is often because, as human beings, we are surrounded by an auric field, which can be heavily impacted by our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Our auric field is bright and open when we feel good and think positive thoughts. But when we’re feeling down or having negative thoughts, it’s more closed off – think of it as this dark cloud that follows us around. Maybe you’ve heard someone say they think they’re getting sick because their aura is off. But what exactly are we talking about when we talk about auras?

Auras are layers of energy that surround the body in an oval-shaped field. They are made up of multiple layers of subtle, luminous radiation.

You may have heard the terms “biofield” or “energy field.” These words refer to the same thing as an aura.

Auras can be seen as luminous colors surrounding a person or object to some people. To others (including scientists), auras are typically invisible to the naked eye but can be seen with special tools and technology.

The concept of auras is most often associated with New Age spirituality, but in truth, people from many different cultures and religions have talked about seeing auras.

As a result, there are several different explanations for what an aura actually is. Whether it’s a vibration in the atmosphere around the body or just a stream of energy that mirrors our moods and feelings, auras are a fascinating phenomenon. It might be hard to measure them or prove their existence, but there is no denying that other people seem to see auras, too.


How to Tell If You Need An Aura Cleansing (3 signs)

Aura cleansings are an important part of spiritual practice because they help you remove negative energy from your body and prevent it from attaching itself to you.

Performing aura cleansing is easy, but recognizing its need can sometimes be a little more difficult. Here are three signs that it’s time to cleanse your aura so that you can keep yourself spiritually healthy.

  1. When you feel that it’s time to cleanse your aura, trust that feeling, even if you don’t know why. If you’re practicing regularly, your intuition will let you know when it’s time to cleanse your aura.
  2. If you’ve recently had an argument or been around negative energy, you should cleanse your aura as soon as possible. This will help protect you from taking on the negativity from others and will keep it from lingering in your home or workspace.
  3. If you’re not feeling well emotionally or physically, an aura cleansing could be just what you need. By removing negative energy from your body and supporting your chakras, aura cleansing can improve your stress levels and help rid feelings of sadness or anxiety.

If you are feeling any of these negative feelings and emotions, it is a sign that there are negative energies around you that need to be removed. Do not continue living with them. Get your aura cleaned as soon as possible for a better and more positive future!


Why Cleansing Your Aura Is Important

Aura cleansing is a great way to remove negative energy from your aura. It helps to clear out any negative energy, restore your natural aura (which is a beautiful shade of gold) and provide you with a sense of peace.

Here are some of the reasons why clearing your aura is so important:

  • It helps you stay connected to your spiritual self and keeps you grounded in the present moment.
  • It allows you to release negative energy that can build up in your body over time. This includes things like stress, anxiety, fear, anger, resentment, and other harmful emotions to your health and well-being.
  • It helps keep you balanced and balanced people tend to be happier with themselves and their lives overall.

Clearing your energy field helps you energetically release negative emotions and patterns that are holding you back while also helping to manage any stressful circumstances in your life better. Cleansing the aura will allow positive energy to flow around you more often, so you can be happier, healthier and more productive with less stress and negativity.


But how can we cleanse our aura? I’m spilling all the details in our FREE masterclass!


Ready to get started on aura cleansing right now? Then check out our brand new energy healing meditation, ‘Aura Cleansing Meditation’. It will help you to focus your mind and body, allow your spirit to clear disruptive levels of stress, and bring in healing energy from the universe – we can get started in around 10 minutes time!



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