How To Get Through A Dark Night Of The Soul
A dark night of the soul is the spiritual initiation (and journey of transformation) that you’ve been waiting for!
But, it can be so overwhelming that often the intensity of the experience leaves us so confused that we just can’t find our way through it. I don’t want you to miss our awesome FREE dark night of the soul masterclass – in it, we share exactly what you need to know to get through it, recover, and align with the light once more – this is serious ‘need to know’ info for those going through spiritual awakening!
A dark night of the soul really is the spiritual initiation and journey of transformation that you’ve been waiting for. It means you are shedding the old outdated and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back, it means you are asking the questions required for true awakening from illusion, it means you are ready to let go of every false crutch and every negative energy that no longer serves or supports you in blossoming into the enlightened being that you truly are… but, it’s also one of the greatest challenges you’ll face in awakening, so here are our tried and tested 4 steps to get you through.
It’s easy, just follow our special 4 step process!
STEP 1 – Ground your energies
If you’re currently experiencing a dark night of the soul, the #1 most important thing for you to do right now is to ground your energies. A dark night of the soul ‘shatters’ the ego, and in doing so can fragment the soul’s energy leaving it scattered, creating feelings of insecurity, weakness and instability. Grounding your energies is the first thing that can help to make you feel secure, centred and strong again. You can do this by walking in nature, using tea tree oil or by using energy healing – we’ve found healing to be the fastest and most effective solution because it can reprogram your energies for their newly awakened state, which means the grounding is more effective and long lasting (don’t worry, we’ll cover how to do this in our FREE masterclass).
STEP 2 – Take excellent care of the 3D physical body
The overwhelming intensity of a dark night of the soul can often lead to neglect of the 3D physical body. However, if we take good and proper care of our 3D vehicle at this time, we can begin the healing process. Eating heavier meals packed with good fats, meats (if possible) and root vegetables will assist in supporting the physical body and further grounding the energies, as will exercise (movement shifts energy). Above all, rest where possible, giving the physical body the support required to recover.
STEP 3 – Use energy healing to create shifts and move through energetic blocks
A dark night of the soul will naturally release LOTS of negative energy stored within the energy body (which is why it often brings such intense emotions). However, energy healing can assist in clearing any blocks to help you move through the energy more quickly and easily, and can reduce the intensity of the accompanying emotions too. It can replenish and rebuild the energy system to bring stability, centredness and clarity to the soul.
STEP 4 – Look for the signs
I know that during this challenging process that your faith will be tested, and at times it may feel like there is no higher spiritual force there for you at all, but still, look for the signs! The Universe and your Guides are ALWAYS communicating with you, but when the we’re so overwhelmed and preoccupied, sometimes we miss the signs that could be the answers we so desperately need. Don’t be afraid to ask for a sign too – your Guides will be ready and waiting to help.
But how do we put it all together? Simple, quick and easy. We use energy healing to ground your energies, centre the soul and align with the light once more.
Ready to begin right now? We can do it all for you! Check out our all new, energy healing meditation, ‘The Dark Night Of The Soul Illumination’ that you can use repeatedly throughout your awakening to comfort your spirit, replenish your soul and find purpose and meaning in life!
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