Space Clearing Mistakes Keeping You STUCK In Negativity
The purge (our global cleansing of negative energy) is HERE.
It offers us an opportunity to shift up an energetic level into a higher, happier and more positive vibration – IF we release these negative energies and then CLEANSE them in the right way. (We did a FREE space clearing masterclass that you seriously need to watch if you want to get clearing ASAP! Watch it by signing up below.)
If we don’t, we’re going to find ourselves stuck in the same old negative patterns that we are so desperate to rise from during spiritual awakening – the same upsetting emotional issues, the same limiting mind-set, the same meaningless ‘is this all there is?’ feeling.
Why would we ever hang around in a toxic environment that holds us back and makes us feel crap on a daily basis? So, let’s not.
However, if we’re going to move out of this lower vibration we need to watch out for some pitfalls, and fortunately, I made plenty of them on my awakening journey so can sidestep them entirely. Let’s take a look.
MISTAKE #1 – No energy clearing – ever.
Believe it or not, this is more common than you’d think within the spiritual awakening community. Many of us (myself included at one time) just don’t do any form of energy or space clearing, ever. The problem with that is that it gives us a false sense of security. We think that this lower vibe (which we’re not even aware of) is normal, and it sets us up to accept excess negativity, toxicity and all the problems that come with it as standard in life. Energy congestion affects your mood and restricts your awakening progress and with the speed at which we are currently being purged, space clearing must become a standard part of your spiritual awakening survival kit.
MISTAKE #2 – Using traditional methods of energy and space clearing.
Let’s get one thing straight. I love incense and sage and crystals and essential oils and even Tibetan singing bowls, but when it comes to space clearing (particularly during a purge of this magnitude) they are just. Not. Enough. They don’t tackle the EMOTIONS that created the negative resonance in the first place, so no matter what you do, the energies of the space will ALWAYS revert back to the path of least resistance, which is what it knows best – negativity. Without addressing the emotional patterns of the home space, you’ll wind up having to do energy clearing all the time, and any clear feeling results will tend to be short lived.
MISTAKE #3 – Not re-programming the energy of the space.
This is the missing piece that holds the key to longer lasting energy clearing and good feeling in a home. You must clear the negative energy and then RE-PROGRAM it to something more positive. It’s a bit like having to teach your home what positivity feels like. If your home has never been particularly harmonious or peaceful, how can it project that energy? It doesn’t know HOW. Instead, we program the energy of the home with energy healing so that it can not only stay clear for longer, but can also RESONATE the energies of things like calm, relaxation and comfort as standard, leaving you (and any other inhabitants) feeling ‘ahhh’ instead of ‘euww’.
Check out our FREE masterclass ‘Make Your Home Your Spiritual Temple With Space Clearing!’ by signing up below.
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