How I Fully Activated My Light Worker Gifts & Abilities (WITHOUT hours of meditation!)
Today I’d like to share with you how I got here. Its not as glamorous or as perfect as you’d think.
In fact, I spent YEARS of my life struggling to align with the spiritual part of myself (I even used to completely hide it!) Before my awakening began (or, before I even knew what that was) I had this sense that there was something I was supposed to do. I had this calling, yearning, desperate panic to find it, but no matter where I looked or what spiritual avenue I went down, I could never find it – and I felt like time was running out.
I tried everything to try to align with the stunted spiritual part of me that was so alive inside. I read a million different spiritual books, I went to psychic development circles, I meditated for hours, I did healing on myself every day, I completed every single energy healing training I could possibly find (they were so much fun), I did angel card training, mediumship training, intuitive healer training… you name it.
And they were all really fun and cool experiences. But still, something within me didn’t feel right. I struggled with my intuition. In most of the classes the information I picked up was a hit or a miss. I felt like I should have a powerful healing ability that could help so many people (I wanted to do that more than anything) but the results were always frustratingly lacking.
I couldn’t understand why so much of me felt like it was missing…
Because IT WAS.
And then… awakening hit. KABOOM!
My spiritual awakening began and suddenly my intuition and psychic ability went sky high, my healing had improved ten-fold, I could sense my Spirit Guides leading me to a brighter reality and, best of all, my life purpose and the entire plan for Spiritual Awakening Signs seemed to illuminate my mind in moments. In all honesty, it took longer to write it down!
Like I always say, while that experience was simultaneously crazy and absolutely wonderful, and I was immensely grateful to have finally found what I was searching for, it didn’t make life perfect. Life still had its challenges, its ups and downs, but the building blocks of my life had improved, and despite the fact that life was still an ever-changing adjustment, I had gotten my wish. I had finally aligned with the spiritual aspects of myself – the light worker within. (FYI – if you’d like to learn how to activate this within yourself too, check out our FREE masterclass which you can access below! We got an AMAZING response!)
But after the shimmer calmed and I acclimatized to this new life, a question arose in me.
Why, after all those years of spiritual practice and training and healing, did nothing work? Why had I barely been able to make any form of spiritual progress? What was the missing ingredient?
I’ve consequently discovered that there wasn’t one missing ingredient, there were two.
It was about energy healing AND awakening. That had been the real alchemy of this incredible experience.
Energy healing alone had been good, and awakening had been crazy but meaningful, but awakening PLUS energy healing created a cataclysmic explosion of miracle proportions that created all of these positive changes. Something about that specific mix had bubbled and fizzed to create some sort of activation potion.
The great news is that you can experience this too! In fact, by already going through the awakening process you are already half way there!! (If you’d like to learn more on how to do this, we did an awesome webinar last week that you can watch here!)
Here are some of the awesome things that often occur as a result of light worker activation:
- Intuitive abilities emerge or improve
- Healing abilities emerge or improve
- Communication abilities improve
- Align with life purpose/ spiritual mission (which is your greatest joy!)
I’m so passionate to share with you my experience of light worker activation because I know how incredibly frustrating it can be to feel that you have a purpose with no apparent way to fulfill it. I know how confusing it can be to sense that you SHOULD have some form of power or ability, yet being unable to find (or develop it).
You don’t need to search anymore. Its already ALL within you. You’ve already found it. You just need to ACTIVATE it!
Check out our FREE masterclass ‘Activate the Light Worker Within & Your Spiritual Superpowers!’ by signing up below.
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