How I Reached 5d Consciousness – And YOU Can Too!


Let’s talk about 5d. It’s a higher state of consciousness – not a place, but a higher vibrational living experience. You’ve most likely already had moments of it throughout your awakening journey – you know those moments where you get an unquestionable sign from the Universe, or when you see the meaning and connection in something specific, or when life is brighter and you just feel, somehow, like you’ve gone ‘up’ a level energetically? Well, THAT is 5D.

Trouble is, it’s not that easy to come by, and even more difficult to remain in – particularly in the lower density of our usual 3D experience.

I had that problem too. Every time I got to some form of a ‘high’ in my awakening experience – just when everything started to feel like it might turn out good, the wave would inevitably crash, and I’d find myself ground back down into cold, hard reality with some drama, conflict, emotional upset or problem that felt so devoid of spiritual connection or guidance. It was soul destroying.

It didn’t make sense to me that I could reach these energetic highs and feel so in alignment with the Universe to then be crushed back down to such a low vibration. No matter how hard I tried to maintain that higher vibration I’d always inevitably lose it. It was exhausting, demoralizing and to be totally honest, it really made me question if I was even going through an awakening at all (if this is YOUR experience – don’t worry, it doesn’t need to be that way, and in our FREE masterclass, we’ll show you how to shift it).


Unfortunately, this relentless rollercoaster of highs and lows continued… for YEARS. I just couldn’t get the hang of it and I secretly felt like some sort of spiritual failure.

That was, until I finally woke up to what was really going on. See, it wasn’t me that was the problem. The problem was that my soul was desperately trying to ascend, but the human part of me was carrying so much emotional baggage, pain and trauma that my soul could only ascend so high, until inevitably, the weight of the low vibrational baggage caused me to plummet back down to earth.

It was the CONFLICT between these two aspects that caused the highs and lows. My energies didn’t know how to TRANSITION from one vibration to the next, so I was literally living through an internal energetic tug of war, and no matter how high or low I went, it was a waste of time, because it wasn’t ultimately leading me FORWARD.

Once I ‘taught’ my energies how to let go of the 3d baggage and actually transition from 3d to 5d, it began to happen. And it wasn’t how you’d think moving into 5d would be. It was subtle. I noticed in the tiniest of moments… Like suddenly realizing the world around looked hyper-real and super colourful, or getting a sign from the Universe that amazed and delighted me so much that I wondered why no one else was reacting, or just in feeling happier and noticing that things are GOOD! It’s a wonderful dream-like feeling.


Here are some of the ‘awe’some things that can occur when we shift into 5d consciousness:

  • More peace, harmony and stillness in our lives
  • Being guided by the Universe with messages and signs
  • Synchronistic abundance
  • Feeling joyful within
  • Heightened intuition
  • Finding meaning and synchronicity in life
  • Blissful moments of ‘heaven on earth

It’s really meaningful to me to be able to share with you how to reach 5d, because I remember the utter exhaustion and hopelessness of coming through another ‘darkness’ or challenge and realising I’d have to start my ascent all over again, when I had no energy left. There were times when I wasn’t sure I’d make it.

You don’t need to keep on climbing and falling back down in your spiritual awakening. 5d is ALREADY accessible to you, you just need to learn how to resonate there more frequently and for longer periods of time – and it’s surprisingly easy – I’ll show you how in our masterclass!

Check out our FREE masterclass ‘How to Shift Into 5d Reality!’ by signing up below.



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