Which Chakra Is Blocked?


Your main chakras may be blocked, misaligned or even completely closed!!

Spiritual awakening brings with it a multitude of changes, unique to the individual, that are completely life altering at worst, and challenging at best. But one change that is universal for all on the awakening pathway is that of the energy body.

The energy body is forevermore highly sensitive, intuitively attuned and acutely energetically perceptive. This means that we no longer have the luxury of ignoring our energy system and its care and maintenance. Now, the environment we’re in can throw off our mood, being in the vicinity of disharmony or crowds can drain our life force and we feel the negative impact of unnatural substances in our household products and food in our daily lives.

Now, more than ever, we need to know the warning signs of blocked, misaligned or even closed chakras so that we can quickly take action, clear the obstruction and get our precious energies flowing freely again, keeping us grounded, connected to Source and in alignment with our higher selves. Check the list below to see if any of your chakras are blocked…



Feeling spacey, clumsy, confused or feeling afraid to be in your body. Fear and anxiety. Feeling insecure or unsupported in life. Commonly causes ‘survival’ fears around money, shelter, food and needs.

Creatively uninspired. Feeling like you don’t know your career or purpose. Unable to align with your life path or experience joy.

Feeling that you don’t know who you are, self doubt, difficulty making decisions, fearful of expressing your true authentic self. Low self esteem and feeling powerless.

Struggle to make or maintain connection with others. Unable to move on. Holding grudges, feeling resentful, hurt, heart broken or unable to forgive.

Afraid to speak your truth or beliefs, fearful of judgment. Unable to stand up for yourself. Difficulty communicating and expressing emotions.

3rd EYE:
Intuitive abilities are blocked, lacking or unreliable. Difficulty trusting psychic senses.

Feeling isolated or spiritually disconnected. Struggling to connect with higher realms (Source, Guides, Soul Family or the Angels etc) Feeling stuck in awakening.


Do you resonate with any of the above? It could be a sign that one or more of your chakras are blocked, misaligned or completely closed – but don’t worry, we can help!


Our brand new energy healing meditation, ‘The Chakra Attunement Meditation’, will help you to cleanse, balance & align your chakras & remove energietic blocks!

You can check it out here.



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The Chakra Ascension Meditation

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The Crystal Frequency

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