Last Updated on May 17, 2024 by Kelly Ashley

Negative Energy Cords: Do YOU Have Them?


Have you heard about how negative energy cords can keep you stuck in low vibrational energy? You seriously need to know about this, especially if you’re on the spiritual awakening pathway – so let’s get started!


What are energy cords?

Energetic cords are invisible threads of energy that connect to people, places or things. These can be positive e.g the positive connection between a mother and her child, or two best friends, but it can also be negative e.g between a narcissist and empath, which is when it can cause a problem.

Energy cords keep a continual balanced energetic transfer of energies between the two parties. In a positive relationship this is healthy, happy and beneficial for both people, however, when this exists in a negative relationship, it can steal energy away from you, depleting your energy levels and leaving you feeling drained and exhausted (often without knowing why) – it’s only those created by dynamics that are unhealthy or toxic that drain our life force energy and rob us of fully owning our own personal power. Here are some of the types of situations that cause negative energetic cords which require cutting:


  • When boundaries are not respected or adhered to
  • When manipulation, guilt tactics, gaslighting or abuse is involved
  • When obligation, judgement or unconstructive criticism is at play


It’s also likely if:

  • You’re an empath or sensitive soul
  • You struggle to set boundaries with others
  • You find it difficult to say ‘no’ (or feel guilty saying it)
  • You have people pleasing tendencies
  • You dislike or avoid confrontation or conflict
  • You’ve been told you’re ‘too nice’


It’s challenging to escape from the negative influence of others – especially if you’re a good person and hold yourself to strong moral principles, but please know – you can be assertive AND a good person at the same time. Stop allowing others to take from you the precious energy that YOU need to sustain yourself. Cut the cords, regain all fragments of your energy, set healthy and respectful boundaries and THEN, when you are whole, you can help others as you feel guided without harming your energies in the process. Now, that’s ASCENSION!

I’m spilling all the details in our FREE masterclass below!


You don’t need to be drained and exhausted, and you don’t need to let others steal your precious energy in order to be a good person either. It’s time to reclaim your personal power and stand strong as the ascended soul that you truly are! From that standpoint of strength, living without feeling obligated or pushed around or overwhelmed, you’ll be able to fully embody your higher self, helping and assisting others as you feel GUIDED, rather than obligated. – I’ll show you how in our masterclass!

Ready to get started on cutting old energetic cords right now? Then check out our brand new energy healing meditation, ‘The Compassionate Cord Cutting’. It will help you to compassionately cut energetic cords to unhealthy or toxic relationships, reclaim stolen energy and stand in your personal power – we can get started in around 10 minutes time!

You can check it out here.



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