Were YOU Spiritually Aware Before Birth?
Were YOU spiritually aware before birth?
It sounds like some sort of sci-fi movie, but I’ve found time and time again that we WERE spiritually aware in utero and we DO remember the pains, fears and insecurities we had then (on an unconscious level).
Through sessions with clients over the years, I’ve found that our souls were awake, listening and perceiving from the womb. Often when we dig into a client’s deep routed emotional pains, we find it began BEFORE birth, in moments where they energetically perceived their parents’ fears, anxieties, conflict or even rejections.
In those moments, energetically powerful assumptions about ourselves, the world and life were made and which remain within our psyche to this day. Beliefs like, ‘the world is an unsafe place,’ ‘I’m unwanted’ or even ‘I’m unloved’ are often the result of our souls sensing the energies of the world we are about to be born into. This is pre-birth consciousness trauma – pain experienced by the soul BEFORE you were born.
Of course, our assumptions from that pre-birth standpoint are not always correct, however, in clearing these negative feelings from the energy body we often find a new perspective, greater truth, compassion and understanding and the weight of a sensed but never known burden, lifted (not to mention it totally transforms your point of attraction to draw much more positive things to you too!)
Think of a feeling or life pattern that has always been with you. Perhaps you’ve always felt rejected, or worthless, maybe you’ve never been able to truly connect with another person, or have spent your life fearing the world and feeling unsafe. We all carry a different wound.
If you can’t ever remember NOT feeling this way, it’s highly likely that it is the result of pre-birth consciousness trauma. Unfortunately, it creates an energy blueprint that sets for LIFE, and that painful energy can dictate the type of experiences that you’ll draw towards you, so you’ll likely attract the same hurtful situations over and over again. Sadly, this just perpetuates the hurt and holds you back from ascension (negative emotion keeps us stuck in lower vibrations, unable to ascend) PLUS we often pass it on to our kids too (if this is your experience – don’t worry, in our FREE masterclass here, we’ll show you how!)
When we heal our pre-birth selves, we heal our earliest traumatic wounds and repair our starting point in life. We free ourselves from the limiting identity these wounds created. We show the Universe that we are committed to our awakening process and that we’re willing to heal as far back as is necessary to truly reach our fully awakened potential. We show our souls that it’s time to see past illusions that filtered our perception for a lifetime, and so, from this newly awakened truth perspective, things begin to shift… it’s amazing! Are YOU ready?
I’m spilling all the details in our FREE masterclass below!
Sharing the information and guidance in our masterclass is really important to me because you don’t need to continue the life limiting energetic blueprint that was created by emotional pre-birth pain. You can create a whole new energetic life plan, drawing new, more positive vibrations into your life and renewing your zest for it too! – I’ll show you how in our masterclass!
Ready to get started on healing your pre-birth pain right now? Then check out our brand new energy healing meditation, ‘The Pre-birth Consciousness Healing’. It will help you to heal trauma and emotional pain sustained prior to birth, change your life energy blueprint & raise your emotional vibration – we can get started in around 10 minutes time!
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